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Everything posted by largemouthtrout
I agree .. early morning ( start when its still dark out ) is the best time . Unfortunately for me .. I,m stuck in a rut , fishing in some , lets say undesireable areas threse days , as i can,t afford to keep my car on the road at the moment . I ride my bicycle or take a bus . ( sure would be nice if the busses started running at 3 or 4 in the morning ) And .. The busses don,t go to some of the places i like to go on the weekends iether . Anywho .. its 4:46 am , gonna makesome coffee and think about headin out for an early mornin fish .
Man .. I soooo have to move . Nice ones . I,m thinkin theres a huge one sitting in that pool just behind that rockin front f the island .
awsome .. glad someone was catchin some 1/2 decent fish . I went out ( on the grand ) around 2ish , caught a wackload of chubs again ... stupid things . And once again about 10 smallmouths no bigger than 3 inches long . How the hell am I supposed to wiegh them ? .. In milligrams ?
Its pretty sad really . It happens everywhere , for some reason or another . Whether its the scientists or the governments . They think they are godly with their decisions of introducing spiecies from the other side of the planet , be it animal , plant or insect . They always have the right answer ... until something goes wrong . I wonder , what happened to all those birch trees ( that seemed to be on every other houses front lawn , when i was a kid ) Oh wait , that wouldn't have been a European beatle that was introduced into Canada to eat some kind of affids , would it ? Seemed it had a bigger appetite for birch than affids . There is a reason those speicies aren't here ... its called NATURE . Leave it alone ! Now we have Asian carp , Chineese snakeheads ( the carp we have here already were introduced as , The poor mans Salmon ) Worst part about it is .. they will never learn from their mistakes .. because the new guy is even more qualified , to make the wrong decision than the last guy was .
premier throws in a line at Walleye Cup
largemouthtrout replied to kickingfrog's topic in General Discussion
GOOD EYE WALL ... GOOD EYE . Oh wait ... that's baseball . -
Good to hear . I think the rain did a bit of good here too . I have been having a pretty dry summer as far as fish go . 3 days of steady light rain did a lot of good . On the flip side though , the fish aren't were i usually catch them this year . Places where i usually catch bass around 2 pounds , i,m catching nothing but chubbies . Today i caught about 20 chubs and about 15 smallmouth ... BUT ... the bass were not 2 lbs ... they were 2 inches . I had to stop myself from fishing any more . I didn,t want to hurt that many small fish . Pretty bad when the biggest fish i caught was a chub .. ha ha .. ( well , its still better than sitting at home )
I prefer The Pinery Provincial Park in Grand Bend . There is a good spot on the highway between the Pinery and Grand Bend for ice cream and pizza ( can't remember the name .. but it's hard to miss ) . It is on the lake side of the highway . The pavillion at the pinery also has decent burgers and fries . There is a river that runs thru the park also . I have never fished in it , but it looks good for fishing and canoeing .
how about something like this , you can find them at just about any pet store , walmart , and some of the bigger grocery stores in the pet food section .
NF 250 000 000 mile one way trip to Mars
largemouthtrout replied to woodenboater's topic in General Discussion
Hey , ahh Wacko man . I say ahhhhh , I really don't think this is Las Vegas man . Don't worry EL Pee . Next time i see that glove stealing little twerp , I,m gomma moonwalk all over that big glowy boogy finger of his , and then lets see who phones home . Hey , ahh Wacko man ? ... Yes EL Pee ... Ahh why you holdin my hand man ? -
Strange ... last summer my buddy told me his friend caught a blue coloured pike , and asked me if i had ever seen one before ... ( no ) . Next time i was at the fishing shop , i asked about it but anybody had seen one before ... ( no ) . I was told of blue looking walleye . I,m going to ask him were that was again . Could have been a fluke of nature ... or ... might not be extinct after all .
Howdy , I,m just another guy that likes fishing . I use mainly ultralite gear and I make my own home made tackle . which I use about 90 percent of the time . I make my own cheesy wet and dry flies ( hey .. they work ) . I make these popper-like lures that is an ongoing project of trying to perfect . They look a bit silly , but I catch fish on them , and i have fun making them . I also make a TOP SECRET weedless spoon type lure that you can cast right into the weeds and it,s killer for largemouth bass . There,s nothing better than catching fish on something you made yourself . RE : ( what ever happened to introductions ) Had i not seen that post , i would not have searched for a thread called introductions , as most sites usually have that pinned up at the top of the list .
