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Everything posted by wgk36

  1. Congrats Dan. Look forward to seeing it in Quinte. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
  2. WTG Ryan Maybe you can show your dad some of your technique, he's been in a slump long enough. Nice report Mike. I'm off to 100o Islands on Sat. We'll talk during the week.
  3. Sounds interesting. I'm always willing to try new waters. It's a little bit out of the way for a weekend though. I guess I'll have to work on catching a Thursday afternoon cold.
  4. Thanks Roy. I will look at it again today and revert.
  5. I shouldn't read things like that first thing in the morning. It can spoil the whole day.
  6. I recently got myself a Lowrance 522c IGPS with the Avioninc 14XG card (Great Lakes & Maritime). Under "Map Data", I select the Avionincs card (Montreal Region). When I zoom in closer than 4nm, I get a white screen with no data. I have also tried changing "Map Data" to Lake Lake Ontario and moving the cursor. I get the same results. I was expecting to see detailed chart info (ie depths, icons, contors, etc.) I am probably doing something wrong, but can't figure it out. I downloaded the simulator from Lowrance and also checked out their FAQ. Any help woulp be greatly appreciated.
  7. Great report Cliff. Feels like I was there. Maybe I can talk MTP into going next year. I'll need someone to split the gas on such a long trek.
  8. Nice report Mike. I had much better stats in the old boat. I guess I have a lot of room for improvement. and remeber, a skunk in the boat is still better than a day in the office.
  9. wgk36


    Several years ago, everyone seemed to be studying computers. At one point there was an over abundance of programmers and technicians. Everyone was hanging up a shingle and calling themselves an expert. I know of several people who have computer science degrees that are not being used. Also, look at large companies like Emerson that have been downsizing staff, and or closing up. Sure, the industry is not dead, but I personally think that there are too many people in it. It is simple supply and demand. Top people in any field will always find work. It is those that are average that have to worry.
  10. wgk36


    Trades are dependant on manufacturing. Unfortunately the manufacturing is taking place elsewhere. We are becoming an importer nation of finished goods. These goods need to be both installed and maintained by electricians, plumbers, mechanics, etc. There are less and less trade people in the manufacturing industrires (ie machinistes). Just look at the automotive, textile, computer industries.
  11. Congrats to you and your significant other
  12. I'm still using the old card with the stickers. I find it a nuisance to renew it every year, especially being from Quebec. We always have to make an extra stop on our first trip of the year. I am looking forward to renewing by mail this year for 3 years, when the old card expires. As far as cash grabs, we have grown accustom to it in Quebec. We are still using the paper licenses in Quebec, valid April 1 - March 31. I like it beause we can fish all summer and winter without having to renew.
  13. wgk36


    I am 41 years old. I went to university, and have adegree in accounting. I have been the controller of a textile company for the past 14 years. As I tell my son, manufacturing in North America is on the way out. Either be a professional (ie engineer, accountant, doctor, etc) or go into a trade. AVOID manufacturing at all costs.
  14. Congradulations. You have a wonderful looking family. It gives some of us just starting out (11 years) something to aspire to.
  15. Does anyone know, on average, how much more fuel consumption is increased during a breakin period? Maybe I was just spoiled with a little 9.9HP, but I find that the 40HP uses ALOT more fuel. I used to troll all day with the 9.9, and use about 2 gallons. Now, I am using the 40HP to get from spot, to spot. Once there, I use the bow mount electric motor. I used about 3 gallons in 1/2 a day and had to stop at a marina to gas up.
  16. I've been looking forward to this tournament for months. As many of you know, I do alot of fishing with Mike the Pike, but Saturday was to be my first tournament with my son Andrew since getting the new boat. To make it extra special, it fell on Father's Day weekend. The day started off early at 4:00 am. for me, and 4:30 am for Andrew . You see, Andrew is in grade seven (secondary I) and finished his last exam on Friday. Contrary to my advise, he decided to stay up late (midnight) and celebrate the beginning of his 2 month vacation. I was actually impressed, as he only nodded off after the tournament, on the way home, somewhere around 4:00 pm Of course, once on the water, the first thing Andrew wanted to do, was drive the boat. He got his boater's card last year when I still had the 12' tinny. I was hesitant, as the motor is still in the break-in stage, but what the heck, he is so excited. Once away from the dock, we changed positions, and he was given strict instructions on what to do, and what not to do. We started trolling the main pleasure craft channel, further upstream. We wanted to fish the dropoff before the day's traffic increased. Within minutes, we began seeing large pike jump not far from the boat. At this point, we were sure that we were on the verge of a BIG STRIKE.....So after a good 45 minutes of not even a nibble, we decided to try somewhere else. We found a little creek, and managed to get a couple of snot rockets. Nothing to brag about, but at least the skunk was out of the boat. Further up river, just before noon, is when I hooked into my PB pike (29", 5.57 lbs) (Sorry team, no upgrade today). He nailed my lure but good. It took me at least 5 minutes to get it out. Although his gill plate was fine, he was bleeding quite a bit from the bottom of his mouth. Being a catch and release tournament, I didn't want to chance him expiring, so I headed in to the scale. At that time, I was in the lead. I decided to take a picture. I was pretty sure that my name wouldn't be there at the end of the day. I had left the docks in the morning with at least 3/4 of a 5 gallon tank. Now, by 12:30, I was down to 1/4 tank. I realise that my Honda 40HP 4S is probably using more fuel because of the break-in period, but I was surprised. Luckily, I found a marina that wasn't gauging. I paid $1.49/L. The gas station price in Montreal was $1.45/L over the weekend. At this point, we only had a couple of hours left. We decided to try the two previous spots that had paid off earlier in the day. Although it was not a big fish, it was still a MOMENTOUS occasion, as Andrew caught his FIRST eye. Our fishing day soon came to an end. We packed up the boat and headed home for a quick shower before returning to the evening super and prizes. I like this tournament because everyone gets a door prize. Although I didn't win the Princecraft Fisherman boat, motor, trailer package, I did get myself a good set of bumpers for the new boat. Andrew got a 12V / 110 converter that will come in handy on long rides. All-in-all we had a GREAT DAY. We spent time together, caught some fish, had a good meal, and even won a couple of prizes.
  17. Nice report Cliff, and nice Musky. I've never tried crappie either, mainly because I've never caught more than 1 at a time. I guess it's just someting to add to my to do list.
  18. I just got a Kirkland (COSCO) for my 55 lbs trolling motor. I was price contious, and also heard good things about it. Time will tell if I made the right choice......
  19. I'll be fishing bass tomorrow in a tournament. Our season opens this weekend here in "La Belle Province".
  20. Nice report MIke. I figured your report was missing a picture..... I'm hurting today too. I cleaned out the boat today. Also put in a new bottle of 30 factor lotion.
  21. Good job. Congrats
  22. I'm supposed to p/up my boat this week. It has a 40 HP and 55lb bow mount. I am going to try a drift sock before comitting to a kicker.
  23. WTG Great first fish. Kinda like hitting a home run, first time at the plate
  24. Great report! Great narative! Great pics! I remember when I was a kid (close to 30 years ago) up in de la Verendrye Park (Northern Quebec). We were on a fishing and canoe trip with the boy scouts. After several days when we got back to the cars, a bear had left his calling card, doing some SERIOUS damage. I don't remember exactly why (I was just a kid). Someone must have left someting out that the bear wanted. Good on you for keeping your cool
  25. WTG Mike.
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