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Everything posted by brkygetr

  1. 10 hours from now..leave around 5 and look for my truck...I'll be on the other side of the road...LOL Seriously.
  2. Now thats the way to get it done!!!! Keep on it!
  3. I have had a pair of Titans for 2 years now and they ROCK! Absolutely the warmest footwear ever. I have put well over 300 hrs (250 last year and close to 100 this year) just on the ice. In every condition from -40 to standing in 6-8" slush all day these boots have NEVER failed me. The only part I do not like about them is that they are a little clumsy as they are oversized due to the lining system. Find I kick things or mis-step the odd time. And they are a wee large to fit under my Mustang suit, can't quite zip the suit right down...though...I just picked up a Helly suit and have no issues as the leg cuffs are bigger. The rating of -100 degrees C. is no joke. Next to my sled they are the best ice investment I have made...even more so than the trusty Vexilar. I would be ok with forgeting the Vex but the boots would cause me to turn around!
  4. As long as you have an auger a rod and some way to make fire your good!!!!!!!
  5. Nice...was tryin that today hopin' for a walter......didn't have much confidence. No walters.
  6. Headed off adventuring today with a buddy who has fished this lake in the spring and summer. Walters and lakers in it. by the time we got in we were fishing by 10. He lost 3 count them 3 !!! by the time It took me to drill the next set of holes. Weather was awesome for our here , a balmy sweltering 3 degrees celcius, little wind. Anyway here's the only pic I got, the first 2 through the ice and a double header at that! Came home with our dinner!!!!!! Got 3 others that swam into the depths.
  7. BIG minnow or little minnow?....were ya still fishin for lakers???
  8. ah...another tag!!!!!! ...and someone to share it with. as good as bacon and eggs when ya wake up on a couch
  9. nice Ben..I'll meet ya sunday your a trooper for chasing the walters in the winter... Lotta holes, lots!
  10. Hey Rick I was up to Nestor last Sat...apparently the fishing had been good but between 3 of us we came home with 10 fish...complete waste of time...and no size either. Morans bay...BIG crappie in there. And we will get the trout and whities Simon...if i gotta drill 50 holes myself we will find them.
  11. Bought it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! post pics but its dark out!!!!! took er out for a ride , well actually took it home, which meant taking the trails...hammed on it pretty good and it handles awesome..I love the short/fat stance...and talk about easy to throw around... Oh the brookies are gonna HATE me now !!!!!!
  12. Negitive..this machine is gonna take me places that I have never had even the possibilist (not sure if that's a word )hope of making it to...NOW i can! now thats what I'm looking for... Cheers Kerry
  13. Believe me, I know all about it. And I have considered that fact. But honestly I think I would rather at least 'know of' the person than not know them from a hole in the wall.
  14. Crate motor..not just the crank, this guy doesn't screw around, droppped a new one in and bolted er' up! And I don't mind wrenchin, just not a cat a guy so kinda leary. And as you said the suspension rocks, no difference than the ZR except the suspension. Track not picked and as with the rest of it MINT. Skid plate normal wear. Bearings...it was dark and I had just come off 12 hours of plowing..Carbides would turn on glare ice in March.... Basically MINT...jsut need someone to convince me to buy a Cat. Thanks for your thoughts Firecat....though I think you may be bias LOL
  15. NOTHING BETTER...seriously one of my favourite meals..only difference is I use a cottage-roll...which by the way they DO NOT sell in northwestern Ontario...
  16. He also told me to bring my helmet and have at er'. I was to tired to go for a rip, just went over and checked it out.
  17. Dude is a mechanic...runs a shop in town and keeps his equipment maintained. I have dealt with him for 2 years on a professional basis, just so happened he was the the guy with the ad when I called.
  18. ok heres the debate and parameters... This is similar to the CHEVY, Ford, Dodge debate. I have been looking for a decent sled for a while with little luck, mind you I have been picky. I have come across a 2002 Arctic Cat ZR 500 CCE (Cross Country Edition). I really have never even looked at ads that have Arctic Cat in the first 3 words..not sure why just not an Arctic Cat guy...probably the same reason I will never buy a Ford!!! Anyway this sled is MINT, 500 miles on a stock Actric Cat crate motor (3400 on the sled, crank blew and shot the motor good). After market seriously wide plastic pontoons on it and newer 1 and quarter paddle track. 6 inch riser on bars. Need to know some opinions on your choice of sleds and IN PARTICULAR if anyone has this model sled. The price is good and I don't want to waste the oppertunity just need to hear some reviews????? Cheers: The Getter Of The Brookies
  19. Well said... I'll second that. It's bloody cold out...remember your friends. it was -39 here when I was makin my coffee this morn...no wind or chill, just COLD!
  20. ITS ALL I USE.....with the biggest minnow you got...sometimes the entire thing is a 8-10 inch mess
  21. MUCH better... Truely sorry about that folks for any of you who saw the original...my apologies ...bloody Steven Speilburg and his editing crew!!!!! Good day though Simon, except for the lack of fish.
  22. Simon better edit that one QUICK!!!
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