NF 250 000 000 mile one way trip to Mars
largemouthtrout replied to woodenboater's topic in General Discussion
i,m going to limit myself to only this one comment on this topic . "You actually believe those are ( live ) unscrutinized , uncencored images they are showing us ?" Think about it . -
don,t sweat it ... she'll come out when her cell phone minutes are up .
Heres my ultralite gear . Nice little shimano one piece . Its my smallest rod , with a tiny little pflueger underspin on it . Works awsome . A digital camera bag that holds everything i need . I just take what i think i,m going to use , and away i go . Theres 4 plastic cases ( screw boxes from the dollar store ) . I payed 5 bucks for the 4 them , and i got a bunch of nuts , bolts and screws out of the deal . There is mosquito repellant , a flashlight , a camera , a spool of line , scissors , a small clamp for the deep hooks in there . Oh ya and a pack of bandaids . Not as big and fancy a some stuff i seen , but perfect for walking around in little streams with .
They aren't nudists . They are retired and on CPP . if you can only afford 2 of the following 3 items , which would they be . 1 - a pack of native smokes 2 - a 12 pack of moose tallboys 3 - a pair of biege polyester pants that buckle up under your armpits
Interesting ... I wonder if you called the actual store in Vaughan on the phone , and gave them the product number of what you wanted , if they would ship you one direct from their store ? ... might be worth trying . It would be kinda like if you were at the store and wanted something that they were out of stock on .. they will order it in and call you when it arrives . Never know .. they might .
OK ... I don,t get this at all . Theres a BassProShop in Vaughan ( Toronto ) ... I,m pretty sure Toronto is still in Canada . Why are you ordering from BassPro in the States ?
had me nervous for a second there after watching a program on ( box jellyfish ) looked up what you described ... they are actually quite common ... and pretty much harmless to people . might irritate someone with sensitive skin . heres the link to what I found http://www.soe-townsville.org/freshwaterjellyfish/ They seem to like to feed on mosquito larva ... so they can,t be all that bad .
Poor Little Lake (Puslinch)
largemouthtrout replied to Musky or Specks's topic in General Discussion
Mabey a better idea than adding extra regulations , to a pond that is easily accessed by , lets say , someone and thier little kids for a fun day of fishing . How about adding a few fish ? I'de like to believe that some of the money that i pay for my fishing licence , goes to more than pay the wages of someone who will write me a ticket , if i don,t have a licence . -
I just wanted to add my 2 cents worth on the tire issue . Note ... This is just my experience . Years back i had a small travel trailer ( roughly 1000 lbs ) , the tires were old , one went flat so I decided to get some new tires . I went to an RV dealership in between Kitchener and Cambridge to get a set of tires . The person working there was very helpfull in explaining to me , the reasons why you have to get bias ply tires for a trailer . After a lot of " humming and hawwing " i decided to go with the " middle of the road priced tires " priced at $120 a piece . Not too bad for a 2 ply bias tire , EH ! So ... Another customer calls him over to ask a question . While I,m waiting , i see his tire list sitting on the counter and i grab it to look at what other tires are available . My eyes open quite wide . He runs over and yanks the list out of my hand and says , " thats not for you to look at " . OH ... ITS NOT FOR ME TO LOOK AT ? ( add swearing here ) .. ( add name calling here ) , you just tried to sell me $40 ( add swearing here ) tires for $120 a piece , you ( add name calling here ) . After a very heated one sided conversation on my part and a few of his customers leaving , I too walked out . Then I ended up at a tire store . I bought a new pair of all season , steel belted radials , $60 each , installed and balanced on the rims i had brought with me . He assured me that they would work fine on a trailer , and if i had any problem at all . to just come back no charge . The tires worked fine .. in fact they were better than the original bias ply tires that i originally had on the trailer . I found my trailer didn,t sway as much . I never had a problem with them at all . I.m not recomending using passenger tires on your trailer ... just telling you that they worked fine for me . Just food for thought . PS : check princess auto , if you have one near you . they have all kinds of trailer tires .. with or without rims , for a decent price .
fire up tha babbie ... give it a few twists and make some redneck link sausage .
