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Everything posted by bigredfisher

  1. sweeeeeeeet report :D
  2. i am heading into toronto today and this is the last chance to sell it as i am storing my vechicle away for 4 months, i will drop it off to you (heading to oshawa). also i am going to scugog for the evining bite if anyone is interested. thanks bigredfisher
  4. check ur pms thanks give me a call.... bigredfisher
  5. you should be fine i was there yesterday and i seen 2 but please be carefull shore ice isnt any good. i had to walk to the end of the dock to get on safely but ended up being like 8 inces so it is good mabey ill see ya there let me know if u still are going thanks bigredfisher
  6. can anyone tell me how to get there thanks
  7. hi i was just wondering what the ice conditions are for st. john. Also i would like to know how to get there from the 400 coming from alliston. please let me know thanks bigredfisher. Ps:: if anyone would like to join us feel free to pm me. thanks bigredfisher
  8. you cant fish the earl rowe pond it is closed season and there are rainbow, salmon, carp (small), bass, (very few crappie but i have caught them there) sunfish, rock bass, catfish(very small) it is froze over good but not for fishing
  9. if we could all put some cash into a pot and give it to davey considering that he will not recieve all this back and on top of that it is christmas time tooo right, i am really afraid that this might danger the store with finances or anything, i would hate to see hirks go and WILL NOT let it happen. thanks please let me know if we can make this happen
  10. i hope that they find this ASSES who did this. I cant believe this has happened to davey, he is such a good, kind hearted person. why would some selfish freek do this to him. i wiss i could help u davey but as u know i am in alliston now. if there is anything i could do to help i will let me know. Hey guys... can we do something to help davey out, any suggestions???? thanks for listening. bigredfisher
  11. sweet i will be there.... lots of goodies for me at hirks. Man i love this store. you guys gotta check it out, im pretty sure that you will love it. oh and 25 percent off.. wow what a deal
  12. thank you i was worried i was doin something wrong
  13. nothing but daiichi hooks thanks for the input thanks again bigredfisher
  14. wheren't they over there limit, the limit is 2 doesnt matter the size. but you are only allowed to keep 2 fish per person which would mean that they should have only had 4 next time take a license plate number. and yes these guys should be respectful to our little stream trout.
  15. send me a pm and let me know where u wanna go (i got spots too) we can carpool if interested
  16. hi rick i never met you but i know you are a part of the OFC family which makes you a good guy. get well soon. please keep us updated thanks. bigredfisher
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXvxfJ7_Fz8
  18. actually it is really good in the snow, check it out on you tube there was a guy driving one in 2 ft of snow
  19. Check this wilcraft out, what a kool invention , I want one, I want one, i want one .......... hmmmmmmmmmm...... mabey i can ask santa lol
  20. all fish were caught on a clown suspending husky jerk
  21. i posted this on floatfishing.net i hope you dont mind...... i found this sooo funny but yet soo true thanks bigredfisher
  22. yes it is shore fishing
  23. we had a blast, caught lots of fish here is my dad with one the catch of the day(sorry the pic is hard to make out)
  24. no dont size up to a 10 especialy when the water is that clear, to be honest go with a 14 when you have really clear water and limit the shot on your lead also try pink worms they always work in the notty
  25. i was gonna go for eyes in a canoe how would that be i also have a motor for my canoe
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