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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. nice steelie dude! what camera did you use for those underwater shots? There's no a whole lot you can do if the water is stained like that, short of getting closer to the fish. And using a flash is pretty much useless because it will light up all the little particles floating in front of your fish! good work! Çheers, Ryan
  2. Thanks Clof - I'll give it a shot next time! Cheers, Ryan
  3. Hey guys, Dave had us put this little video together yesterday... I thought it might brighten up some your wednesday mornings! Enjoy! By the way if somebody could help me figure out how to post these directly into a thread that'd be great! Cheers, Ryan
  4. wow look at those tree's! Hard to beat big bass and scenery like that. Out on the water with your old man to boot! Thanks for the report, UF
  5. Nice job on the deck Lew - and congrats again on the Skeeter.... makes me want to think twice about getting a bass boat someday... nice lookin' rig, and it could probably handle the big water out here on Erie much better... Thanks for popin' by! Cheers, Ryan
  6. lol dude, that pretty much made my afternoon!
  7. hahaha the parent teacher / wolverine story is killing me cudz!! lol nice fish dude. and congrats getting out with the kids for some late season action.!! my 3 year old wanted to hit the bay with me today but she's got a nasty cough so I had to leave her behind... she was pretty bummed but it was a good thing for her because I got skunked pretty hard. lol thanks for the report....happy thanksgiving. cheers, ryan
  8. right on cliff! I got skunked today so thanks for the report! cheers, ryan
  9. bah - Nice Gators Cliff! I'll take Bass / Salmon / Muskie like that any day dude! Thanks for the report... ps. Does Bly like the clean shave? Cheers, Ryan
  10. Quick report folks... after work yesterday a buddy and I decided to fish for 45 minutes or so before he had to make the long drive back to his house. (he lives 3 hours away) So off we went for a quick session. He picks up a an X-Rap (Mercer's Magic to be exact) and starts throwing it for big fall Bass - had a couple of solid followers, but the mid-sized fish were aggressive and kept flying in and scooping up the bait first.... I pick myself up a micro rapala crank bait, and say " I'm just going to throw this because I've never caught a brown trout before, in-fact, I've never even seen a brown trout caught in this lake before." So I wind up, let her rip, and a few seconds into my retrieve on my FIRST CAST a nice shadow comes flying out after it, smashes my bait, goes airborn - and wouldn't you freakin know it, it's a nice little brown! My buddy lost it laughing, then I told him to smarten up and help me land my prized fish! Then my buddy decides to prove that browns like the Magic also! ( so much for not seeing them in that lake before ) I kind of missed the boat on his fish's picture... it's the brownish blob you see swimming off... That was enough for us! Not a bad 45 minutes on the water! My first ever brown, and obviously my PB. Have a good friday - and enjoy your weekends! Cheers, Ryan
  11. Hey Dude, While we were out there shark fishing a couple weeks ago Art, from Blue Shark Charters took me down to Fishing Fever in Halifax. They had a nice shop, the guys in there seemed really nice and were glad to help us out. Why not give them a shot, and if they turn out to be total deush's I'm sorry! haha Good luck out there - and make sure to post your results. http://www.fishingfever.ca/ Cheers, Ryan
  12. They were all behind the plate...AND in the Facts of Fishing section cheering on Dave!
  13. In case you guys didn't catch it on TV - They let our crew on the field to shoot Dave last night! Happy Tuesday! Cheers, Ryan http://www.factsoffishing.com/videos.php?id=38
  14. thanks jocko! yeah We don't plan on using 120 gallons of water per hour non stop, but it's good to be able water your lawn, wash dishes, do laundry and shower all in the same day from time to time.... the front load washer is in the works...believe me. My wife has been on my case about a new washer-dryer set for months... you should have seen her reaction when I came home with a shiny new ridding lawn mower this summer! It's just not in the budget right now! to bad though... our 5 month old boy pukes on everything we own at an amazing rate... all our clothes, blankets you name it! Thanks for the posts dude! Cheers, Ryan
  15. Trilene 100% fluoro is the way to go! Great for a whole spool or as leader material. Hasent failed me once!
  16. bump for FishnSled...
  17. lol dude I'd love to see you driving a boat, or sailing with goggles and a snorkel on! Some funny stories there John..thanks alot for taking the time! lol usually once you get into a fish or two and the blood starts pumpin' you're a-ok So no morning coffee? I don't know if I can do that.. especially on a "work day". lol lol funny picture Syn. I got it right away! I'm a little out of touch with that sort of stuff compared to some of my friends but still young enough to have kept myself in the loop a little! lol yeah man - Snag styles... Thanks for comin' out today dude! Nice to finally put a face to the blurrs and swirls! hahaha jk cheers, Ryan
  18. thanks dawg... so deep fried fish and bud light limes the night before wasn't a good idea? I was find until I went into the cabin and tried to write a few things down... hit me like a ton of bricks... haha that story reminds me of a scene from "Stand By Me". This chubby kid slams a micky of booze then enters a pie eating contest...you can guess the rest from there.. Thanks for the ginger tip..never heard that one before... The coke/Pepsi thing worked, but not so much for the pop content, more so the carbonation.. you feel better when you burp.. It's going to be a good one dude! yeah dude..the diesel smell gets to you for sure if you're down wind... nevermind the smell of Rabies Baits?!? lol Thanks man... Ritchie (the other camera op.) made it through the whole trip without a problem... he even shot some stuff from the fly bridge on our way back!!
