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  1. If it was me, I would be contacting Customs officials for Canada and the country I was flying into and asking them.
  2. Personal Life-Saving Appliances 9 A personal flotation device or lifejacket required by these Regulations shall not be altered in a way that compromises its original structural integrity or diminishes the integrity or readability of a marking set out in a standard related to it. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/SOR-2010-91/page-2.html#h-769486
  3. Skip the wacky rig. I have a lot of confidence in dropshotting for walleye in the St. Lawrence River. As others have said, a good ol' jig and single tail grub is a classic walleye bait. If I were to fish a D/S rig for walleye I'd start with a longer drop line and an X Zone Slammer. Good Luck!!!
  4. At the best of times golf was a struggle for me. I haven't golfed in years and could care less. Fishing for me is about the journey, not the destination. Fishing recharges my batteries. Quietly having a cup of dark roast and a piece of carrot cake while watching the sun rise over the Rideau River is no less important than the biggest bass of the day. I'm easily distracted from fishing, oh look, an osprey, some loons, some otters, a dragon fly, the lady that does her gardening in her bikini. I enjoy a hot bite like everyone else, but still enjoy the day outside on a tough bite. I never wet a line in 2018 and that does bother me. Hopefully with these brand new hips things will improve in 2019.
  5. I'm left handed and it makes no difference on the rod. I cast left and retrieve right. Switching hands on every cast? I don't get it. Makes no sense to me.
  6. It has been many years since my one and only moose hunt, but I clearly remember walking out to our trucks one evening in the middle of nowhere and the OPP were there to check us out. Not sure exactly what their legal function is with regards to game law enforcement, didn't feel it was necessary to ask the question that night. Maybe they are using the OPP to strengthen their ranks.
  7. D/S rod - 10lb braid with 7 or 5lb fluorocarbon leader. Plastics rod - 20lb braid with 7 or 10lb fluorocarbon leader Spinnerbait/swim jig rod - 15lb Big Game Deep diver rod - 12lb fluorocarbon Squarebill rod - 10lb fluorocarbon Topwater rod - 10lb Big Game Punching rod, Flipping rod, Frog rod - 65lb braid
  8. Reeve Craig Public Boat Launch
  9. 60 degree jig heads......
  10. Several years ago I was going through the same problems. I experimented with 25 & 40lb fluorocarbon leader material. Although stiff, one could still tie good knots with the 25lb fluoro. I found the 40lb so stiff it was impossible to tie proper knots with., it was almost like trying to tie a knot with a wire coat hanger....LOL If you want to pursue the fluoro leader option I would suggest crimping the leader. I use 65lb braid for froggin'. I do use a 2ft. leader of 65lb braid just for reducing abrasion on the main line. You could also tie a small Spider Hitch with your braid then you would have a double line attached to your frog. I cut my bite-offs dramatically by switching to LiveTarget from Spro, and I stopped trimming my tails. I suspect the longer tails had more to do with this than the brand of frog. Good luck, Drop
  11. My rod is a Dobyns Champion 704SF. I fish this with with 20lb Sifix 832 and a 7 or 10lb fluorocarbon leader. For wacky style I'll use 2/0 to 5/0 Gamakatsu Wide Gap Finesse hooks depending on the worm used. New for me this year is the Neko Rig. I use tungsten pyramid weights, VMC Neko hooks and use an O ring on my senkos. Digressing slightly, Neko rigging a 3 1/2in. craw has been a very, very good producer for me this year.
  12. I'm at that point in my life where I prefer good quality rods and reels. The collection of Dobyns rods, Abu Garcia baitcasters and Shimano spinning reels that I have put together the last several years will be the rods I fish into the sunset with. The one "rat in the woodpile" I have is a Tackle Warehouse exclusive Jared Lintner designed Powell 805 Punch rod. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what I use verses what you use. All that matters is if you are happy with your gear.
  13. I'm all for people enjoying their drones, but if you fly one over my house and property low enough to be taken down with my turkey gun, it's coming down in pieces....
  14. Boyd Ducket left e21 because e21 decided to cheap out the 2nd gen rods and Boyd did not want to be partner to that decission. A local eastern Ontario tackle shop used to sell Carrot Stix, but dropped them due to lack of customer support on workmanship warranties. Drop
  15. Agree 100% I have 5 large and one medium scattered between a BPS Extreme Qualifier 370 and 360. The large bags are hungry hungry hippos and can hold a lot of plastics. I have my bags set up to holds one style of plastic, such as beavers, tubes, worms etc. etc.The medium makes an awesome spinnerbait wallet. Order extra bags.... http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Extreme-Worm-Binders-Large/product/1206011118/ http://www.basspro.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-Extreme-Medium-Worm-Binder-or-Replacement-Pages/product/12042405182739/ Good luck in your decision, Drop.
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