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Everything posted by Bassman27

  1. Here's my new portable Bassman
  2. Went out for a fish tonightfor a couple hrs,here's what i caught Bassman
  3. That's awesome,talk about adventure of a lifetime..Congrats and great pics Bassman
  4. Hey Brit,was that you in the ozark with the wooden floor addition???If so that was me that you talked to. Bassman
  5. That;s great to Hear,Glen is a great guy and very knowledgeable when it comes to hunting and fishing,you're lucky to have him . Bassman
  6. Looks like you had a great day Bassman
  7. Nice fish for sure!! Bassman
  8. Ugly little buggers aren't they. Bassman
  9. They were great eating and they were caught on the Bay of Quinte,i've got a few little honey holes out there and there's a great bass pop here Bassman
  10. That's a great day!!! Bassman
  11. I've been there 5 times ,spent about 5 hours there and still didn't get to see it all,it's their biggest store,I was in love when i pulled in the parking lot....lol Bassman
  12. Some more
  13. Ok then,here we go....there are alot No hooters though...LOL
  14. Here are a few more Bassman
  15. Here's a couple nature shots
  16. Here are a few pics from last summer
  17. This is a little off topic for our fishing but is anyone interested in seeing some pics I took from my last visit to Cabelas in Hammburg PA.???If anyone is interested I'll post em for ya Bassman
  18. Just to let everyone know there was 10 inches or better where we were,by point Anne.Cheers Bassman
  19. Well took the young lad out for a couple hours today,didn't get any eyes but we hit the perch pretty good,he even caught a 1.2 lber.Had fun though till the wind and bein out of minnows forced us off.
  20. Thanks everyone for the warm welcome,I'll definately be posting some pics!!! Bassman
  21. Just wanted to say hello,I'm looking forward to being a member here.I live in Brighton ,Ont and my home waters' the Bay of Quinte. Thanks Bassman27
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