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Everything posted by bigredfisher

  1. here is one of many from today...
  2. and you probably havent been fishing ideal conditions. Torrmow will be your best bet to hook into one. All the rivers are gonna be prime. especially the credit lol
  3. just thought id say this lol..... cant wait till the morn for some early steel. Gonna pound em lol, gonna be a good day. Good luck to you guys torrmow and tightlines to all. Will post a report torrmow.
  4. nice are they as far as bellville yet???
  5. there are some on at gangons for 79 bucks
  6. DONE DEAL, Im glad i could help.
  7. lol
  8. Yes
  9. just curious as to if i can go fishing right now off of linsay or is it closed can i fish closing day
  10. hows bellville been doing? anything happening yet?
  11. do they close tonight or last night????
  12. anyone want to go fishing in the morning?? pm me if interested

  13. I bought the lund fishermen. I love it comes with everything. Thanks for everyone's help (the ones that wanted to help and not dis me up for asking a question). For the guys that did help thank you soo much and you know who you are and i must say that you are a great guy. *****************OFC SUCKS****************** (cant get any bigger of font, but hopefully you will get the point....... well mabey not
  14. im thinkin about goin wed in my boat. Pitch in for gas and leave a number. I ll let you know. Might fish lake o instead
  15. sent you a pm
  16. kool thanks. the links dont work though
  17. thank you soo much. I wont be around for the show but i want to find something while i am down in ontario. I just got to find the right one. thanks soo much for the advice
  18. ill keep that in mind what is the name of the dealership?
  19. please pm me if you would like the coupon code. I have 2. I dont need them.
  20. im not buying the boat, because of your advice. I am taking all the advice i can, that is why i am asking. I will be looking aswell. I would love to take it for a test drive but unless i drive to the niagra i dont think that is possible. Unless some ramps on ontario dont freeze, any suggestions? I have passed on that boat which is what i was suggested to do. Trust me i am listening and taking all the advice i can. Im am not trying to wait for the advice i want to hear. I am looking for the real truthfull answer. I am about to spend 20 k on a boat so that is why i am being a lil picky here... wouldnt you??????. i do want to make this clear. I have looked at new boats and cant find a package deal or even try to make my own. It all works out to be over 20 k. i would like to find everything included for 20k downriggers, gps, kicker, radio, vhf. the boats that were suggested to me are 20k and dont have anything. I could easily put 10 grand into that and i cant do that. so please let me know your suggestions..... i am listening and taking all the advice i can. ps: if you come across anything that seems like it fits what i want. Please feel free to post the link. thanks ps: I am not borrowing the coin. I already have it. Just to let you know.
  21. welcome to OFC and tightlines to you, goodluck this season
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