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Everything posted by jedimaster
Oh no thats not why... Its steroids we all know that. That and the fact that baseball players outside of the pitcher and catcher sit and scratch there arse for 2 hours. Its a pretty low impact game. notice I said game and not sport. Baseball is perhaps the most boring game in the world to watch. If I need a good sleep I'll toss on a baseball game and sleep soundly for 6 hours. Curling, Golf, Womens beack volley ball.... I would watch any of these over baseball...Heck I may even watch the hotgod eating championships as long as its not being held inside of a baseball park.
haha I just deleted the leafs app from my phone last night after the game... On the positive side the Leafs App was improved this year over last year. At the rate Burke is going, I may be able to watch the game in a 3D hologram from phone in a 300 foot deep cave lined with lead before we get a cup in toronto.
I never got why 870 guys get so pissy when people complaign about a new 870 express stovepiping a low brass shell. I have personally had a newer 870 express and it was terible. I did my reasearch and apparently the issue is with the new chambers of the new 870 expresses's....Notice I said new 870 express not the 20 year old ones... the new 870 expresses. Not the 15 year old one your papa gave you, not the one you bought in the early 80's... Anyway the chambers are not polished enough and do have a reported and well documented issue with stove piping lowbrass shells. This is well documented and is not fiction made up. It can be fixed by polishing the chamber, but that doesn't negate the fact that there IS a problem. I have also heard if you ram the son of bizaatch home hard everytime its very unlikely to jam. However in the field in the heat of the moment people will sometimes ginger it back and thats when they have issues. Now I can tell you this, my winchester 1300 speedpump would eject the shell on its own if you hold the pump with light back pressure. To get the next round in your just pushing forward. Smooth as butter. I have also shot a benelli supernova, and I liked it but the action is not nearly as smooth as the 1300's. The newest batch of winchester pumps are also very smooth. As for the auto 5's I think I must be the only one that thinks those things are gawd awfull looking monstrosities. Keep those ugly my mom hates me in the cabinets.
I always take a picture of my card and stickers and keep it on my phone just in case I forget it one day, a friendly CO may be ok with that. I also do this for my gun certs(not that they mean anything anymore)
Don't overlook Stoeger double guns if your looking for a hunting gun. I just picked up a condor outback over under. Nickel and black walnut. I love it. Removable chokes, fast to shoulder, light and few moving parts to jam up. Heck even fpsRussia likes this gun and has one. In the field I can get off 4 shots faster than you could get off 4 shots with any 3 round pump gun. Don't forget when hunting in ontario with a shotgun you are limited to 3 rounds max. Plus I just think a double gun looks cool.
Personally my favorite shotgun I have owned was a Winchester pump. They make the smoothest fastest cycle shotguns around. Cycle a few rounds through an express and a winchester and you will feel the difference. I have nothing against remingtons, but I have see alot of complaints recently about the Express line. Honestly don't make up your mind online or based on someone elses review. Put a hunting jacket on, go to the store, and shoulder all the ones in your price range and the ones just out of reach. BPS, Winchester, Remington, Mossberg, Benelli's etc... Buy the one you would like to cherish, versus the one someone else said was good. and BTW Congrats on the PAL, Welcome to the club.
No offense but you are the one that chose to bring this topic on here as a pollitical arguement versus an informational thread about some studies that were done. You could have chosen to link the studies results like I did. Perhaps you can review those studies and comment on the results and what you think they mean instead of posting a pollitically charged biased article because it supports your pollitical viewpoints.
Seemed pretty confrontational to me... but i'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Truce? Anyway I rarely think solo has anything useful to say but I do like his last post...Haha just foolin with yah solo. Lets talk about the science that may affect us as outdoorsmen and fishermen and leave the pollics out of it. Whats done is done. The ellection is long since over. No amount of complaining and infighting will accomplish anything. Why not spend some all this effort collecting data, gathering useful facts, and use this arm ourselves in the next election to make good things happen.
No offense but you brought your pollitical viewpoint into this thread not me.
I think if you read through any of my posts you would see that I would agree with you on this point. These guys win, things sway this way, those guys win it sways a bit back the other way. Thats the only way there is useful progresion. IN the pollitical system we have its only under a majority that anythign actually gets done. Good or bad things get done. Over time things balance out one way or another. To think that things are bad because Party X is in power, is as crazy as thinking if Party Y was in power everything would be perfect.
