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Everything posted by JoshS

  1. Nice to meet you too man. FYI, I only hooked one bow (on a crank), the bite was tough that day saw three fish hooked from when I arrived until last light. Funny you say you were craving lakers b/c I was as well.
  2. Thats what I like to see! Goodstuff! Better than any pike under 35in IMO
  3. Yes! I'm loving these Lake O brown reports. Goodstuff!
  4. Nice bows.. it's definitely a big fish year. nice little report!
  5. Nice report! Made me wish I had gotten to know the Larry a little better while I was in Montreal, its an awesome fishery. Congrats on the 50.
  6. I do use chunks, sometimes I find chunks more effective then bags if the bite is tough, sometimes they both produce equally. I cant say the same for flies or pink works for salmon however, rainbows yes. The way to get bit (in the river) is to target them when they are fresh, and yes they will inhale skein. If they have been sitting in a pool for a week they will just ignore your bait. Different things can be said for fish in marinas and river mouths.
  7. Something new I tried this year were swimbaits. They look awesome in the water and I noticed the pike love 'em, smallmouth like to follow them, and people like to talk about how they hook big largemouth.... I will give them an honest effort next season.
  8. nice fish! oh yeah they bite it, especially big red balls of roe... especially skein, especially if you see your float dart under as opposed to swing under slowly, especially if they are fresh in. nice colour on her.
  9. i used to freak on sites like floatfishing.net and i believe UofT zooboard back in the day when I heard word of this site from one of those boards. now when im surfing fishing talk its pretty much OFC or nothing.
  10. no need for a leader when chucking lures for salmon. get yourself a quality snap/swivel if casting spoons to prevent line twist and some decent line. i personally like braid. if you're serious about it, a quality baitcasting reel with a medium action rod in the 9ft range can't be beat.
  11. unreal report! i like the how you gave us some perspective on your wildlife surroundings. awesome pics! thanks for taking the time.
  12. Thank you very much. I'm on my way lol. I couldn't sit at home any longer on this beauty day so I'm gonna do a few hours on the bog and then maybe see whats happening on the piers. good day
  13. Just made the last minute decision to rent a boat for the aft. Gorski's marina rents them but for $20 an hour! Does anyone know a cheap place to rent a boat on scugog? I guess any cheap boat rentals close to TO would be valuable info.
  14. I fished twelve mile and the connecting lakes quite a bit when I was younger. I never fished for lakers, I was more into the smallmouth. All three lakes (Boshkung, Little Boshkung, and Twelve Mile) had decent bass fishing with more smallmouth than largemouth being caught. There are some pretty obvious spots on the lake that hold fish, you'll see them. When the fishing pressure was on, I used to catch smallmouth mid lake on little bosh, the lakes not that deep or big so you can cover the open water effectively and usually locate some untapped willing fish. Goodluck!
  15. I fuind green pumpkin most productive.
  16. bows, browns, cohos.. I missed most of the last five seasons being out here in Montreal hopefully I'll get a few drifts in this fall.
  17. haha love the music
  18. Ya, I might buy the medium size dipsey and try it out, I know guys use them on Lake O effectively. I don't have a line counter reel however so I'll have to mark my line. I have a reel spooled with 30 lb braid which I will be using and one with 50 I will put in my gf's hands to try out some options, some stretch seems like a good thing so I will use a mono lead and adjust my drag. I'm pumped to catch some summer lake trout! never fished for them in the summer before so I'm hoping to experiment and learn a few things. I'll let you guys know how it turns out, and hopefully with some pics
  19. A true beauty! and on a topwater! congrats!
  20. nice fish!
  21. I threw the berkley ones and only noticed one respectable smallmouth look at it briefly, but no hook ups. I did however hook a big Pike on it crawling it off a ledge, the pike smoked it twice before inhaling it and biting me off. I must say they are some sexy looking baits when reeled back slow. I agree though that the berkley baits I used were hard to run straight and aren't very durable.
  22. haha thanx MrMike and good tips fishindevil. That sucks Danbo, as consolation i'll let you use the boat... but thats it . The place is on West Bay. Anyone have any links to maps on Chandos?
  23. Thanks Danbo. Are 3 ounce sinkers outrageous lol? I thought I needed to go HEAVY to stay on the bottom. Two chubs as in two hooks at different depths?
  24. Some good tips, thanks guys! What weight tube jig heads are you using brkygetr?
  25. I'm going to be fishing lake trout next week without riggers . Does anyone do this with any success? The methods I'm considering are the three way rig with a 3 ounce bell sinker or dipsey divers. I've never used dipseys before and have never had success with the three way for lakers. What do you guys do when fishing summer lakers with no down riggers?
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