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Everything posted by bigredfisher

  2. you are wrong kemper..... I hadnt seen a post on this river before...... untill this guy swowed up. I MARK MY WORDS
  3. YOUR RIGHT!!!!!
  4. YOU DONT EVEN KNOW HOW TO HOLD A FISH, sorry my fellow OFC'rs this topic has got me mad. Cant belive this crap this rivers gone down.
  5. buddy if it werent for your posting this then every thing would be ok. I seen a burst of posts right after this posting. THANKS ALOT...... It wasnt posted multiple times untill this post came up. Look for yourself the posts on this river would be all after this one post, also i seen a few posts of people on this board that never even fished that river. Eg (sivo, No offence silvo... but he never fished that river until just a couple of weeks ago i saw his first post on this river. Believe me buddy, you blew it. You increased the popularity on this river, dont deny it, the background should have been blurred. Dont try to defend yourself, the damage is done
  6. ever hear of brurring the background, Photoshop is good for that
  8. i cant i am about 3000kms away(untill end of april)
  9. ill give you 200 for it if you think that might be fair
  10. good job, real works work better lol
  11. that's not fishing!!!!
  12. good luck there are many of good guys out there... be patient and it will come. best of luck to you though
  13. if you plan to surf cast, i would be pretty sure that you would be casting out towards the lake and not the river. If you were to cast right in the river than your limit would be two. Chances are if you are fishing the lake you will be surf casting. (just dont cast toward the river)
  14. did you put the plug wires in right (firing order) you can find the firing order on the internet, what year is your vechicle????
  15. thanks everyone she did really well in labour(jess, gf) and did it witout any drugs i am very surprised that she handled her first baby (8.15) and without any drugs, i am soo proud of her , tightlines to everyone, To answer everyones question........ YES SHE WILL LET ME FISH lol. thanks again guys bigreadfisher
  16. here you go guys, as promised, just got back from being in hosipital for 36 hrs with 4 hrs of sleep, so im gonna make this quick, heres some pics of damian roy penhale-orgar. weighing 8lbs 15 ounces. Enjoy
  17. I DID IT YEA
  18. thanks guys and will do
  19. well yes it is our first, and we just got back from the appointment so i am "on call" lol we should be getting a call within the next 48 hrs. The baby scored 100% in the ultrasound tests and jess (my gf) is starting to dialate (spelling might be alittle off lol) anyways i will keep my OFC family updated lol
  20. OH MY .... that is a pain in the to go out and all of that hard earned money is lost. I feel your pain that really really sucks. I hate it when i snap one lure off(belville rocks are good for that ) and very costly at $10 a lure
  21. well the time is near... still no baby lol. So now we are on our way to the hosipital for an induction appointment. we should be getting a call within 48 hrs after that to go into the hosipital for them to make her(the gf) goes into labour . I hope that things really go smoothly for us. But i must say that you all will see some pics comin once this is all said and done. I will keep you all updated. thanks bigredfisher
  22. "there must be no fish"
  23. got mine too, good luck
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