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Luke V.

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Everything posted by Luke V.

  1. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing
  2. The holders (rubber part and the Velcro strap) came from Basspro The aluminum mounts they are on I made
  3. That's too long for me
  4. Good luck out there! The browns are in for sure With yesterday's north wind they will be pushed into shore Good luck!
  5. Got the boat all shinned up and did all my spring maintenance over the last few days Looking good as new Did a few new mods And hit the water today Original plan was to hit Lake Erie for perch. But with the launch still a mess and the winds not looking in our favor decided to stick with the lower river. Launched the boat at 1230 was off at 530 First fish in my boat this season was a sucker My bro was up next with a really nice Brown!! That's all the fish that we caught But had a blast!! Excellent weather over the past few days here is Southern Ontario! Tight lines Luke
  6. Yea I got some spoons I fish for bass that I will b using
  7. For my minnow rig i run #10 hooks and 4 lb flouro leader and a 3/8 bell sinker. I use 2 hooks spaced 12-14 inches apart with the sinker 10-12 inches below the bottom hook. I have used this in all ranges of depths. 20' on Lake Simcoe to 70' on Lake Erie. Not too sure how fishing minnows in deeper water is a pain
  8. Thanks for all of the replys By the sounds of it. I will keep my presentation the same this spring.
  9. With ice out official here in southern ontario I will be hitting Lake Erie on Friday Most springs I use the usual small spoons and pickerel rig with minnows What's your favourite method for putting yellows in the boat? Thanks Tight lines
  10. Thanks it's been a lot Of work and pain lol
  11. Here is mine in many different stages Still not complete after 6 sittings
  12. Thats a killer price. I bought one last spring. Have used it all season for many different types of fishing. It nice and light, and feels good in my hands. The drag pulls smooth. With the 6;3;1 gear ratio you can crank fish into the boat. I have never had it fail me. I would recommend it! I might even get another for that price. Edit: I see they are offering the 7:3:1 ratios only on sale
  13. For that price look at Powell, Simax, Abu, and keep your eyes on the classifieds. Nothing wrong with saving some money on a gently used rod
  14. Check out link http://www.stcroixrods.com/shop/catalog/Freshwater-23-1.html
  15. Mine has the split bench at the back and then two benches. No livewell no floor. Powered with a Merc 25 SeaPro. Had an old 80's Johnson 20 before that. Have never felt underpowered. Runs 27 mph with just me in it
  16. I am looking for a better option for storing rods in my boat. Running a 14' Star Craft split bench at the rear. This boat comes with the plastic 2 rod holders on each side. I am looking to remove the current rod holders and add something that can accommodate 4-5 rods on each side. Has anyone used these? http://www.basspro.com/Attwood-Vertical-Mount-Rod-Holder/product/10211296/ Was then thinking of using a strap or these the for the tip end Does anyone know where i could buy something similar to these? thanks for your help tight lines Luke
  17. I run snows on my truck. And have run snows on past vehicles. They make a huge difference
  18. Father in law had an 08 with the 4.8L. Pretty good on gas. Nice truck, just not enough power for towing larger trailers. Swapped it in for a 2010 crew can with the 5.3 and towing package. Identically the same truck just newer and different engine. Makes a big difference when hauling bigger trailers. I wouldn't be too worried about the mileage. Have the tranny flushed/coolant flushed and check the gear oil in the diffs and transfer case an that truck will last another 200k
  19. Engineers are practical. We aren't getting sucked in Maybe you have forgotten that engineers are involved in making this cutting edge technology that u take advantage of everyday. Most engineers are very practical. If you chop wood by hand to light your common folk fire, but had access to a splitter why not use the splitter. It always has made sense to me to seek the simplest and most effective solution to every problem. That's what makes engineering so much fun and enjoyable. It's striving everyday to come up with a solution to many many complex problems. Engineers are not sucked into anything. They are the ones creating the next best thing everyday.
  20. Thanks for the link Mike! I didn't know they had been released yet!!!
  21. Must not have been in correctly. I have shot underwater video and taken pics with my life proof. There are very specific instructions on how to install the case. Must be inspected after being dropped etc And the manufacturer does say its good only to a certain depth. 2 metres
  22. I have a life proof case for my 4s. It is water proof. Only good until it reaches 2m of depth. Only thing I don't like about it is that there is no way to attach a lanyard to hook to my wrist. I'm afraid of dropping it
  23. Great video Steve. Thanks for sharing! Jealous that I'm not out there pounding the big ones like you
  24. Surprisingly the iPhone takes pretty good under water footage All u need is a life proof case. Well worth the investment for me
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