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The Urban Fisherman

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Everything posted by The Urban Fisherman

  1. 12 pounds 6 ounces... What a beauty!!! Going after salmon with Dan Bouck and my old man in the morning then hitting up the facts of fishing kids day! Have a good Saturday guys! Cheers, Ryan
  2. haha yeah it's the same turtle as the one at the end...except we didn't know he was there until later in the day..when Dave released that fish none of us knew mr. snapper was hanging out under the dock... and he release a lot of fish that day! lol
  3. Last call for tomorrow guys! Please pass the link around if you live in the GTA! We had a bunch of PARENTS come out last year who learned to fish WITH their kids! Remember there's a ton of folks out there who aren't fishing freaks like us, and I know from talking to a bunch of families last year that this event kick started them into a new family hobby! Cheers, Ryan
  4. lol glad you guys liked the vid! I couldn't believe it when I saw it in the edit room... Imagine the hits it would have gotten online if the turtle actually took out one of Dave's fingers!
  5. Hey Guys! We shot a great shore show the other day and when we were in the edit suites logging footage we found out that Dave had at least one close call while releasing fish below the dock!!!! Hope you enjoy! <iframe width="640" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/7GZeJdi2ubk" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Cheers, Ryan
  6. Sweet! See you there Cliff!
  7. Bump...received a few pm's looking forward to seeing you guys!
  8. hahahahahhaha
  9. Thanks Frank - i'm far from a pro but learned a lot doing my basement so hit me up with any questions and maybe I can help...or maybe I can just pop in and drink your beer... My schedule is crazy busy on weekends until closer for trout so I'm going to try and do a few evening fishes... I'll let you know when I'm heading out!
  10. awesome report - congrats on getting your first fish!!!! it'll be an addiction from here on it... good job on taking them out N.A.W. ur a good dude!
  11. I'm insulted you guys were in my neighborhood and didn't stop in for a beer! Good work on the perch though Frank! Cheers, Ryan
  12. I live in the country out towards longpoint and my power goes out almost every day at some point...only for a split second or two...I have a UPS which automatically switches my computer power to two big giant batteries so I don't lose my work... my internet doesn't run off of it though so I always have to reset the router, and all my clocks.... it's a serious pain in the behind! Glad it's not just me! haha Cheers, Ryan
  13. Hey guys! First of all - myself, Dan Bouck and my old man are going to be joining Dave, JP, Big Jim and a few others to help set up rods, bait hooks and hang out with the little ones at Ontario place this saturday for FACTS OF FISHING KIDS DAY - If you have kids, nephews, nieces etc and live in the GTA it's an event you don't want to miss! The first 400 kids get these AWESOME prize packs generously donated by Dave and his sponsors...I'm talking rods from Shimano, Tackle you name it... it's an amazing day for the kids who are ultimately the future of our sport so come on out and say hi! You can get full details here at FOF.com... http://www.factsoffishing.com/blog/dave-mercer/kids-day-at-ontario-place-is-back/ We'll be there from around 9:30 until 3 p.m. - Looking forward to meeting some OFNer's and their little ones! On another note, I haven't posted a whole lot this summer...a combo of having the new baby and I've been busy finishing the basement so I haven't gotten a whole lot of fishing in... I'll do up a proper summer report once I finish beating down on my in-land closer browns! Here's a few rec room teaser pix for now... Baby needed a bedroom so I got kicked out of my office upstairs and took advantage of the situation a little.. hahaha Have a great week - hope to see you saturday! Cheers, Ryan
  14. What an awesome weekend buddy! If only every weekend were like that! thanks for the post Dano! Cheers, Ryan
  15. At least you won't have to worry about fighting seals on your Mooching Reel in Lake "O". http://www.youtube.com/user/factsoffishing#p/u/76/VPJ7bnM_2PI Good luck buddy they're lots of fun to fish with.... Cheers, Ryan
  16. Thanks a bunch guys - Mike I'll pass this info off to them and if they're interested I might pick your brain a little more! Cheers, Ryan
  17. If they're that hurtin' for a write off why don't they start with giving all of their lower waged employee's a raise...
  18. Hey guys, I'm asking for my sister in law and her boyfriend. They want to go somewhere "up north" camping for a weekend in september. She mentioned Frech River area...but aren't stuck on that. They do the tent thing, like to fish but I don't think they NEED to catch fish...they'll be boat-less and fishing from shore if at all.... mostly relaxing and just taking it all in... Do you guys have any great spots, parks etc. in that general area that you could suggest? Thanks a bunch - much appreciated! Cheers, Ryan
  19. Amazing deal came up for a trailer on kijiji... Crossing mynfingers as inwait to hear back from the seller!

