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Everything posted by Squid

  1. I have used my coleman tent heater for years,overnight, and it works great. Like others have said, there is plenty of ventilation in a tent so there is no issue, the air gets moved around on a regular basis in a tent.
  2. Thanks to all the hydro workers that worked tirelessly for 12 hrs on and 12 off until the power was restored. Most of these employees have yet to celebrate Christmas with their families. :santa:
  3. You leaf fans forgo that the opposing team ( Chicago) sucked when they played the Leafs. Plus they had two AHL goalies in the line so it looks to me like the BH's threw the game. Do you honestly believe that the Chicago Blackhawks lost any sleep in losing to the leafs?? NOT!!! There is no beLEAF on this team that's the problem along with not trusting each other on the ice. TB before you go off spouting about the stinker from Ottawa it would be advisable to look at your team and you will see the same stinker.......
  4. Awesome year Mike!! Had a great time fishing with you this summer. maybe we can get out for some eyes this winter?
  5. Not saying that Eddie and you were part of the lazy bunch working for Government Lew. Even you have commented to me in the past at how lazy some of the city workers are.
  6. Don't be sorry Cliff. Most "government" employees are as described by you. Yes there are those that actually worked but not like in the private sector. Cannot compare working for a city/province/country and working in the private sector. Two totally different entities. ( Pensions) come to mind.
  7. You guys are drinking too much of that blue colored Kool-aid. It's almost like you leaf fans have a bromance with the team.........
  8. Wow three minutes to live in those temps!
  9. You guys are a joke. Stevens hits were clean and would still be clean in today's NHL. The same old rule applies today as it did in the "glory' days, Skate with your head up!! That is why they teach us to stick handle without looking at the puck LOL. Oh and the Laffs blew another lead, oh my. Nice to be looking down the standings and seeing the Leafs below the HABS. Hopefully it stays that way until April. OH and Dion as you guys call him, is a joke. 8 million for his services really? PK is asking for 8 and he is worth it. Phaneuf is worth 4max in todays NHL.
  10. They were all heroes MIke, my condolences.
  11. Wow not me I am still excited about fishing and pine to get out on an daliy basis. Planning on hitting LSC tomorrow for the day. Not many muskie days left for sure. One more time next week and then that's it until the spring or maybe I will set up to fish Bows/lakers on the lower through this coming winter.....
  12. Wow CH you actually went to Matts profile. Oh by the way your initials stand for the HABS
  13. What's with the credibilty statements? Like you have credibilty BM11? I clearly recall the habs sucking bad ( Like the leafs) in the 80's. The fans stayed away in droves with the forum being half empty. HAB fans expect the best and if it is not delivered then management hears about it period. Yeah all the seats are sold out at the bell centre for 5 yras now but if they suck there will be plenty of empty seats that have been paid for. When it comes to the leafs the fans just go to the games like cattle to slaughter. I hope Montreal pounds the Leafs ( especially that dirty dude Kadri) back into October on Saturday night.
  14. What is sad is that there is a Laff thread here on OFC and you leaf fasn keep it going on and on and on... Why put yourselves through the pain? IS there even a HABS thread on OFC? Does it get the attention this one does??? Its the Leaf fans that are pathetic for supporting such a crappy franchise. Yes the Leafs are 'worth' 1.5 billion but who cares if they cannot win games and make it into the playoffs.
  15. I totally agree with Art's assessment of the situation. its not worth the 200 dollars to go to court. If you are not working and have the time then maybe but if you have a full time job ( no time) then to me it is better to discuss it with the mechanic and see what he says before jumping to conclusions.
  16. Wow at this point if you support this Moron then the shoe fits eh.
  17. Moxie, you have stop blaming the liberals and Socialists bud. You make it sound the ony good intelligent and honest party is the conservatives. They are all dirty just look at the federal level right now. Provincial is mguinty and there was also Harris as a corrupt official. They are all dirty so stop pointing towards the party that you hate. You come accross as a very very narrow minded person with bliders on and it does come accross as being intelligent at all. Keep this path up and the mods will lock it up. It amazes me to no end what people will listen to on the news and then believe it. Don't think for a second that the opposition party, conservative, does not play dirty politics while the liberals are in power. it is all a game for them all!! Only problem is it is o nly us that lose and then lose friends because of political leanings derived from the grabage spewed by the right wing sun etc and left wing rags and tv. TRy and take a step back and look at it from an unbiased position.
  18. Everyone needs to stop enabling this man. He needs to leave office and get help. I totally agree with the assessment that this man is on a destructive path and could end up dead in a few days. Is that what Ford nation really wants? Stop defending and start advising him to get help. His weight and his binging on whatever substance is a sure fire way to either stroke out or die of a heart attack. I do not support the man but I sure as hell do not want to see hin dead tomorrow.
  19. Cherry is neither left or right just a Kook!!
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