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Everything posted by jigsnreels

  1. Anyone want to see pics of my deadly Ugly Stik Lite/Mitchell 300xe combo? Does largies, smallies, trout, salmon, crappie, carp, sucker, pike, walleye, you name it...
  2. Great news, Mike, congrats! You might have to take a fishing trip to celebrate. :-)
  3. Ain't that a darned shame.
  4. Sifton Bog in London is full of them now, which is too bad. Hardy little buggers, they even survive winter kill when the bog freezes up...
  5. There's nothing more dangerous than a wounded goldfish.
  6. Pretty decent throw-in. :-) Browns are still on my to-catch list, that one's a beauty...
  7. Agreed. Even a crayfish would count to me.
  8. Congrats, Mark! New contest tomorrow, Harrison? :-) Tuf-Line is always appreciated... lol
  9. Awesome way to get your first brookies! The work was definitely worth it for a day like that. Congrats!
  10. Finished by lunchtime... salmon for dinner. :-) Nice day's work!
  11. This happened to me in Juneau, Alaska. My buddy and I were fishing near the salmon hatchery and a huge chum hit when he wasn't paying attention. Rod and reel shot right out of his hand and into the drink. After the laughing died down (mostly from me), I cast out a couple of times and felt a pull, reeled in my line and there was my friend's rod on the hook. He grabbed it out of the water and gave the reel a few good cranks, and yup, the big dog was still on the line. :-)
  12. She's a beaut! Congrats!
  13. HandlebarZ Musky Fishing... oh, crap...
  14. Don't forget your lead-lined underwear.
  15. Those are some beautiful bronzebacks!
  16. I voted no for the same reason that a lot of people already stated. I found this board a while back, checked out a few of the topics, felt like it would be a fun forum to get involved in, and signed up. I read the terms of use and made note of the rules, especially those regarding topics like "hot spots," and I respect them to the best of my ability. I live in London and I fish a lot around this area, mainly because I have a young daughter and I can't really get away very much these days. Many of the places I've mentioned in my past posts are no secret to anyone. If I happen to stumble on a really good place to fish outside of my regular haunts, I won't broadcast it in the open forums, but will gladly share through PMs/emails to other members if they're interested. I would expect the same conduct and courtesy from fellow board members if I happened to have questions about fishing opportunities outside of my general area. Plus, it's fun just to swap stories, because everybody who likes to fish has something unique to share, and that's something that should always be encouraged. There's a lot to be learned here, much more than just where the fish happen to be biting on any given day... I guess you have to just leave the doors open and hope for the best as far as new members are concerned. As for the lurkers/trollers/rabble-rousers, that's why we have our tireless, dedicated and vigilant moderators. :-)
  17. Don't think there's much out there that would spook a musky... :-) I once caught a pike the same way when I was a kid. It attacked our stringer and I just yanked the whole thing out of the water. He soon occupied the spot right next to his would-be meal. Both were delicious.
  18. The can of Off! says it all... :-)
  19. Nice stringer! I'm hoping to get out to the Ponds this weekend for a few myself...
  20. I've seen a couple of people pull them out of the forks of the Thames. Not sure if they were just randoms or if they're actually resident in that part of the river. Most people fish for carp or catfish in that area, although I've heard of everything from rainbows to even muskie coming out of there...
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