  20. Man when I lived in Sudbury, where I grew up I could get those in a night or two in my minnow traps for free! I have to think that you could do the same in your area? Trapping minnows was a great bonding experience for me and my Dad - something I really should do with my own kids. Cheers - and good luck finding your bait! Ryan
  21. Hey buddy, They usually aren't so big and come in a lot easier! haha Captain Art doesn't just fish them for fun, he does all kinds of research and takes part in studies.... What was shown earlier in the show and in a previous episode is that the sharks are tagged, measured, they do samples and sometimes even put radio transmitters on them.... All that went down between landing the shark and releasing it. Art is an awesome guy and shark fishing in Canada should def. Be on anybodies bucket list! Cheers, Ryan
  22. Hey guys, Last year around this time we shot an awesome shark show - I haven't been fishing the past couple of weeks because I've been finishing the basement, so this is my contribution to the board this week! It was a wild ride, and lots of fun even though I was behind the camera... I did however get a chance to catch my first ever shark on this trip! Enjoy! Cheers, Ryan
  23. lol I don't plan on doing a whole lot of off roading! Thanks for all the info man much appreciated! Love that trailer! Yeah I figure it can't get much worse! lol Nice boat and truck to! I'll take the whole package! thanks for then post, just makes me more anxious' Let me know if u need any help with the Reno if you find one... You should be able to buddy theres lots of them put there! Thanks for keeping an eye put! Yeah I know man id love to budget for 5 grand and the ones Ginny has been looking at are in that range but the fact is that 3 grand is way more in our affordability range... There's some nice 1995 to 2000 trailers close to that price.... Something like this.... http://london.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-RVs-campers-trailers-travel-trailers-campers-1997-Rockwood-Premier-Hard-Top-Pop-Up-Trailer-W0QQAdIdZ305282179
  24. haha yeah Simon - she's already pointing out "must have's" lol Dave - awesome stuff man... I love your trailer and the Alaska on location shot is wicked... BUT thanks to you Ginny added "wrap around seating" as a "must have" lol which obviously makes my search a little tougher.. Dano - I didn't know you had a trailer to... must be nice to have all the toys.... nevermind TWO BOATS haha sweet deal for sure though man, and that's all you need... Ginny's a little more high maintenance but I'm looking to spend about $3000.00 at the most.. Thanks BB - Would you be able to point me in the direction of that site you found for trailers? I have a Durango with the 5.7L gas guzzlin' hemi in it so towing won't be much of an issue.... did you find gas mileage was affected much while towing your trailer? Thanks for the tips - def. going to look at the floor and pop out bed bottoms... I'm going to have them set it up and take it down with me to make sure everything seems sound as well... any other tips are hugely appreciated... Thanks Richard - this post of yours helped me convince my wife! she likes the idea of staying in our own trailer instead of paying to rent a cabin, or hotel if we go to places like darian lake or marine land with the kids.... Thanks for the tips - all great stuff... ever heard anything about Palamino Trailers? I've seen a few around but they're not in your "excellent trailer" list haha... Like the rockwood's to as my wife loves the wrap around seating like in Dave's.... We have 3 kids all little now, but would like to buy something they can grow into.. any suggestions on minimum size trailer etc. My wife insists on 1 king and 1 queen minimum for beds haha anywyas, thanks again - huge help! I drive to St. Thomas all the time...wife isn't feeling good today so I'm on kid and baby duty or we'd take a drive....
  25. lol Looks like it just has a big head,,,
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