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Everything posted by Gnote

  1. Nice fishin fellas!
  2. I know it took a while but heres a couple of the fish my buddy got on our pike trip Ill try again tommorow but from my computer instead
  3. For most fish pressure is considered a minor factor. Light and temperature are more major factors. Ive caught pike with the pressure as low as 90 and as high as 103.5. I wouldnt let pressure stop me from trying.
  4. If you want a good quality reel on a budget have you considered kijiji or craigslist? I wouldnt trade my shimano calcutta te for ANYTHING. I saw one on kijiji for 250 after i bought mine for 410 plus tax at jbs warehouse. Good luck P.s.the wife was not pleased with my purchase but it is still worth every penny
  5. Boss. Most guys dont eat chinnys out of the river because they are beat up and dont taste very good. Unless you smoke them
  6. Why? Makes me sick! Love to catch one of these guys.
  7. Gnote

    Lake O

    Too be honest i only want kings, ive never caught a laker on lake o and i rarely troll below 2.5mph. Also it never hurts to have a meat rig in your setup and or tip your fly with a little piece
  8. Gnote

    Lake O

    Agreed on the shorter Fly length, also if your catchin a lot of lakers your prob going too slow. We go anywhere from 2.2 to 3.0 mph down speed on the probe. If you have no probe make sure those dipsey rods have a good hard bend in them. Thats how we ran for years without a probe. Lastly try not troll in a straight line, zig and zag so that the inside rod will slow and the outside will speed up, if you get a hit on one adjust your speed accordingly. Good luck
  9. That is a sweet pike!
  10. Awesome thanks guys. I just got the 20 ft this year and compared to the 12ft aluminum it takes some gettin used to. Ill put up a report after A come back. Probably going to do some simcoe pike soon too. Tightlines
  11. Thanks man! Ive heard theres a launch in haliburton but im wondering if theres one closer to canning lake?
  12. I was more worried about it being too shallow, i havent been up there for 7 8 years and my memory is not too great. Thanks
  13. Hi fellas, i want to get into canning lake for some fishing in oct. Ive heard i have to launch in kash to get there though. I have two questions. Where is the closest launch? And will my 20 ft chaparral make it through the bridge without taking the outdrive? Thanks a lot
  14. I use my phone as a camera and am much more careful than others. As for the gas if i could have fit another 5l can in my overstuffed overweight ranger i prob wouldve, lol i told those guys to pack light but some people dont listen. Ill be back soon with pics i hope
  15. Hi rich. In the summer the pike will go deep to tolerable water so unless you want hammerhandles i would try to find that magic 60 -65 degree water. On simcoe i troll cranks and heavy spoons sometimes as deep as 30 ft. Weedlines drops and points can all be productive. On really hot days i go carp fishing, hope this helps.
  16. Well ill start by saying im still waiting for the pics from the camera that went for a swim but i have to get this down or ill forget it all:) Myself and two friends packed into my little ranger and headed north may 15 after work, after 8 odd hours of driving we hit the trail. At about 300 in the morning we come up to a washout 30 ft wide and 15 feet deep. Shocked we thought of our options and decided to head back to the nearest town so we could call the other truck in the morning to tell them our new plan. We got a map, found a way around and after 3 hours of brutal trail we were at the lake. Water temp was 41 at the launch and we headed for the first bay. In about two feet of water my buddy raised two big pike but no takers. We started using jerkbaits with a stop and go retrieve and we started getting into fish. Nothing over 10 on day one so we headed in at dark with some new ideas. Day two brought cloudy skies and truck "b" showed up ready to fish. We headed west to hit the bays we missed the day before and they headed to where we went yesterday. Fishing was slow for us and we were experimenting with everything try to get takers. These fish would barely move until you nearly hit them with the boat. Boat b ended up getting two big fish in the bay we fished before one being 15 lbs and the other 17.5. The guy got both on a 6 in grandma on a stop and go retrieve. Day three brings sunshine and as the water warmed up so did the fishing. We did well with numbers but again nothing over 10 lbs, boat b " allegedly " lost a monster trolling out of a bay on the west side of the lake that rolled on the surface and was gone. Well over 20 they said so we kept our hopes up.day four brings more sun and more fish including a 14.5 lb for the bow man and another 14 for the rookie in the middle, his pb since i taught him how to pike fish last year. Boat "b" sees all three guys get a pike over 15 lbs. Almost every fish is caught well inside the bays in less than 10 ft of water and on a stop and go system. Spoons spinners and trolling are not pulling their weight. The last day of fishing is overcast with rain coming. I had been unable to go back to town so we were right low on gas so we had to stay closer to the launch than i would have liked. We did really well for numbers but couldnt get the big ones to hit. When the rain started the bite was on big time we finished our day again with no big fish but a lot in the boat. Boat b had gas and killed it on day 5. The problem was that when the bite turned on the bowman stood up in the boat while listening to the radio and fell right out. After returning to shore and heading back out one got a beautiful 20 lb fish the unbalanced one caught another nice 15 and they all caught more than they could count between 5 and 15 lbs. For them it was the trip of a lifetime and i was proud of thier accomplishment. For us it didnt go as well but we had fun and learned a lot to put to use next year(100 l of gas). Also no one beat my fish from last year which allowed me some measure of pride retained. On the ride home i blew one trailer bearing and had another screaming so that provided some entertainment for the monday traffic, truck b blew the power steering. All in all im chompin at the bit for next year because there are a lot of big pike and with a little luck and a light chop we jist might get that 25+. p.s. As soon as i find out about the water camera pics i will post them. If they are wrecked you will have to wait for next years pics. Thanks for reading tightlines
  17. Awesome pike!
  18. Hi guys. I got back a week ago from my pike trip up north.it was very intersting and for some quite memorable. I am waiting for my buddy from boat b to send me the pics from his camera so i can do a real report( its taking so long because he fell out of the boat with his camera and is trying to get the pics off the memory card. I will post as soon as i can. Tightlines
  19. Definitely, ive been looking forward too gettin a report up but all ive done so far is crappie and sucker
  20. Thanks a lot guys! I guess the ranger is gonna get a workout on the trails... Looks good on er.
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