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Billy Bob

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Everything posted by Billy Bob

  1. Nip, you got your way of fishing and it's working for you...you have confidence in it and because of that you put more time in that kind of presentation...that's half the battle. Fishindevil has said he fishes harnesses all year long and it's working for him....I definitely believe he hit the nail on the head when he said the blades cause a lot of vibration and that triggers bites. AND each and every lake has it's own variables...what works on Lake Erie may not work elsewhere, etc.... Bob
  2. I have a semi-deep V on my Grumman with what you would consider a low platform but not as low as some....although I'm not a bass chaser I don't find it impeding while fishing up front running my trolling motor. But now back to the original question....I believe the reason Deep V Boats manufactures don't build a high platform is two fold. #1 Deep V boats are much less stable because of their Deep V design which by the way it built that way to break high waves. #2 Most buyers of Deep V boats are more walleye chasers then bass men. Bob
  3. OK, but then how does that explain "when the bite slows down" the walleyes go after a fast moving minnow....
  4. On long trips you should always be prepared for anything.....but my spring time approach in cold waters is always a minnow "type" presentation.
  5. Ya, Right....LOL...
  6. Catfish 136..... Don't trust these Canadians......I'm warning you....before you know it they will lure you in and you will be drinking their COLD Canadian Beer in no time....then they will have you arguing about hockey.....and finally you will be looking like this... and ending every sentence with...eh... Welcome, A Canadian Redneck Cousin, Bob
  7. I'm heading up to my son's new house for the long weekend to do some work with him on the house...he's only 45 minutes from Oneida Lake....so it will be just a work party weekend....I will hopefully return in a few weeks to fish with him..
  8. Yep, just before the opener the county sheriffs closed several waterways including NYS walleye factory to boating because of flood conditions....no walleye fishing for me on opening day (Saturday)...not a good fishing year so far with all this rain and high waters almost everywhere in NYS....
  9. Looks like a idea product....one other option I have been doing for years is get a can of silicone spray and use the whole can on the bunks once a year...sometimes you can get a can for about $2 on sale.
  10. Only 20 more to go.....LOL...
  11. Holey Cow......
  12. Then you should know better then try to save a couple of dollars....as even the the most experienced would have trouble recognizing thousands of invasive specie seeds that they have never seen before.
  13. Sorry.....didn't know you were an expert on all these plant species that could be in seed form during your transporting and replanting exercise. http://www.invasivespeciesinfo.gov/plants/main.shtml BTW this is not a complete list... But you will save a couple dollars....
  14. Do any of you guys remember making fun at how I launch my boat (for over 25 years now)......well guess what...I have NO PROBLEM launching or retrieving my boat in shallow water conditions or deep water conditions... Notice how high and dry the trailer is.....I do like to go just a bit deeper but I didn't want to get my feet wet...
  15. LOL..... Let me please clarify my above post... I was not referring to the cedars but rather other species that could be transported with those cedars and thus become a problem like many invasive species are, especially if taken from a flooded area.
  16. This is a great program and very successful here.
  17. Want answers....Follow the money...always follow the MONEY...
  18. More likely originally from Mexico....we are experiencing a lot of produce problems from there.
  19. Not to be a fly in the ointment but is this environmentally safe...taking a species from flooded areas and transporting them great distances, thus possibly introducing unknown species that may not be wanted into a new area to spread...
  20. I have fished Big Gull Lake but something tells me you're referring to another Gull Lake....but I can say you will not get hot spots and shouldn't expect that from here. Good Luck FISHING, Bob
  21. This comes up and gets kicked around every few years...so let's take a educated look at what this is really about.....$$$$$ IF there was a Great Lakes Fishing Lobbyist like let's say in the meat industry there would be no advisory posted... MORE people....MANY MANY MORE people die from eating red meat everyday then eating any fish world wide...don't believe me...just go to your local hospital and inquire why people are dying of heart attacks daily.....but when you purchase your next T-Bone Steak does it have a advisory on the packaging (at least they don't here in the USA)... Do you get my point I'm trying to get across.... Trim all belly fat off any fish you catch ANYWHERE and enjoy your meal...after all you're not going to live forever.... Seriously though, how many people do you know died because of eating Lake Ontario fish....
  22. What Art said...oh, and don't forget to plug it in whenever not fishing for best results. Bob
  23. I have only one thing to say... DRILL BABY DRILL....
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