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Everything posted by largemouthtrout

  1. Watched an episode of " dirtiest jobs " where there is a huge striped bass farm out in the middle of Arizona ... guess what they use to clean out the bass poop ....Tilapia .
  2. If its getting hot , its because it is running lean ... choke causes it to suck more gas ( richer ). running too rich doesn't cause overheating .. it causes plug fouling . Someone else suggested you might have an air leak .. thats most likely right ( probably the intake gasket ) A leak at the exaust gasket can also cause this .. as can a plugged up muffler ( oily tar buildup ) If you have some high temp silicone on hand ( I like the red permatex ) .. before you go out and spend money on anything , try smearing some around the intake gasket . Just a note here .. fuel stabilizer ? I don't get it . I never use it , and i have never had a problem starting up a motorcycle , lawn mower or a snow blower i have ever owned . Not knocking the cleaning ability of brake cleaner ,, but .. i would not recomend it .. most brake cleaners contain clorine , which when burned can be very harmful when breathed in .. even in the smallest amount . Just sayin' .
  3. I forget exactly which Quatrain it was from , but I,m pretty sure Nostrodaemus predicted that the price of crude oil will increase 20 percent and gas will cost 20 cents more on Thursday December 20th at around 2:45 pm. On the 24th it will cost 28 cents more , and then it will drop on January 5th by 10 cents .
  4. Way back in april , when we had some warm days , I decided to go fishing in the creek for chubs , just for something to do . Buddy that i was living with at the time was bored too , so he grabbed a rod and tagged along . He was using his tackle ... with no luck , and i was pullin chubbies out one after another using my homemade lures . I ended up giving him one , and he managed to catch 2 fish . In May , he left to go live in Quebec for the summer , and I just ran into him at the begining of December . It was just about noon when i ran into him and we were both hungry , so we went to grab a bite to eat . He started laughing , and said he said he couldn,t wait to see me to tell me this story , and said that we gotta go into business . He was out in a boat on some lake with a bunch of guys , and they were fishing for walleye for 2 days , and nobody had caught a single fish ( they just were,'t bitting he guessed ). Amongst them , they tried every lure they had , and nothing . Then he spotted the tiny little cartoon lookin' lure that i gave him , and said " what the heck .. tried everything else ". Because it is a slow sinking lure , he put a splitshot on about 4 feet up ... to get it down beep enough . He nailed Walleyes one after another for 3 hours strait .. then that was it .. they iether stopped bitting .. or he caught em all . He said he had people offering him money and cases of beer for the lure .. but he said no . " Its the only thing thats working , and I only got this one " he told them . He told me he was the talk of the town for the whole weekend , and people were still trying to buy the lure off him . Anyways .. was real cool to hear that one of my crappy little lures was catching some nice walleyes .... made my day .
  5. 20 bucks says it was the guys middle finger .
  6. 110 welders work fine .... i,m on my 3rd one ... not necause the were bad ... i sold the others when i needed money . If the power to your house is around 100 amp service or better , you will be fine ,,, i would not recommend a welder to an older house with 60 amp service . stick with the big 3 ,, lincoln ,, miller ,, hobart ... ( i think lincoln makes the century welder .. which i have ... it works alright . ) mine uses flux core wire ... no gas you will definately find a difference between 110 and 220 .... mostly the cosmetics of the weld ( quality ) but for small jobs 110 is fine car bodies , yes .... car frames , no
  7. Haha .. when you open the pics they come out smaller ... I can,t really make them out with my bad eye . I would say if the back of the heel has 2 buldges , its a dog type print .. If it has 3 bulges at the back of the heel , its a cat type print . Thats my guess .
  8. Awsome ... nice pics . Did you eat any of those ? If so , hows the barracuda ?
  9. Well I don,t know about the fish , but I'm stoked about this cool weather movin in . I gotta ride my stupid bicycle a good 12k each way up 'n down some pretty nasty hills to get to my spots . Its gonna be awsome getting there without a sweat drenched shirt for once . Also happened across a bunch of my good homemade lures today that i had misplaced and forgot about , so I'm lookin forward to fishing this weekend .
  10. I find this is a pretty wonky year , most likely the heat and the water levels . Up untill the middle of August i was catching nothing but chub , pans , rockies and minnow size bass , untill one day , boom . Now the fish have been bigger every time i go out , and the chub seem to have moved off ... or have became lunch for the bass . Iether way things seem to be getting better here too now that a bit of rain and cooler weather has come along .
  11. Put on a nice black suit and tie , pour 2-1/2 oz gin and 1/4 oz dry vermouth one olive , down the fishes throat . shake for 10 seconds , hold at shoulder hieght , light a smoke and sing Thats Amore .
  12. That really sucks about your dogs foot , I never liked bottles . They shoulda stopped making them years and years ago . Can you say union ? Thats why cans cost more than bottles , and probably why beer bottles still exist . It would be an interesting fact to know , how many people , in the last 50 years , have gone to the hospital becuase of broken beer bottles .
  13. I had touble saying sastitician , stashisition , sastitsician , statist ish on .. aw you know what i mean .
  14. Awsome .. thats a decent smallmouth . funny , when you said you walked up to the guy fishin to ask what he was using , it reminded me of this utube vid .
