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Everything posted by Heybud_e

  1. i fish wherever there is water lol never really targeted a specific species..
  2. thanks BP, i ask because i drive right by it on my way into P Dover.. will have to stop and check it out some time...
  3. anyone fished the grand river Cayuga part? just curious as to what may be caught in there..
  4. depending on when it is, i don't know if i can come out, i am leaving for Columbia, Tennessee on thursday morning and wont be returning till about sunday, fortunate enuff for me, i am getting paid milage and hourly wage. and all meals and motels are provided. so this trip will help me get my quad
  5. i would love to go, first time for everything they say !! i've heard so much about it and read even more about it.. sounds like a fantastic getaway! anyone from niagara going?
  6. a niagarian.? lol wow, sleepy time, off to meet the sandman, g`nite everyone. sleep tight!
  7. where abouts are ya going fishing? we are niagarians.. heh
  8. i am not 100% sure but i think its the same div as L. Ontario, ihttp://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/mnr/pubs/fishing/fishRegs/2005/Map_A_fr2005.pdf
  9. no problem, i drink none, been sober for 6 years, dont plan on startin again! im sure 1 drink wont break my bank.. but im not sposed to talk to strangers
  10. getting antsy here...
  11. welllll... could always put me in charge.. nice post GB lol plasma in office..
  12. is that with, or without tracking capabilities.. because if its with tracking capabilities.. im for it, everytime i turn my head it seems as though some child was abducted, or lost.... i know i wouldnt be able to cope with the fact my child was abducted or lost.. it would probably kill me.... Bud
  13. what is a snog?? just curious....
  14. great report!! i am leaving for Tennessee thursday morning to deliver some furniture from Canada, hoping i can find a tackle shop somewhere... not sure of exact destination.. but im sure it'll be a great trip... Bud
  15. would try hard to attend, would love to get out for some soda pops attending a small GTG at BPS this wednesday...
  16. well hopefully your right and the weather goes uphill from then on in.... been getting skunked for long enuff!!! lol
  17. that is tragic, unbelievable, and sick, it should be mandatory for schools to have metal detectors and xrays, sure it may go against human rights or whatever, but damn! when is that crap going to end?? im not blaming video games... Bud
  18. well it all started when a seagull picked up that goby someone left out in the sun to bake, but the gull didnt feel like goby, so it flew over your boat with another seagull which had a goby in its mouth, but they dropped em both off... and now there is a goby farm in your boat!!!!! lo...l. j/k hopefully with any luck, your boat is just full of water and the damage is minimal... Bud
  19. well i guess i better find a newer newbie to have go to BPS so i dont have to buy any beers for gerrit lol then i can spend more on fishy type stuff So who do i get to meet??
  20. Sony is good about their customer service, i have a sony handycam and for some reason it stopped working, they sent me a new one to my place of work (we deliver sony products to the sony store in niagara falls) no shipping or handling fees.. just a quick exchange.. i have no probs with this one.... Bud
  21. well, i too want to vacation to bermuda and came across this site bermudasportfishing.com if u havnt already checked it out.... Bud
  22. yepper, and bass season closing in.. can hardly wait !! also will be making an appearance at the perch derby
  23. i am going to contact the city as well and see if there is a way the could pick up the garbage on the day the garbage is sposed to be out for my area, i do not mind picking it up myself and and disposing of it when full.... hopfully with any luck, people will use it instead of the lake... all anyone can do is hope it works out for the benefit of the fishery.... Bud
  24. well i can see that, last week my girlfriends parents house was vandalized, (garden gnomes broken, garden tore up, eggs thrown at house, beer bottles smashed in front of house) the list continues,,,, mind you that was the eve of the 13th, now they live over on mergl drive and the many times i frequent dover, i have seen quite some freaky looking teenagers.... none the less, i believe there just are not enuff police officers to patrol the streets..... dont get me wrong, i love Dover and i wish i could move there, but custody agreements have me trapped here in niagara heh.... did i mention i love to fish there as well? well i do that too as for the drum being tipped over.. there is a pole there to whcih i can attach chains to it and if someone takes the time to cut the chains and flip it over... then im at a lost cause i spose... Bud
  25. yea i have caught one before when i was fishing with my grandfather (rest his soul) i was about 11 years old and man, it fought me for a good 10 minutes as i was using like 8 # test on a mickey mouse pole lol .. mind u i didnt have to touch it so i have no idea how to handle the buggers...
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