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Everything posted by Shloim

  1. Global Saturday mornings there is a few hours worth back to back
  2. Ok, we are heading up this Saturday for some cottage checking and a bit of fishing. My buddy although a solid and great guy is not well known for his skills at getting up early. So, I dont expect to be there much before lunch time. Im bringing a 7' MH and some nasty hot dogs that I will take out a few days prior. Im open to suggestions as it seems most of the advice Ive received has been spot on so far! Thanks Sheldon
  3. What I'd love to try to do is exactly as described successfully be able to go and target specific species. Its a great fishery and I've had days where I've literally caught 8 different species within 1 square km. So I'm looking for tips on doing just that. I'm a rookie and trying to figure out a lifetime of fishing overnight...
  4. Ok I've been fishing this area for a few years now. I often have incredible mornings but can't ever figure out a) where the big ones are, (seems to change all the time) how to target specific fish (ie pike and walleye and channel cats). There has to be a way to figure it out.I have had no luck it seems ever cast is able to produce a different fish on those waters. I don't want to target fish that are out of season but some of my biggest fish caught were on set ups meant for other species. What I'm saying is for me there is no telling there.... Any suggestions?
  5. Yeah Johnny Joselyn and I have some pretty good mutual friends, those couple of times I went to lake st.clair (I asked you about it once) we fished along side of him too. Hes recommending I get an Lowrance elite 4 (with an ice kit option) up front and use the built in transducer in my trolling motor and a 7" at the helm. The biggest bonus from dealing with him is indeed the customer service, especially if Im able to wrangle some preferred treatment.... Also johnny when I bought the boat, it was from Joce's lead that I found the beloved, leaky tub of fish catching fun... S
  6. I just saw an episode of someone fishing the amazon and the local guides had boxes with glass bottoms that they shoved in the water and looked through to find fish.... I may have just saved a bundle....
  7. I wanna go with next time!
  8. Ok so since the last 5 posts I'm now confused as ever again. I guess its true too much info is also possible!
  9. I'm definetily a shallow water guy , boat is a 16' that's only 5' wide w/40hp so I'm really not doing any great lakes. Cooks bay is the biggest I do with any kind of regularity. However , I have the good fortune of being friends with Joselyn at Angling Outfitters and he's got both, so I'm gonna go see him. He already mentioned the HB may be a better value this season, I will let ya all know what I come back with. I just wanted to use the boards trusted knowledge to get the straight goods! So once again, thanks folks for all your help. Sheldon
  10. Do it looks like a bird it is, my friend upgraded his loerance units last year and he's had sonars for years and he struggles to figure things out all the time.
  11. And whats the Sudbury Joke? BTW
  12. Looking for a new sonar and currently have a bottom of the line hummingbird that came with my boat. Looking for something in the $700 range and for me I think that user friendliness will outrank a zillion features that ill never use... Im so torn and confused, please help OFC electronics wizards S
  13. Johnny The Elmacombo is gone...Yes its expensive and yes we've made some poor choices while casting ballads for sure.But over all its a great city and a gift to the rest of the province. Im not talking overly proudly or self righteously, But I hate to hear bashing when its undeserving. Its like these guys i work with that would bash the crap out of this contractor we all were working for. Until the one time he walked in and overheard it all. It wasn't until they stood to lose his business that they saw the light and kissed his feet for more work... S
  14. Its funny to hear all the GTA bashers, Let me tell you guys alot of income comes from the GTA and everyone else in the province is enjoying it. Do you really thing that all the rural people could get the services they enjoy in our fine province without the GTA? The roads they drive on without traffic without the GTA? Schools hospitals paid for by the locals in Timmons? Traffic, crime and all the rest of the crap that comes from big city living sucks indeed and nobody likes it its true. But this city carries the entire province. I wish stuff was based on the amount we pay... As far as the permission goes, people describe themselves as partners these days, and therefore compromise is often necessary. Everyone says "oh shes not the right one" I make the rules! My wife makes 6 figures,but neither of us would want to live somewhere that makes the other miserable... So if Flin Flon is a stretch for his girl, maybe there are reasons she wont do it, but it doesnt make him pussy whipped. Happy wife, happy life I call him a smart man....
  15. Wolverine or honey badger? whos tougher?
  16. Maybe my box is just lousy, which android box do you use mine is the m box. I should read up more on them but I found it slow booting but now just read it could be because I dont watch it regularly and it updates.Also how fast is your internet because Im finding that to watch higher res stuff i get lags and Ive got it running off of an ethernet cable so no connection problems....Because Id love to chop my ridiculous rogers bill.
  17. Ok so for those who are cable free, are you steaming on an android box or downloading and using memory sticks etc.? Both are kinda not perfect IMO. I like to flip on the tv and there's my stuff.Not 20 min of booting up to spend another 15 min looking for my show. Also what do people do with multiple Tvs? Im the son of a TV repairman so I like my electronics and have 5 tvs in the house. A little embarrassing when there is only 4 people
  18. Try to read up on some fishing reports and see if the bite is on and even whst fish are around. Trip advisor can help too
  19. I go whenever we can afford it. My experience has always been. Shore fishing is tough. I've tried with a 12' rod a bunch of times and got nothing. Might be me however I've also been lucky enough to go out inexpensively with local fishermen and had a couple of incredible days. Good luck
  20. Ok so as it turns out, the one I used trolling in Jamaica was a dollar store knock off. I left it for my buddy and he lost it. We also had another heavy lure like it, an expensive one from Lunkerhunt and it wasn't nearly as good. I'd like to help out my Jamaican buddy, I'm willing to invest a few bucks in some lures but the shipping to Jamaica is crazy expensive. Therefore my other post asking if anyone is heading down for march break or otherwise...
  21. Lots of bug spray by the sounds of it...
  22. Trying to find something simiair....
  23. Anyone going to Jamaica soon? I have a friend in Mo Bay that will take you fishing if you bring him some fishing gear... The gear is paid for already! All you have to do is deliver it or arrange pick up from your hotel. He's easy to reach on his cell. I have more pics from an other outing. I caught 16 fish in 3 hours last December, went out with him 2x... http://s1275.photobucket.com/user/Shloim1/library/
  24. Does anyone remember what the winning bid was last year?
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