I don't at all blame the Conservatives for this. The Scientists knew what they were getting into. Lets think back about what happened when the liberals had there last majority, Weasling around with Kyoto, The liberals were bought out by the oil companies... quoted from a Globe and mail article... Even Liberal members of Parliament are starting to express concern over the government's lack of environmental commitment on global warming and on achieving its goal under Kyoto to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 6 per cent from 1990 levels by 2012. The thing is EVERY party while in power has no choice but to bend and shape its policies so that the big companies can be profitable. Thats just the way it goes. We don't live in a perfect world and sorry to say it never will be. In fact if I recall off hand it was the Oil Companies that were backing the liberals in those days to get Kyoto waxed. I remember being so angry at the liberals, and every environmentalist was so pissed abou this, everyone was screaming and shouting at the Libs for this. To think things would be any different if the NDP or Libs were in charge is just juvinile. These pollitical arguments are just silly. Talk about the science. Please do. Argue about this party is bad or that party is bad and you will just end up painting yourself as a right wing whacko or left wing whacko. There are right wing whackos and Left wing whackos.
Ahh yes, I forgot about the valiant Orange. Or I gues you could be bloq as well. My sincere appologies.
As for the cbc not being biased, don't forget that the CBC admited this themselves when they were forced to do an investigation on themselves for being liberal biased. None the less. I guess I wrongly presummed you were thinking about the science behind the article and te information behind that versus the actual debate about the pollitics. So just to be clear, none of this thread was about the actual Information in the report in question (That again is freely available online)... it was all about the pollical aspect.
Funny how you mention this but I presume you're a liberal since you seem to be against the rights, Wasn't it the liberal Leader in the last election that was an american defector? Stick up for Canada be a liberal you say? Hmm, it was the american liberal leader that was one of the big reasons why I voted for the conservatives for the first time in a federal election.
I always thought that science was about find and presenting fact in a non biased manour. And not about swaying peoples opinion based on that scientists pollitical viewpoint? Doc, and I mean this in the friendliest way I can. Think about the tone an manour you bring these articles here. As soon as you start bashing one side or the other the other side isn't going to listen and you may in the process lose some fence sitters. Try and be a little non biased and maybe just maybe you may do some good rather than just further divide people. The libs done there fair share of negative environmental impact. Few sane people go looking for a fight, but when you stick a hot poker in someones eye what do you think will happen. I mean why not just post a thread about the actual study, and how you feel about those facts, and what your understanding is on the findings. I would actually take that to heart. As soon as someone mixes science and pollitics I tune out and get ready for war.
Funny thing about the cbc. The more I listen and read what they say, the more I get pushed to the opposite side. I consider myself on the fence when it comes to pollitics. But man o man I just can't help but be shoved over to thr right side. Good thing I wasn't in charge. I would have the lefties throwing seal pups at me and righties tossing bibles at me.
Its fairly standard practise for public servants to not disclose information to the public. I did the same thing when working for several government agencies, even ones while the liberals were in charge. Its nothing new. I am not against science, I am not even against the liberals. However it took a majority govt to erase the retardedness known as the gun registry that the liberals shoved down everyones throat. So now because of that stupididity we need to put up with the PC's for a few more years. Then we can go back to a fence sitting minority where nothing gets done, and everyone can be happy again.
Well I guess it'll be another Leafless play offs. So who is gonna be your team this year? Are you going to pull for the nucks or the sens? Honestly I don't think I can root for either. I like the players for the sens beter than the nucks, but I just can't bring myself to cheer allongside with some of the lunatic sens fans. The nuck fans are no better. I hope after the schmozel from last year the canucks go out in the first round. I was holdong on for the Jets to get in but that doesn't look like its going to happen either. Maybe calgary can string a few together and make a run for it. I think I'll have to root for Chicago again this year.
If I am ever reincarnated as a fish I want to be....
jedimaster replied to coreyhkh's topic in General Discussion
If I was going to choose a mammal I would choose a human. Maybe a rich one with a big boat. -
Not really, the report is available online. Its just the liberal biased CBC trying to begrudge the PC's... Just like Fox News in the US. CBC is silly. http://www.cohencommission.ca/en/ Just use the search function on that site for Kristi Miller, you will find much information from here there.
If I am ever reincarnated as a fish I want to be....
jedimaster replied to coreyhkh's topic in General Discussion
I am thinking s rougheye rockfish. Poisoness and lives to 140 years. -
Hope this doesn't look too much like Firetiger :0
jedimaster replied to Joey's topic in General Discussion
Are you trolling for sharks? What pound test is that line? Very nice detail on that lure, looks alomst like a real dog. -
I swear I thought this thread was gonna be about this video.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgFhJN4H0T0
There were a few people that didn't have insurance slips and they got off, as long as the date of the slip shows the insurance was valid when you got pulled over. The ones that didn't have insurance were getting a second court date.
So where is the big T-Show gonna end up? I hear Miami....