Why not try 6 mile lake provincial park . Its near north .. you can get there in 2 hours . There are sites right on the water , and its a very nice park . I've camped there 3 or 4 times years back , when our ever so brilliant government changed to that stupid 1-800 number to reserve camp sites . I couldn't get a spot at the parks i wanted to go to , because our nieghbours south of the border would reserve sites at 5 or 6 diferent campgrounds 6 months in advance , and then decide which one they were going to camp at when they got here . The cancellation fee was only like 10 bucks , so they didn,t care . Nothing better than not being able to make a reservation , and having to try your luck at getting one of the first come first serve sites .. and theres none left . Only to find theres 20 - 30 empty sites , which are reserved .. but no show ... urrrggg . OK .. I'm better now . Anywho , I passed 6 mile PP every time but never looked at it . When we finally did camp there , it was actually quite nice . We did some canoeing , but never actually fished in there . And we did see a duck go under water , and never did see it come back up again . Lochness monster ? Somethin' big in there . Definitly worth trying . All that nice air up there .. you might need a respirator for when you go back home .
Ok , so this is my first actual post on forum , so let me start by sayin' hi . .... HI .... I don,t know how its been in everyone else's neck of the woods , but the heat in Kitchener has been killing me for at least the last 4 weeks . We finally got a break on Thursday , and Iv'e been achin' to go fishin' for weeks . I set the alarm and got up at 5:00 and was out the door on my bicycle at 5:30 . I started fishing on the Grand down below Breslau in a spot where I usually have pretty good luck . Nadda ... not even a hit . I rode the Grand river trail to 5 other ( not too bad ) spots , and had just as much luck . ( I'm only using my own homemade lures and my ultralite rod .. I'm sure if I put on a big worm or a snail , I probably would have caught at least one ) So on my way home . I stopped at this little pond , where I can usually catch smallmouth and sunfish one after another all day long . Nadda .. I saw something in the water .. coulda been a carp , or a turtle .. not sure .. couldn,t tell . The water was so muddy looking , you could only see about 6 inches thru it . Totally skunked , but I still had a good time getting out fishin' . First time in years I.ve been out that early in the morning to go fishin' . Riding down the road at 5:30 with my fishin' pole in my hand , I'm watchin' people driving to work , and I'm thinkin' .. sucks to be you . Saturday .. Decided to go to some other spots in the Doon area . Thought that being cool for a couple days woulda helped .. caught a bus around noonish ( not the greatest time of the day ) Did some casting and some fly fishing . Caught 2 little chubs on the fly rod , and 3 chubs on the ultralite . One big hit on the ultralite , but it got off .. I have most of my barbs pinched off so its not as hard on the fish . Well at least i didn,t get skunked again .. ha ha . I still had a good time , and it was first time in over 8 years that i used my fly rod and that was fun too . Just a note .. i did notice that in one of the little tributary streams i was in .. i only seen one crayfish . Usually the stream has tonnes of them , you normally see them scurrying away with ever foot step . I saw one . Moral of the story ? ... Don't fill up you water bottles and then forget to bring them with you . Man I was thirsty by the time i got home . I think I'm gonna get out my drum and do an Indian rain dance or something . I think the fish are thirsty too .
Can't say i've had any experience with that particular rod . But if i could only take one rod with me ... you couldn,t pay me to take a telescopic . I would go with a 4 pc travel rod . My buddy bought one of those travel kits from cdntire , its a 4 or 5 pc rod comes with a cheap spinning reel and a cheap fly reel ( tried a few casts with it .. and it was actually a pretty decent rod ) , and he seems pretty happy with it . My personal preference is one pc fast action ultralight . The thing i don't like about telescopic rods most is the simple fact that i don.t trust them to not break . Ive seen too many broken telescopic rods left behind just sitting there on the ground . I can not tell you from personal experience ( because i would just never buy one ) but if you go with a telescopic . I would keep the tip a little lower than a regular rod when reeling in a fish .
Nice catch . Sorry , i had another Alzheimer's attack , and , I forgot what lake you said you were on . I hate asking people to repeat themselves , but whats the name of that lake again ?