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Everything posted by Acountdeleted

  1. Send me a private message if you do bud. We'd love to have you over for a BBQ and hangout. Nothing like seeing the lake from the water on the pontoon boat to get a feel for it.
  2. That's all just hypothetical though. If we are going off of theories I could say that he had contemplated retirement, was waiting to see how his body felt and then his good buddies the Sedins convinced him to join Vancouver for his last chance to win a cup. As I said, I've never heard him or the team release a statement about what happened in the offseason so anything past that is pure speculation.
  3. Deal. I agree too. It’s just sports. No sense in making it person. It should bring us together, not tear us apart. Now when are you going to come visit Head Lake so I can give you the ‘grand tour’?
  4. I love ya Simon but did you follow the thread before the leafs got Matthews? From when I joined the forum to 2015 Sens and MTL fans were constantly piling on Leafs fans. They had good reason. We were terrible. The truth is we had to deal with it. We made some terrible moves. The worst of which was the picks for Keasel. I feel like now we just have something to be proud of and now that the shoe is on the other foot we finally get to have a bit of sweet revenge. As per Matt’s post, I can’t comment on Sittler (was before my time) and unless someone can post something proving otherwise I still have never forgiven Sundin and don’t know that I will. Managment wanted him to waive his no trade. He says ‘no. I want to be here as a leaf’ ok fine. Next season he signs with Vancouver.
  5. That was the only parade they had the possibility of having in Ottawa this year. The ‘so long and thanks for all the fish’ parade as the team crosses the boarder into Quebec.
  6. The biggest problem is Montreal, Ottawa and Chicago aren’t very good. I’m holding my breath for now because they can’t play like this against good teams and expect wins. The game against Washington coming up is going to be a big test.
  7. Bet the farm Matt! Bet the Farm! Also I love how when the leafs are the better team but lose a game ‘all that matters is the score at the end of 60 minutes’ but when the leafs steal one with opening night jitters ‘the outcome doesn’t matter. I will say this though, if we PK like we did against the Habs all season, better teams will score. That song and dance looked all too familiar.
  8. Last nights leafs game was a tough one to watch. I’m glad we won but did not thing we deserved the W. a few things I noticed: 1) Play in our own end was SOFT. Players had the puck on their stick and would give a soft backhand right to the Montreal player. The puck was in the leafs end for far too long stretches. Especially on the penalty kill. Against a better team a lot of those penalty kills will end up with the leafs pulling the puck out of the back of the net 2) Andersen looked very solid and Probnaly was the only reason this game went to OT. The second goal could have been considered soft (I think he went down too soon) but he saved a few that were high percentage scoring opportunities 3) The power play and the 3 on 3 were just magic. The way these guys cycle the puck brought a tear to my eye. All 3 goals by the leafs were pure skill. 4) Price also had a very good night. The leafs didn’t have a ton of scoring chances but when they did they were high percentage chances. I think I saw 2-3 plays where Price absolutely stood on his head. 5) Montreal’s first overall pick (can’t remember the kids name) looks like the real deal. He had a lot of nifty moves and his line gave the leafs headaches all night.
  9. Its funny because this is what Ottawa fans were giving Leafs fans a hard time about in the early 2000's. Makes me laugh so much that the shoe is on the other foot. Only difference is our team isn't going to fold when we miss the playoffs for a few years in row.
  10. Looking for a trailer that will tow a 20 foot sunchaser pontoon boat with 25 HP Honda motor. Trailer does not have to be in the best of shape but should still be road worthy. We just need something we can get the boat out of the water with and into the garage every fall. Open to all offers. Name your price.
  11. Their top player next year is going to Colorado via Ottawa’s former first round pick.
  12. Wait, i didn’t get food. Also I think you just left me the battery on your front door because you were out fishing Also I think this creepy guy asked me to meet him at his work in Barrie to buy a smitty sled off of him. Thank goodness I had my 14 year old fishing buddy to watch my back....... wait. Let me start again. XD
  13. Get it back in the water! The orange colour has already started to fade!
  14. Haha I love the interview. Reporter: Mike Babcock, what did you think of the Marner, Tavares line? Babcock: There was a third guy on that line as well named Zach Hyman. He was digging all the pucks out of the corners for those guys. Geez. You think Hyman is marrying his daughter or something.
  15. Haha you guys are the best. If I can get out at least once with each of you this winter I'll be happy. I'll just have to send you both to my secret spot with my mom and my wife so I can see someone haul in some nice lakers. Thanks again to everyone for the advice and their experiences. This is giving me a great idea of what to expect.
  16. Thanks bud. Funny thing is I think i’d actually survive without an ACL, i’m At the point now I don’t notice very much anymore. Big thing is I want to make a 5k race under 20 minutes and I can legit tell that the knee is slowing me down (that’s the excuse and i’m Sticking to it) needless to say i’ll Be wearing ice spikes until spring thaw regardless if i’m On the ice or pavement on Downtown T.O
  17. Hey everyone. Thanks again for the advice. The tear was totally a freak accident. I was playing softball, rounded 3rd and tripped over the bag that wasn't staked in properly. My knee went one way and I went the other. The sharp impact of the twist of my knee hitting the ground tore the ACL. I run between 30-50k a week so I'm hoping the strength that I have built in my quads from that will help the recovery. I'm planning on getting my gym membership back a week before the surgery and switching over to the bike after I am done to get back on my feet asap. Boxing, I've never fought and have no intention to. I just do the cardio classes and learn the technique. My coach keeps telling me she wants me to fight but agrees it would be at least a year after the surgery before she recommends it. I'm hoping I can put it off forever (I have no interest in getting punched in the face) I've done badminton after my injury. If I don't wear my brace I have had a few scary moments, but you'll pull the racket out of my cold dead hands. I get the feeling that the pain will be the main indicator of when I can back to walking and the like. I'll keep everyone posted.
  18. Thanks everyone. I do badminton, boxing and running/ jogging. Expecting those to be on the shelf until this time next year. My sister ordered the custom brace and swore by it. I think i’m Going to go thah route. Thanks for the help everyone. I’ll probably send out a few PM’s after the surgery.
  19. 8 is a loooooot of money. I’d live if he signed for 7. I don’t think he deserve Pattcoretty money though.
  20. Thanks. I’n Giving myself December and over Christmas where i’ll Be incapacitated. Then crutches for a while. I just know i’ll Get antsy. Specially if simcoe is like how it was last winter.
  21. Hey everyone, so in May of 2017 I tore my ACL playing softball. At the request of my wife i’m finally getting surgery to have it repaired this December. I was was just wondering, have any of you had this? Especially those who ice fish? I figure i’m probnaly out of commission for the winter unless I get a hut rental and have the opporator bring me out (even then it might be iffy). But you know me, (if you do know me) I make a lot of stupid decisions. Any advice / past experience is greatly appreciated.
  22. And will probnaly be relocated to San Francisco. XD
  23. Maybe the next time San Jose comes calling, don’t answer the phone.
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