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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Don't you just love it when other people tell you what you can and can't do on your own property all while you pay the high taxes....
  2. It's either that or walk.......one thing I notice when traveling in Canada, especially the 401 and QEW.....all the people who live on east side of Ontario work on the west side of Ontario and all the people who live on the west side of Ontario work on the east of Ontario....now if we could just get these folks to switch houses there would be no traffic when I'm towing my boat to go fishing. See it's not that hard to solve these traffic problems....you just have to think like a Yank.... And the price of gasoline will go back to $.20 per liter....
  3. What the HELL Merc.....all you send me is GRIEF.....and LOTS of it... ONLY KIDDING...LOL... Paul's a GREAT guy and my FAVORITE C.C. Bob
  4. YA ! ! ! he's VERY close to me but still 135 miles from my son in Homer, NY... Son Billy made another check on the house and found it has a new fuse panel and he said about 50% of the plugs in the house are 3 prong plugs. He will be getting a home inspector to address all concerns, especially the electric. Thanks Again guys, Bob
  5. Hi camillj, No disrespect but I have to take some exceptions to your post. Anytime you care to fish smallies on Lake Erie I will bet lunch you will not out fish me using just a bucktail jig to your single hooked worm. The reason it's illegal to use live bait or any live bait has more to do with NO LIVE BAIT SPONSORS than any other reason....money talks, live bait walks.... And on your "viande" quote.......all I have to say is....you don't fish bucktail jigs.
  6. The reason minnows out fished worms on you're early fly in trips is because the fish were NOT bugging......and that's because there were no bugs as of yet....come back in a few weeks and things change....early cold water = minnows or minnow type baits......warmer water = bugs, worms or jigs looking like bugs... I am not saying worms don't work or are not the proper choice for every fishing situation.....on Lake Erie I wouldn't bother to go walleye fishing without worms aboard...but there's a reason for that.....on SMALL lakes trolling and or drifting worm harnesses is NOT necessary but they will still catch fish. However, you're working a LOT harder for said fish IMHO... Now none of the above is a HARD RULE but more a general rule....there are exceptions to every rule and Lake Erie is a good example. Bob
  7. Wow, another lesson in electric....THANK YOU VERY MUCH.... Bob
  8. WOW, I can actually say I learned something by reading this.....THANKS
  9. I have a collection of them....along with many home made bucktail jigs...
  10. And we wouldn't have to worry who's bringing the bait...
  11. Call me what you want....just don't forget to call me for dinner...
  12. I LIKE that line..... I gave up counting fish years ago.... BTW where are we fishing in May .....
  13. I hope you do....great lake for walleyes and the kids will have a ball... True story.....the guy I teamed up with in my boat on that trip NEVER casted all week long....he just dropped his jig down to the bottom (7-8') and jigged it along as we drifted the current areas while he drank JD and beer non stop, even in the morning with his coffee.....I would be dead if I drank half of what he did. Make sure you rest before going, you're going to need it...
  14. YES, don't you see the plane big propellers in the back ground...LOL That was on Erie in front of the old steel plant...I only used it as a example.... When the water is warm and fish are bugging (eating bugs on the bottom) a all black bucktail jig looks like a bug to them. I have probably caught more fish (mostly walleye and smallmouth) than any other bait/lure I have every used. While crappie fishing I also use jigs (no bait) in white or chartreuse mostly. Bob
  15. I agree.....my first Fly-In was out of Nakina...a lake they called Aba (short for a hard to say Indian name)..there was 8 of us, one was a outdoor writer who kept count everyday of each boat's catch...at the end of the week we caught 1080 walleyes and 278 pike.... We had no bait with us.
  16. So from what I'm gathering here you guys mostly troll or drift worm harnesses on fly-in trips ?
  17. Black Bucktail Jigs......no bait of any kind... #2 son drinking beer and kicking back while the old man does all the work...LOL White bucktail jigs with no bait of any kind... ......
  18. You just hook 3 jigs together and toss that thing out there and hang on...LOL...
  19. I have only been on three different fly in's and all I have to say is if you need worms on said fly in you should be choosing another fly in outfitter.... I'll catch as many if not more using black bucktail jigs then someone using worms.
  20. But at least you're close to the fish....
  21. 85-90% of dryers here heat with natural gas so that's not really a concern... It's my son Billy's birthday and he hopes he going to buy a house today but he's still trying to sort out this electrical concern....of course he's working and had the real estate agent (not the best choice) trying to find out all his concerns before he and his fiancée move forward.... I really want to say THANK YOU for all your help....just hoping this works out for my son as they have been in the market for several months now and this house is one they like without breaking the bank. Bob
  22. Something tells me there's a story behind that quote....and it's probably a funny one....
  23. So if the house is only 2 wire system and has only 2 wire recepticals how does one plug in 3 plug items, like a washer and drier, etc..????
  24. EVERYONE.....thanks for all your responses....I can do just about anything involving home repair, etc.....but I'm afraid of electric but will do small jobs like changing out a plug or switch, etc....as long as I have the power off in that circuit. With that said, I have a couple more questions... What do you mean you say knob and tube....I have never heard that term before. Also HH...if possible explain briefly what you had to do to add GFI plugs in that home. The house in question is a cape cod so wiring the upstairs could be very hard and expensive. Thanks for your time, Bob
  25. I don't have much more info on the house because like I said he's far away....all I know is from what he's told me and the pictures I have seen on the internet....not much to go on.....but I'm told it's a one owner house and it's in EXCELLENT shape but dated. Insurance is NOT a problem here in NYS unlike it might be in Ontario....
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