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Stern Rules

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Everything posted by Stern Rules

  1. I thought that looked really good for a trail cam pic. How much did you clean it up? How did it look before?
  2. Thank you.
  3. I'd hate to have the fish die but I'd hate being charged with keeping it even more. Not worth it. I don't think a CO would accept that excuse.
  4. I was there last week and you can only walk up so far. There was a pipeline leak in March and they have the creek blocked off before the train bridge. They have some sand bags set up in one spot and pumps and a lot of wells drilled to try to clean up the contaminated soil and water.
  5. That's exactly what I was wondering. Thanks.
  6. What filter were you using to get those waterfall shots like that? I've always wanted to get those kind of shots. And great pics by the way.
  7. Thanks for the article. Very informative.
  8. Would love to see more of the eels.
  9. Isn't it illegal to use a light to attract fish?
  10. I don't think the catfish I've tried ever tasted like eel. I would try suckers and carp if someone prepared it but I don't think I'd go out of my way to clean and eat 'em on my own unless they were really tasty. I tried the eel for the first time this year and they weren't bad. Still got some in the freezer that I caught in New Brunswick where they aren't endangered. Unless they are fairly big, they aren't worth the effort of cleaning.
  11. Any deer's a good deer. It's not about the horns although a nice full rack would be nice
  12. Nice pics and beauty fish. I'm jealous. Great camera work.
  13. On CH news tonight was a story of a woman in Fort Erie who thinks she caught a snakefish. She didn't know what it was at first but she did eat it. She said it wasn't bad. It showed the carcass and it definately looked like a snakefish. If they're here, that's not good. Did anyone else see the clip?
  14. Didn't get a picture of it last time at Bass Pro but saw one that said "If fishing was easy, it would be called your mom". I laughed and I laughed....
  15. That would be a bullhead, Leechman. This was the first year I've seen one like that.
  16. Yeah that was the new road going thru the Fundy Trail Parkway past St. Martins. They're still working on another section as seen in one of the pics. First time I've been thru there and I wanted to see the bridge they put over Big Salmon River.
  17. I've heard eels are good smoked but can't use a smoker at my apt. I'd love to get into smoking game.
  18. That was the first time I've seen a bullhead like. I thought the black ones were different but that one definately was different. I'd like to see that pic of you and the eel. I've heard friends tell me they've caught bigger ones but no luck this year. That was a good size for me but I wouldn't mind bigger ones.
  19. Here are the last of the pics.
  20. Got back from New Brunswick last week.Didn't get much fishing in this year. My sister's freezer died this year so I had no room to freeze much stuff. Did manage to bring back a couple lobsters, pickerel, couple brookies and some eel. I didn't find the eel tasted like scallops but it wasn't bad. Finally got one myself this year and a good size too-22"-1 lb. After I caught it I had it laying on the wharf for a few minutes then when I went to throw it on the chain there were 2 big leeches crawling out of it's mouth. We used them for bait but didn't catch anything. Caught some interesting looking bullheads, looked like a cow. Never seen any like that before. Seen the black ones there before. So what we caught there were bullheads, yellow and white perch, pickerel, sunfish and eels. Went out with a friend one day and he landed a huge brookie. I had to go up around the bank due to a deep spot and he yells over. He said it got off the hook and went between his legs. He doesn't know how he managed to hold on to it. He didn't weigh it but it was twenty-some inches long and a sea-run. The culvert across from my brother's was loaded with brookies. Water was low so they couldn't get out. Must've been 50 in there, some decent ones too. Couldn't really get in there without spooking them. Only managed to get a small one. Saw lots of foxes this year and a few deer. One day I headed out to St. Martins and looked for brookie spots along the way. I tried going thru this one road that rough and rocky. Couldn't get thru all the way so had to turn around but did scrape bottom a couple times. I drove a few hours and went thru the Fundy Parkway and on the way back noticed the car didn't have much power going up the hill. Pulled over right away and had NO oil on the dipstick at all. Put a fair amount of oil in and still nothing. Didn't see any leak anywhere so I couldn't figure it out. Went to my sisters and filled it with oil. Went in the next day to get it looked at and there was a big dent in the oil filter. Did you hit something the man said. Oh yeah. He said there's your leak. Was soooo close to seizing the engine. Had a horseshoe up you know what that day. Hit the Parkway at 6pm and they closed at 8 so I had to rush thru. No time to check out the walking trails. Definately have to next year. Never hit Fundy Park either. Never to seem to get all the stuff done I want to. I need a month off for everything. Took some pics at my brother's of all the animals they had. Figured I'd add them. Passed an accident on the way back. So not much fishing but definately an interesting trip this year. I have to put the rest of the pics on another post. I maxed out.
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