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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. This game was proof though that you don't need Martin anymore. Let Thornton and Meier do what they want. Just kept them in the box and let the Leafs fill the net. No one got hurt and the leafs had the last laugh. Kapanen was amazing. He could get 20-30 goals this year and Kadri was perfect getting under their skin. Big win last night.
  2. Dang. I'm going to miss it again. Moving day on the 8th and we always see the father in law on Sundays. Ah well. Probably best to miss it this year with my knee anyways.
  3. We just can’t seem to beat Boston. Hope we don’t face them in the playoffs this year. Let me channel my inner Matt if it was the leafs that this happened to. “You silly Laffies. Babcock has lost the room and the players treat him like a joke. No discipline on this team. No wonder you have never won a cup since 67. This is how Toronto kills a players career’. Yet if it’s Sens players they made a dumb mistake.
  4. This one also surprised me. I feel like when leafs hired babs everyone was saying ‘Quenvelle is the best coach in the league’. I guess even Bowman got fired.
  5. Remember when Matt and Sens fans were happy to get Duchane? I get the feeling he is not a good locker room presence. Not the kind of player you want teaching Chabot how to be a professional in this league.
  6. Very nice. Love the pics. Thanks for sharing.
  7. The difference between 20 goals (Nylander) and 30 goals (Tavares) is a mile away. Tavares has been averaging 76 points per year in New York. Like I said, I won’t lose sleep over one season of 60 if he produces and plays 200 foot hockey in the playoffs.
  8. I’m with Chris. It’s a new team, bright lights in Toronto. He will still end the season with 30+ goals and 60+ points and should keep that pace his entire contract barring an injury. Guys like Johnny on the spot will make their money later in the season as the other teams wear out. They will find homes in the D or a player cheating their position and make them pay. My judgement will wait until the playoffs this year. Also he had a hell of a game last night. Also also Jesus Mitch Marner can play. That guy’s salary is going up every game. He never takes a night off.
  9. What do they mean by ‘sealing a moose’ ?
  10. So this is a true story for you walleye guys out there. When I was younger I had the joy of working in North West Ontario for a couple of summers. One day in Dryden a friend of a friend says 'we are going to our secret lake. You will catch more fish then you have in your life'. So we get to the spot, find the dropoff and mark it with a marker bouy and from that point on we were off to the races. In 45 minutes 4 of us each had our limit plus boated a few more. They all wanted to go home and go back to bed but I wanted to fish a little more. I begged them to stay a few more minutes and they said I could catch one more fish. So I cast my jig out and hook into one. I reel up, it runs down to the bottom, I reel up, it runs down to the bottom again. I get it close to the surface AND REALIZE I HOOKED INTO THE MARKER BOUY. ??. The guys say 'thanks Jer. We needed to retrieve that anyways.' and we promptly went home. If I'm being honest, it was the best fight I had all day. ??
  11. Is it just me or does the top kids prize make no sense? Congratulations! You won a boat! You can't legally drive it....... here ya go!
  12. I have a rule, bass in the summer, lakers in the winter........... I'm not sure I catch much else to be honest. For those of us that don't have the signature 'B whistle' that practically calls fish out of the hole sometimes a flasher is all it takes to keep me from insanity. Before having it a few times I remember staring down a frozen hole with no bites in a few hours thinking 'what the %^&* am I doing?'
  13. Ha. No. Not in my experience anyways. My buddy who is a personal trainer had a 12 lb sheepshead kick his butt. Never had a walleye tire anyone else or have anyone say ‘take the rod for me’
  14. Agree 100%. I’ll take video game fishing (ice fishing with a flasher) over trolling any day. You catch less fish but if I can coax a fish into biting, the reward is that much sweeter.
  15. I like Matthews work ethic. The last time he had a shoulder injury Babcock said he hit the gym and put a lot of muscle on. Now another shoulder injury, I feel like he is going to do what it takes to get through this and get back as soon as possible. From what I have heard Matthews breathes hockey for breakfast lunch and dinner 365 days of the year. Glass man or not, I'd give him what he wants. He'll figure it out.
  16. I can never garentee I have a bass in the boat unless I'm lipping it. The jumps, the runs, the run into cover. In a kayak this past summer I had a bass practically pull me into the lily pads. I was able to turn him around and he made a beeline right towards the boat where he jumped a few good feet in the air then proceeded to walk along the top of the water. Big fish are nice but I love the acrobatics and the head shakes of bass. I'd love to hook into some 10 pounders down in the states. Now that being said, if we all wanted big fish that are difficult to catch in freshwater, we should all go carp fishing. ?
  17. Walleye are more difficult to hook into then bass, I'll give you that one (Except in Northern Ontario. There everything is easy to catch) But in terms of fight its not even close. I'd rather reel a water soaked log off the bottom of the lake then fight a walleye.
  18. Matthews out minimum of 4 weeks. That sucks but will give a chance for the young guys to get some more ice time.
  19. I am sooooooo glad they have Riley signed long term.
  20. I used to like Nylander. Now let’s shop him for a D man. @chris, the numbers they are putting up are video game like. If Matthews keeps this type of production up, they may change the name of the city to Auston, Ontario.
  21. Who wants a good laugh? One of the best power rankings ever posted. https://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nhl-power-rankings-extremely-small-sample-size-edition/
  22. holy smokes. A week ago my co-worker bet me the leafs would score over 300 goals this season. I laughed and said ‘sure’........ i’m Starting to get nervous about this bet.
  23. Right now Freddy is just being ‘October Anderssen’ I’m not too concerned about him. I fear the leafs may have made a big mistake with Macheleny vs Sparks. And I was a big sparks fan.
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