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Everything posted by Heybud_e

  1. well i have never caughten or tried fishing for musky before, so i have no slight clue heh, gonna look again tomorrow in the rafters, cause i faintly seen a what looked like a tackle bag, so... i may have struck gold perhaps...
  2. well i wouldnt want to a rediculous amount but i am open to a price range of $20 - $150,
  3. ok was cleaning out my garage a little bit, hanging in the rafters i found a 7ft St. Croix Premiere / PM70MHF Med Heavy Action 1 pc pole, did some research and turns out it is a musky rod??? i would like to find a reel to fit??? any suggestions?? thanks....Bud
  4. what did ya pay for the catalyst rods if u dun mind me askin?? i have garcia equipment, no complaints with either poles or reels...
  5. wow, what a surprise!! my surprise was, that i was "allowed" to spend 100 bucks on something i wanted heh.... Hummingbird Smartcast Fishfinder for my shorefishing adventures, works good too! ....Bud
  6. welcome aboard! hope to see some and reviews in the near future!!... Bud
  7. today i took a trip to walmart, found a game for PC, Bass Tournament Tycoon... its actually pretty decent, ya im bored...
  8. wow, great pics!! very nice catch! thanks for posting.
  9. well, tried out my new toy today, was quite impressed with the clarity and pick up, showed me the water temp, depth, bottom, and fish...... now to learn how to catch them fish overall im impressed with the Hummingbiord Smartcast!!! thanks for all your info... Bud
  10. awesome, but i just want to shore fish used to be a good location for many species of fish... i havnt fished there in many years, but would like to go n see ya know.... thanks Rob,
  11. yep, my hands work just fine as well, but iff`n i do need a net, i use a cradle..
  12. suggestion, keep your eyes open to the weather forecasts i hear its sposed to stay quite cool during the next week....
  13. does anyone know if the queenston boat launch is still accessible????
  14. thanks iceguy... checkin it out
  15. My GAWD!!!! don't quite have that much here, enuff to make u shiver tho.... last time we had a snowfall like that here i went and bought a brand new snowblower, worked out because the neighbours surrounding me came over and paid me to do there driveways .. took 5 mins of my time... i tried to say no... but they insisted... nice pictures tho
  16. ok, i have a new interest for the Salmon species, but i have 0 knowledge of them..... would someone care to educate me?? what kind of pole and reel would be best, what type of baits are common (not asking for secrets) a good time of year for fishing them (legally) any info you can provide would be very educational to me as i know nothing.... thanks people... i am also checking websites...
  17. anytime i was all ready to go this morning to try it out, i got outside with a few flurries and as i was leaving, would u believe the snow fell like #$%, back to flurries now, so im hoping it stays like this till about 1 o clock then im gonna go... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. well i just picked up the RF30 model, had a few extra bucks and i been eye balling this thing for some time now heh, so i asked permission from my financial advisor (common law wife) lol i got the go ahead....
  19. thank you so much fellas, i knew i could rely on someone here.... i plan to try it out tomorrow, going to spend a few hours fishing tomorrow with my sister boyfriend in a near by reservoir, the wire leader is a good idea.... i need some more anyhows... but once again, thanks to you folks for your information...
  20. picked myself up the Hummingbird Smartcast Fishfinder watch today as a little easter gift to myself for my shorefishing adventures, has anyone tried this or heard anything about it? any info is greatly appreciated... thanks
  21. later on, maybe this weekend i have freed up some time for fishing, license re-newed, new line, great spirits..... i hopefully plan to fish an aquaduct this weekend, have seen different species come out of this water body, pike, perch, bass, cats, odd musky, im not one for "targeting" a type of fish, im just there for sport, but considering the time of year and weather conditions and im sure the water clarity is probably poor, could someone maybe give me some helpful information, PM or post, decision is yours... thanks again! Bud
  22. i have been there before!!! actually i used to live down the road from the park and used to fish there in the quarry, never tried shore fishing on the beaches.... there is aLOT of everything in there i imagine, many bass have been pulled out of there, say... do they still have the castaways bar in there??? Great pics by the way
  23. thats awesome, where could i find these bugs?
  24. well, i plan to shore fish in the niagara and surrounding area until about the 2nd week in july, then im taking my yearly trip to Elliot Lake to fish with some old friends of my deceased grandfather in which that weekend marks the anniv. of his passing, so i plan to celebrate with some good people and fry fish.... after that its all about meeting new people at different fishing holes withing my area.... things could change, as i would love to attend an OFC gathering, will see how things go
  25. hahaha that is too funny where did you find/create the bugs?
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