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Everything posted by Larry

  1. Fish Farmer Have you ever tried Wasaga Beach....Right at the mouth of the Notty.. In about 10 feet of water
  2. HaHaHa..That"s the best I"ve heard in a long time
  3. I have fished Georgian Bay for Sturgeon with a friend who was doing it commercially. We would set our 1 to 2 mile line out with 300 or 400 hooks attached to the main line with a 12 inch secondary line. The preferred bait for Sturgeon is soft shelled crabs but they would not stay on the hooks very long . We would fish for suckers and keep them for bait, we would catch suckers when we were fishing for Whitefish with gill nets. The suckers would be filleted and cut into 1 inch strips then put on the many hooks we had on the line. We would set the line perpendicular to the shoreline. Starting in about 15 feet of water. The next day we would " run the line " bringing it up so it goes from port to starboard as we pulled on the line putting new bait on as needed. We could feel the Sturgeon on the line from 500 yards away. I have personally witnessed us bringing 17 Sturgeon into our boat in one day. These fish were caught of Woodland beach, Deanlea Beach, Wasaga Beach all along where it is sandy with a few rocks. These fish have a mouth that extends 6 to 10 inches down from thier body behind thier snout so they look shark like. They suction the bottom just like suckers do. Thier meat is the same color as beef, They produce some of the best black Caviar arround. I have seen a fish come in by pick-up truck from Christian Island Indians that was hanging over the end of an 8 foot box. That fish we dressed and weighed in at close to 200 Lbs. I am sure that commercial fisherman in Georgian Bay fishing for Whitefish with gill nets will catch sturgeon in thier nets as we did. these fish would be anywhere from 12 inches long to 36 inches. Anyways I think the Sturgeon is the largest fish in the great lakes for now or at least until the ASIAN CARP gets here Larry
  4. It seems to me that I heard they are going to do away with 2-stroke engines sometime in the future. Has anybody heard this also??
  5. Congrats on the win, I know how you feel
  6. Went out on Sat. 11/07 check for bait on the way out and temps. found them both at 255ft. down 70. first fish 9lber threw out marker 20 min. 2nd fish 23lber. both went to the deep for another day. I also got a call from Advance Taxidermy, my fish mount from Aug.12/06 was ready here are pics I"LL get this size thing down soon, the tape reads 44inches. The mount is on the wall. the weight is 38.71lbs Advance did a fantastic job of matching the mount. Now if I could just get a real fish to post.
  7. I think I got it now...
  8. What kind of trailer??
  9. We had some time on Sat. afternoon went to port credit, ran out to 255" started marking bait. set up and dropped 4 lines to 70" on the counter. Threw out a marker. First fish 9 LB. 20 min later a very nice 22lb. the rest of the day Zippo. I will try and post pics.
  10. It seems to me that if the inside of the mouth is black it would be a salmonoid....and if the inside is white it would be a rainbow, or skamania. Larry
  11. Kevin....You lay it on a board and slice it up like salami...
  12. YA, Thanks Gerritt that"s a great recipe...
  13. Well said....
  14. That some crispy looki"n Walleye, nice pics...
  15. This one is one of the best I have tried... 3/4 cup of flour 1/4 cup of corn starch 2-TSP. Baking powder 2-TSP. SALT 1- cup of water If you replace the water with 1 cup of flat beer it makes a nice difference. Also don"t put fish in oil until it reaches 375 degrees. This batter is nice and crispy. LARRY
  16. DanC That"s what I call a qualified explanation to the problem of milky oil in the bottom end..... Larry
  17. I have had experienc with an Islander, it was 22fter nice boat to travel calm water. In the wind I found it hard to control. It is great on fuel if it a 4 Banger but with the canvas up it can very noisy inside, Just my thoughts.........Larry
  18. I I Have Ontario Outdoor,...Outdoor Canada
  19. I am not an electrician but if I were doing it , I would look at the wire size on a 12 Volt winch. I think the wire on that would be sufficient for downriggers. Make sure you get the Plus & Minus on the same side of the plugs. Mark your male plugs with a mark so they go in the plug the right way everytime. That's my way of thinking Pigeontroller. Larry
  20. I got a warning not to open file. Larry
  21. Very nice pics. The Moss in the bush is excellent. Larry
  22. Rapala
  23. I had my 90 HP Johmson repowered if that was done to yours then it"s a good buy and shud last. Yes it has to be broken in just like a new one.
  24. Hey everybody... Thanks for all the info on my post about Beauchene and when to go. The trip is for three days and it includes everything...Boat,motor,meals guide service and lodging in the White House. Thanks Everyone........Larry
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