  15. What the heck , Is that fish wearin lipstick ?
  16. I was fishing in the Grand tonight caught a few decent smallmouths and a rock bass .. and then theres the one big that got off the hook after jumping like a marlin ( most likely a bass ) . Anyways , it was getting darker when i caught this other fish , so i didn,t get the greatest look . first i thought it was a smallmouth , untill i got it out of the water .Then i thought it was a big rock bass , but it didn,t look right . after looking at some pics online , the closest thing i can compare it to is a white bass . ( like i said though .. it was getting dark ) looked like stripes down the length of the body , but the stripes seemed more like rows of dots . I never caught a white bass before ( if thats what it was ) . Anyone heard of white bass in the Grand ?
  17. I,de love to catch a bass like that .. those frog lures of his look awsome .
  18. Sounds like a good day . Funny.. ya the grand is big ( I think 400 km if you straiten it out ) Well it is big until you're the only person on the river , and then , all of a sudden , someone else shows up and fishes 10 feet away from you .
  19. Just adding a note on Northernpikes suggestion to go to a larger spinner . I have been using mostly my own lures ( till i ran out ) not sure what the hook size is ( threw out the packages ) but its a good size hook ... also have been using the bigger spinners . Dem little fishes gotz big appetites . I have most of the barbs on my smaller size tackle crimped off so as to not hurt the fish so bad . I had too many small fish take the whole trebble in their mouth and get all 3 hooks in with #2-#3 spinners. Almost impossible to get out .. I,ve crimped the hooks just to get them out of the fish . I can get a #1 deep hook out easier that a #2-3 hook thats too big for the fishes mouth . I,m going to use the small tackle untill the fish size comes up , or untill I make some more lures ( single hook ) The bit of rain we got today is sure to be a good thing and the shorter days are probably helping cooling off the river . I think the fishing should be good for the rest of the season .
  20. Well , things are lookin' up in Kitchener . Finaly caught a couple halfassed smallmouths in the Grand . one about 12 inches , another about 10 inches and lots of small ones around 6 inches . The first hour was non-stop action on rockbass and tiny smallmouths . I couldn,t even tell you how many it was . I used only one lure . A #1 mepps aglia , silver with red stripes and bright orange tail that i tied myself . I tried various techniques .. low and slow worked best this time .. as slow as i could go and keep the blade spinning . But it did make for cleaning a lot more weeds off the hook . I tried this spot about a week ago and caught 10-12 fish , all pretty small , but it seemed like a promising location . It seems the bigger fish are finally starting to show themselves . Hopefully next time I will catch bigger ones . This is also the first time this year that i didn,t catch a chub . Although when nothing else is bitting chub will do . All in all , it was a very good day .
  21. Man that sucks ... SO , ya gettin married or divorced ?
  22. Nice trap . Only one problem . Any fish smart enough to twist off the blue lid is gonna figure out the red lid pretty quik .
  23. Hey .. rock bass can be fun too . I.ve had them swallow lures twice the size of their mouth . Suprised they don,t make a pop sound when i pop the luresout of their mouth . ( like when ya do that with your finger in a beer bottle ) I.m glad to see that I,m not the only one here to admit to catching a fish under a foot .
  24. Sorry to hear that you didn,t catch anything .. I know the feeling . The water has been crazy low this year for too long . I have mentioned in other posts about the fish not being in the areas where I normally catch them . Lots of chubs and baby smallmouth , but I,m not having much luck finding the big ones . On the positive side though .. I did go fishing that afternoon/evening and found a new spot that seems pretty promising . The fish were all small , but I caught between 10-12 smalls between 5-7 inches long and one rock bass and only 1 chub this time . I know theres some big smalls in there ... just a matter of time . Big improvement over the 3-4 inch bass i was catching the other day . The fish were very active in the hour before the sun went down .Using ultralight gear , I started out using my own lures ( these are my bottom of the barrel leftovers ... lost most of the good ones snagged on submerged branches ) . I only caught 1 smallie on my lure . Changed up to a #2 mepps . Orange aglia with a yellow and orange tail I tied myself . Worked good up untill about 3/4 hour before the sun went down , I caught 5 or 6 on that . Then i changed to a #0 silver mepps aglia ( undressed ) and did not catch any fish on that . I then changed to a #0 silver mepps aglia , same as the other one , but , with a bright green dressed tail , that I tied myself , caught the rock bass , the chub and a couple smalls on that . When it was dark , I tried a #3 black fury with yellow dots and a gold hook ( undressed ) and caught 3 small bass on that , and that was it . Had to get out while I could still somewhat tell where the path was . Using worms or snails would probably get a bigger fish but I like using my own lures . I only switched to the spinners because like i said .. the lures i have left are the ones that don,t work too good .
  25. everything is in season .. I might go to a spot later if i,m not caught up in other things . Theres a little parking lot at the end of Otterbein Rd , its on the Grand River Trail . Theres easy access for shore fishing , but the better spots are a little down the trail .. both ways . Haven,t been there in a bit , so i,m not sure how grown in it is to get to the river further down . Since I haven,t been there in a while I also do not know if the good spots are infested with giant hog weed or not ( I don,t like getting close to that stuff ) . Some areas have quite a few growing . Hog weed .. real big plant , thick stock .. like your wrist , right now kinda brownish looking , has a dill weed look to its shape . I,m not sure if they are poisonous after they flower or not ... but I,m not testing it on myself . Its photo sensitive ( reacts with sunlight ) , so its not a problem if you get it on you in the night time and wash it off . OH .. if I make it down ( wouldn,t be till after 5 ) ... I,ll be wearin a black OZZY baseball hat
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