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Everything posted by jdmls

  1. I recommend u buy the ice 45 over the 35... the digital read out screen is what makes the hummingbird ice series what it is..
  2. Nice fish boys! End of March in Pulaski though ?? The main run from Feb has already pushed through the system to the hatchery.. Mid april once those fish get released is when you wanna be on the SR for the crazy #'s from what I have collected. Beautiful to see it in the snow though!
  3. good stuff bud.. great start the the year
  4. You guys never used rods !!! I still remember the paper graph dumb ass rigged up ... That feels like a century ago LOL
  5. What's the make and model?
  6. Graph wattage vs flasher wattage... The output wattage is not scaled the same..... I'll say it again .... This post is geared towards flasher users.. I am not asking for any kind of input from the graph guys...
  7. I'm just looking for input from flasher owners. . Thanks
  8. Hi guys I have a friend who's been contemplating a flasher purchase for a few years now. I run an ice55 and rave about how great it is and how it was worth every penny, but it's still not enough to convince my buddy to justify spending that kind of money on a flasher.. We fish a lot of water in the 90+fow range so anything less than 2400w output will not suffice. If u own a flasher do me a favor and reflect how much u like it or don't and most of all "was it worth every penny?"
  9. Walk .. Sheeeet
  10. In the middle of planning my groups annual ice fishing trip and need some help ... Last year was my first year joining this crew and unfortunately they had already booked Snowfari adventures ... To say the least, we were extremely unsatisfied. I need some suggestions for outfitters that can accomodate 8-12 people .. Looking for : -Cottages on land with shuttles to day huts -perfer to bring our own food -looking for a Friday - Sunday trip sometime in February -4 hour maximum commute from TO - species of fish is not so important ,more so the abundance of fish ... Most of these guys only get out once a year and would be happy hooking anything ... I'm thinking a rich lake trout lake is our best bet, but a good walleye , pike , perch lake would work to. Thanks in advance guys
  11. HANDS DOWN go waist pack ... Best thing I ever did was ditch the vest William Joseph Riptide Its the 2008 models and has now been discontinued ...The new 2009/10 magnet pocket design is IMO Not many of these left out there ...
  12. Personally I could of got away with the 45 but opted for the 55 with 6 color display. Its phenominal to say the least .... In the 9degree beam mode you can watch the fish come in and change through the. color spectrum as it swims closer until its nose is inches from your presentation .... With a standard three color display u have no where near this kind of horizontal target identification ... With the 6 color display if I crank my gain up I can decifer if a fish has taken my minnow by the color change of my rig ... its that good !!! ICE 35 has no LCD... The LCD display is one of the main features that puts the hbirds on their own plateau ... Save up another couple hundred and go for the 45 or 55 .... I heard Radioworld is blowing out the 45 @ a crazy price !!
  13. Any LCD setup next to a flasher pumping out over 1500 watts is going to have heavy interference ... I run my ICE55 with my buddy's ICE45 and they do interfere . Its manageable but gets annoying . when another buddy fishes along side us with his LX-5 he has to keep his gain way down or it causes heavy interference with our HBirds... Seems as though nothing botthers the marcum , even when all three of us are fishing next to each other ... Still take my 6 color display over the marcum
  14. THESE !! MH9BX - Portable Buddy heater 4000-9000 BTU Best price I am seeing is $90 .... What's the best you guys have seen in and around TO ?
  15. post a report after you use it , please and Thank you .. I am in the works of trying to pick one up ... Where'd you buy it ? best price I have found is $480 @ radioworld ...
  16. And i'm catching perch !!! Nice, wadja get em on, roe ?
  17. SICK !
  18. 12 # sig ... You will never loose a float/shot line again
  19. Good times, Good times... The steelhead gods were kind to us for the fall reunion LOL ... Brady, you roe monster you
  20. Noice feesh
  21. Easy there... Never stated I didn't believe the guy, I just find a report with such length and no picks, useless... It's easy to talk trash from behind your keyboard up der in nordernbay ay
  22. ross flow =
  23. This post is useless without pics, thanks for coming out
  24. Great pics gentleman ... Was up riva from yall on Saturday and it was a CRAP SHOW to say the least ....I was begining to think we would never get a chance at that run this year ... First time in my steelheading career that I actually prayed for NO RAIN , LOL !!!!!
  25. You know it Beauty fish / pics ... You killed me that day with the texts . I was burning at the office !! We will hit that run soon enough ..
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