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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. I guess I have to get up pretty early in the morning to get the worm over you Dave....
  2. And don't forget CANADIAN WIGGLERS........ :rofl2: :rofl2:
  3. For those interested.....it's a VERY good article... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121010/WORLD/121019953/1002
  4. OH NO.......don't tell me even this post went to China....LOL GOOD LISTS BOYS...
  5. BINGO........The Saturn 4 cylinder VUE had those CVT tranny's and they were nothing but trouble....my nephew had 3 new trannies replace by Saturn...
  6. That's almost $4.20 per US Gallon....your getting ripped off....today I paid $3.77 per gallon.........
  7. Last week in Ontario I paid $1.33 per litre....while at home it's $4.01 per GALLON....so in Ontario it's about $5.05 per US Gallon....a lot in my eyes...but you all know me...I'm FRUGAL as hell......thank God I only had to purchase 50 litres up there at the cost of $67.00....grrrrrr... But don't feel bad my Canadian Cousins......just yesterday on NBC World News they showed in Kalifornia gas has spiked to $5.69 per gallon....OUCH...but I'm sure they found the most expensive gas station they could find...just remember it's Obama's fault....LOL I'll be heading to Washington, DC shortly and gas on the way through PA is about 50 cents per gallon CHEAPER.....so the truck in not filled for this trip....here I come Lewisburg, PA....filler her up with Ethel....
  8. It kind of looks like a beaver pond doesn't it.....it a inlet that had about 3' of water in the MIDDLE of it....but my boat can float in 14" of water...... NOTHING wrong with a Keith's Beer.....it was a total mistake that I flick my cigar ashes into it...right after I did it I knew I screwed up....Actually I was enjoying it up until then.....But then Simon brought up some of the HARD STUFF......errrrrrr...ask Big Cliff about that.... :rofl2:
  9. Errrrrrrrrr......you can't brag unless you get there first.... :rofl2: And being there in another body doesn't count....LOL.....
  10. Normally I don't have to climb on the trailer.....but if you noticed, there is NO DOCK...actually NO Ramp either.... .....So I used the trailer so I didn't have to get my feet wet....haven't in 27 years...and NO I don't want Bearing Buddy's....they only get grease to the outside bearing...see to many that burn up their bearing along side the road, even with bearing buddy's
  11. EVERYONE says that......
  12. Don't need to make a federal case out of this........identify the leaky rivets and clean the area......using 3M Chalking for less then $10 and use the rest of the money you might waste taking it to someone for expensive outboard gasoline.....
  13. SWEET JESUS..........Simon came through....LOL....... Once I seen that launch I was licking my lips for that beer......and Simon was right.......only 2 sips and I mistakenly used that Green Beer can for my cigar ash tray....boy did it foam up after I did that...NOT KIDDING....you can see the picture of both my beers....I finished the Blue Light and that was supposed to be my ash tray.... But here's the catch Simon......I thought I took out all your Green Beer and put it in the fridge....but Monday when I finally cleaned out my big cooler.........low and behold there was one Green Beer laying on the bottom of the cooler....it's in the fridge my Canadian Brother....and I will be sipping it down shortly today on my 31st wedding anniversary....
  14. LOL... :rofl2: ...LOL That's what the guys said on our fishing trip....LOL
  15. There was once a discussion about how often you must repack your wheel bearing....most say it should be done every year......I posted I go 10 years or MORE without repacking my wheel bearing because I don't put them in the water.....many couldn't believe I could launch and retrieve my boat without putting the trailer in far enough, thus getting my wheel bearing wet....so I said one day I will show you all if I get up to Canada to fish....so I met Simon, Cliff, Dann and Ron at a recent fishing get together.....Simon was the only one who witness me launching my boat...as a matter of fact he bet me a beer I couldn't do it, especially at this make shift launch we had to us.....after he seen it, all he said was "That was SLICK" and I wouldn't have believe it until I seen it.....at the end of the fishing trip I had Simon drive my truck over to the launch which is across the lake.....Dann (Skeeter), Ron (Skipper D), and Big Cliff were all there to witness how easy it was retrieved by myself....and again without the hubs getting anywhere near the water....actual about 3" above the water line. I had to make a few adjustments to the way my boat sits on the trailer but I did that 27 years ago and haven't looked back....LOL......when I launch down here in the states I always yell to my partner to PLEASE stop me before my hubs get wet....Fishing partner Don always yells back...YES, I KNOW...DON'T GET THE HUBS WET...THIS ISN'T MY FIRST RODEO....LOL So that's the story.....and I didn't protect the innocent as I named names....
  16. But the thing is we are going TOOOO FAR with some of these things....back in the 80's and 90's we had everyone working........and now......almost 10% are un-employed....OUCH.....Oil is going thru the roof, but the WACKO'S wouldn't let us drill on areas that have more oil then the Middle East...we don't have refineries because of them...the list goes on and on and on......not good overall.
  17. HUH........I forgot to take a camera.....But I know for a fact that there were pictures taken of me LAUNCHING my boat and RETRIEVING my boat in amazement that my hubs never even came close to touching the water (2-3" above the water line) in a launch MOST would never even attempt to launch in.....SIMON>>>>>SIMON>>>>>SIMON....where are you.....
  18. I'll say it....."SCREW the Environmentalist Wacko's" It's one of the big reasons nothing is being produced in North America and China has more work then they can handle.
  19. If you have the time, take the 2.45 minutes to watch this. http://www.youtube.com/embed/TNJ9umv10EM?feature=player_detailpage
  20. Nice Tournament......nice fish....Great looking time from where I'm at..
  21. You STEELHEAD guys are all nuts.......you're looking for trouble......I only watched the first video and didn't see anything wrong....BTW, I doubt that's from this year....too much water....just had a friend come back from there and he said lots of fish, lots of fishermen but not much water.
  22. WOW.......this stupid thread is still going..... I posted it for those Liberal Tree huggers to feel good about themselves... But the real reason Chevy introduced the VOLT was to decrease their overall Fleet Vehicle Mileage that is mandatory under our federal gas mileage laws that are becoming even harder to meet in the very near future....that's what the VOLT is all about...as they were losing money selling them from the get go.......BUT WAIT....most of that was FREE money from the tax payers.... But anyway's........I LOVE it when I see VOLTS and PIRUS's on the road....the more of them the better, as it reduces the overall demand on gasoline which in the LONG run reduces the cost per gallon for my truck...
  23. If you're thinking about a car that doesn't need gas and want a GREAT discount....NOW'S the TIME... http://www.buffalonews.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20120925/BUSINESS/120929398/1005
  24. COLD Beer......... My favorite is Labatt's Blue Light.
  25. http://blogs.buffalonews.com/hungryformore/2012/09/bacon-recipes-frisee-salad-with-lardons-asian-bacon-buns.html
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