  19. Thanks! we use barrels for watering plants, and really haven't watered the lawn once since we've owned the house...been lucky that way....our grass has always been pretty green. yeah you're right....we dumped 1500 gallons in...a lot did seep out of the well, but it's been finding it's way back in as we use the water.... yeah dude... u know where I live...we're surrounded my farmers fields for miles and miles... I know a couple of guys who actually have permits to pump water strait out of local resident trout streams to water their tobacco! lol government issued permits.... Nice to hear.. I know a lot of you guys aren't down with city water "chlorine etc..." but I'm a city boy at heart. and at least it's tested on a regular basis. My wife's cousin has recently gotten VERY SICK, from a dug well that was contaminated somehow by surface water...her kidney's are all screwed up among a few other things... we use bottled water already anyways for drinking water... I'd love to go the cistern route..as long as it isn't to expensive... Sandpoints are also useless here as far as I've been told. Apparently we have some sort of super fine sand that clogs it very fast, and on top of that even if it did work you'd be lucky to get 1 or 2 gallons per minute of water because of the low water content in my area...
  20. Hey guys, I was away for the Facts of Fishing Kids Day at Ontario place....awesome turn out! met a couple of OFC'ers to! Thanks for taking the time to post! I'll do more exploring, but I did call a half dozen drillers and they all told me I was wasting my time. I'd never get enough water to satisfy my needs. ( I want 5 to 10 GPM ) And as far as I understood the sulphur water at 100+ feet in my area doesn't just have an off smell and taste, but is pretty much poison. Our dug well has the sulfury smell from time to time as it is.... Thanks dude! A cistern was what I was talking about. There's a guy about 100 feet away from my driveway who makes and sells them up to 3000 gallons.... Hey Joe - Our well is really shallow...only 16 feet and we've consistently run out of water all summer, but never did it stay dry for 24 hours until now... usually only for a couple of hours then it's good to go... My neighbors are my in-law's but they're house is still being finished and doesn't have water yet so I'm poop out of luck there! lol Most of the water we had put into the well has seeped into the ground, but seems to be finding it's way back in as we use it. Yeah John, I told Ginny she couldn't shower, and if she want's to pee she has to go hide behind the dog house in the back yard.... The couch was a quite comfy last night! wow 3170 gallons...that's more than I'd hoped to hear! haha that's about $100 worth of water from what I was told.... we've got a 3 year old and a 5 month old...and we're not very conservative 4000L per month right? I was quoted about 6 grand to put in a 30 foot well, and 3 grand for a 3000 cistern.... but I have to go around and talk to my neighbors about their wells... Thanks Hoosier.... That seems to be the average for a family...more than I'd hoped.... We do use our rainwater, but only for watering plants / grass etc. We have a painted galvanized steel roof so I don't really trust the water that comes off of it... I'd prefer a drilled well... as I said before, every driller I phoned basically turned me away once they found out where I lived....and I mean if I lived 1km away they were good to go, but none of them have had good experiences with water in my little pod of houses. The ones who said they'd try, wouldn't guarantee me water. They said they'd try if I wanted them to, but if they couldn't get good water I'd be left high and dry with a bill to boot! There isn't a single drilled well within a KM of my house from what I've been told from all the drillers I phoned. They all checked their records and said I can't have a drilled well. A combination of sand type/clay/sulfur/iron....
  21. Hey dude! I phoned every driller within a 2 hour drive of here and they all told me that the little area I live in can't have a drilled well. I guess the type of sand in the area doesn't work well, and then once you get to a certain dept it's all sulfur water... I was a plumbing apprentice in Sudbury for a little while after highschool and all we did were drilled wells with submersible pumps...that's the way to go for sure if you can get away with it! Thanks for taking the time! Cheers, Ryan
  22. I'm on FIRE with the topics tonight.... Short and sweet - my well has been struggling all summer. We finally ran out of water completely yesterday, and it didn't replenish itself much at all over a 24 hour time frame. So this morning I ordered a water truck to come in and fill our well. I've been looking at having a 3000 gallon tank put into the ground. (forget what they're called) Basically they drop this giant tank under ground in your yard and fill it every couple of months with city water. I'm trying to crunch some numbers to see if it makes sense to go this route. We'll keep the well of course, but mainly for watering the grass etc. (if there's water in it) So roughly how much water does your family use on a monthly basis? If you could take the time to let me know it'd be a huge help. If not...thanks for nothin! haha Just kidding. Thanks OFC. Cheers, Ryan
  23. Hey guys, Anybody have any tricks to avoid getting sea sick? I don't post stuff from Dave's website often because there's to many haters out there that will accuse me of "spamming" but this is a good one... We recently went on a shoot out to the east coast and I got sea sick to the point where I was face down a bucket. I was good to go until the 40 mile run back to shore... Oops, apparently "dynamic Pages in Tags aren't allowed so you can see the pix here: http://www.factsoffishing.com/photoblog.php?id=138 Have a good one! - and by that I don't mean a good laugh at my expense.... Cheers, Ryan
  24. Hey buddy, CONGRATS! Tinbanger was good enough to Donate a Starbucks Prize Pack to the Fish-A-Thon for Cancer. ( Thanks again Dude! ) We were finally able to round up all the pledges and Ginny did the draw a few days ago. You've won a Coffee machine, and 2lbs of Coffee. Once I sort out picking it up from Tinbanger we'll have to figure out an excuse to hit the water so you can get your prize! Who say's giving to a good cause doesn't pay off? Cheers, Ryan
  25. I've been telling Averie about the Facts of Fishing Kids Day that I'll be helping out with tomorrow and she got so worked up about it last night I had to take her out to cull some of the gobies from our favorite little reservoir..... which lately seems to be infested with the darn things... Anyways, you can get FREE admission into Ontario Place by going to Dave's website and downloading your ticket here: http://www.factsoffishing.com/news.php?id=73 I wasn't able to make it out last year, but judging by the photos and stories I know the kids will have a ton of fun.... Hope to see you there! Either way, have a great weekend! Cheers, Ryan
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