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Everything posted by bigredfisher

  1. hi we are expecting a new addition too , we go in monday for induction (will post pics too). Congrats to your new family and i hope all goes well for you. Good luck and tight lines to you bigredfisher
  2. thats soo kool, ya i would like to find some others to hook up around here i will be here till end of april i sent ya a pm thanks bigredfisher
  3. no pan yet, cant wait to try them though
  4. sorry they are small but i fianally got out and these fish were in a pond just off the main highway. You can go to any pond and it is pretty much stacked with these little guys. Any ideas on how they get there, like i mean its pond after pond filled with these guys. Oh and you can knock of stoking, rivers flowing into the ponds, no link between ponds, and there are soo many ponds like i mean that the 1 pond we were fishing, there were about 4 or 5 others. and that is only a small part that we were in. for the drive there, i counted about 1 pond for every 10 secs. oh and i saw that they are feeding on eack other(found a little brookie in the stomach of one). this i find to be weird is this normal in a fishery this is one of the ponds we were on another pond(different) another this is the little one off the main highway(stacked with brookies) and tiy, very tiny hope you enjoy, the fishing is great here (not very big brown trout are bigger here) but you can go from pond to pond and be sure to catch fish. I just really want to understand this system here. Not sure how they get there lol
  5. yes he was my girlfriends dog who was put down 2 weeks ago due to bone marrow cancer. he was 17
  6. nevermind cant figure it out here is the link http://www.slideshare.net/bigredfisher/presentation2-978492
  7. i like ice fishing more than soft water, think about it this way. When you go in the boat you dont come into any contact with anyone else(cause you dont want to get too close, or they are flying around the lake). But when you get out on the ice everyone is there, now you are making friends and meeting new people(kinda hard in a boat) but i also like my spring stealhead opener too (but people tend to be a little rude and inconsiderate, ie... bomanville creek rape hole last year. ull no what i mean if you were there). i like to meet new people and that is why i get out fishing. I feel that is what fishing is all about right??????? guys answer this question i want your prospective on this. thanks everyone bigredfisher
  8. i no look for some fishin buddies to take with ya, ....... ya you can bring bigredfisher......... pick me pick me pick me lol, i hope that everyone answered your question, they are great people.
  9. amazing, this is what all fishermen should be doing some time or another..... good work
  10. HOLY CRAP...... it was 4 here in st. johns newfoundland but lots of wind (65km/ hr)
  11. thats kool
  12. we dont know what we are having yet we kinda want to keep it a surprise, but tell your sister that a fellow friend(or one from your OFC extended family lol) said congrats to the new baby. I hope that it was ok for delvery for her, that is what we both are worried about.
  13. we are expecting a new life in 2 weeks......mabey sooner.....should i be excited or scared lol...
  14. i have caught tonns of pike you can get the odd trout and walleye. the pike fishing is hit and miss and you may see ideots driving on the ice but please dont drive out there and STAY AWAY from the channel and youll be good you will know what i mean when you get there. like i said it is hit and miss hope this helps , let us know how you make out, give me some fish porn cause im stuck here in newfoundland and have no clue about the fishing here lol so take lots of pics fish or no fish, just need that to hold off for 4 months lol bigredfisher
  15. can you ice fish on long pond
  18. how far are the warfs from st. johns (mun university) thanks bigredfisher oh and what do u use there
  19. so if i were to go to the harbour right now what would i use for bait, would i cast lures, jig, flyfish thanks oh and can you tell me where i could find a stocking sheet or the types of fish in the different ponds and regulations pretty funny i cannot for the life of me find the regulations thanks bigredfisher
  20. lol i just want to get out fishing , what is in the st. johns harbour right now and is there any ice fishing on the pons around st. johns??? thanks bigredfisher
  21. i like that idea, what can you catch off the docks at this time of year
  22. what would you use for bait and for the docks where are they are they in the newfoundland harbour thanks bigredfisher
  23. oh and i dont have a car but would be willing to take bus
  24. hey , here i am at the airport waiting to fly to st.johns nefoundland for 4 months. i would love to get out fishing but have no clue about fishing or hot spots or anythig like that can can you please recomennd something for me i think i would go crazy without fishing for 4 months and i also have a little one on the way so i want toget as much fishig as i can in before he/she comes. oh and it dosent have to be ice fishing i reaaly dont care, just want to get out fishing. pms are ok tooo thanks bigredfisher
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