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Everything posted by Bassman27

  1. Doesen't sound very hopefull,thats a shame,was hopefull of a good ending.
  2. Smokin deal,she's a beaut!!!!Congrats
  3. Sorry for you loss Bm
  4. My Dad won 2.7 in 1993 and a cpl years later my ex won the encore $250k 7 months after we split......arrrggg!!!! Bm
  5. Sorry for your loss.
  6. According to Sherdog as of today there has been NO request by Team Penn to look into the vaseline incident and they were made aware of what occured by the Nevada State athletic commision right after the fight.They have not filed a complaint...as of yet although they do have 10 days to do so. It didn't make any difference from what I witnessed anyway...pure dominance, anyone that thinks otherwise didn't watch the fight.
  7. I am really impressed with St Pierre, Penn is one tough son of a gun and as far as i know has never been dominated like that.GSP should call Serra and thank him, since that fight he lost he's been a whole new GSP!!!!
  8. This was an awesome performance by GSP, he dominated every aspect of the fight and after 4 rounds of pummeling,Penn's corner threw in the towel.....TKO win for St.Pierre. Bassman
  9. They were well within their rights to be shooting them that far off the water,that being said they to be legal are supposed to be ancored with the motor off and out of the water to be legal.As well it shows very poor judgement on their part period to come in like that and start shooting as they should have been set up way ahead of time and been totally aware of their surroundings because you are absolutely correct that someone could get shot with that carlessness shown.Maddening hearing about people doing stupid stunts like this.Gives the legitimate hunters that obey the rules a BIG BLACK EYE.Sorry you had to see this....from those of us that are ethical and law obiding!!!! BM
  10. Great pics!!Looks like a great time had by all. BM
  11. Awesome Ski!!!! Congrats BM
  12. Very Nice Ski!!!Congrats BM
  13. Congrats on the Little Guy, BM
  14. Thanks all, frustrating to say the least.Not that I was holding my breath doin it, but I made the rounds of all pawn shops in the area with pics and my name,nuber etc.. to no avail but the one pawn shop owner said Brighton again holy!!I asked him what he meant and he said a woman was in a cpl days before as her 9.9 Yamaha was stolen in Brighton as well!!!!Ba*tards!! BM
  15. Sorry to hear Gary,they are special to us all. BM
  16. I wish I had some Roy, but unfortunately due to past medical issues and bad times my family and I lost our house and now live in a small apt. building and don't have insurance on home belongings.I don't believe or have alot of faith in the police being able to do anything as I know they're busy with alot of things on the go but figured I'd put in a report anyway.Hopin against hope!!
  17. Well so much for fishin with my boys this summer!!!Went outside to cut the lawn and happened to look over at the boat and what do ya know somethings missin!!!Oh ya my 9.9 Mercury isn't there.Went over and looked and the gas tank is still there and the lock has been cut off and left layin in the boat!!!!!!No insurance on it my bad...makes it worse.If anyone hears of any poppin up it's a model 110 Merc w/ the blue stripes....any info would be greatly appreciated.Called the police 2 hrs ago, still haven't seen them ....yet..Arrgh....Thanks Bassman27
  18. A dream fish to be sure.Awesome BM
  19. That was an awesome report,Thanks BM
  20. Good deal Sam,some nice bass there ,congrats to Laurie BM
  21. Great Report,awesome seeing that cow and her twins!!! BM
  22. Welcome and great report BM
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