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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. For me its not so much the lack of stock or specialty stuff, or new stuff to the market, or the latest trends, or the competative prices or the actualy helpful stuff staff that seem interested in helping, or the management that is completly beligerant.... Nah... Its not one thing for me... Its pretty much everything. Fortunatly when I have had to make complaints to the head office in the US of A they were dealth with quickly. Basspro has become walmart, on occaision you go because they have some of everything but don't expect much.
  2. Going up to 26 on wednesday.... Say good bye to the ice....
  3. LOL toronto is better than the sens.
  4. Sens couldn't manage to hold a winning record against the leafs this year. RofLmao
  5. This is where I'll be for the speck opener in algonquin....
  6. We had an auto inflater go off in a rod locker one time. if it gets sufficiently soaked and is in the wrong position it will go off. However, I think this was just a freak accident. I doubt it would go off even in driving rain. As my cousin has wore his in some brutal rain at 60 mph.
  7. rofl yah, looked to me like neil on the bottom
  8. P.s. It sure beats playing barbie. I always get stuck being the one the dog ate with a missing leg. Haha
  9. Yah, musky fishing rings a bell. Actually it all started a few weeks ago when I was telling my kids how all cartoons uso made from playdoe. So I thought I would show them how. A point a click digital camera and some patience. Each movie is about 300 individual pictures.
  10. haha, yah no doubt the kids think they are so funny. It took us about 3 hours to make this one in cluding the effects... Dragon Movie imagine 3 hours for 30 seconds. But what else is there to do when its pouring rain and the boat is still in storage.
  11. Just thought I would pass on a funnny video me and kids made... Darn weather wouldn't cooperate for a trip to the zoo so we brought the zoo home. I plan on making a fishing one sometime soon, just need to figure out the topic... maybe an ice fishing one where people float away. http://youtu.be/8xYMjotzGAU
  12. Hot air rises
  13. We have been throwing up hill for a long time...last I checked so have the sens. How many cups have they won?
  14. Just wondering if it would be more appropriate to place pollitical threads in the fishing news Section? Lately the forum has been innudated with pollitical bashing and what not. Its getting a bit tiresome and to be honest I have started to look elsewhere to talk about fishing. Alot of other fourms have a section dedicated to pollitics/legal issues etc... Don't take this as me wanting any censorship or anything, as I enjoy a good pollitical battle as much as the next guy, just a more appropriate place for people to keep pollitical topics away from the main board. Adding a poll to see if anyone else would like to see this as well.
  15. Nobody noticed because noone cares about the sens. Likely they will dissapoint and drop the next one. haha
  16. Scugog looks wide open as far as I can see and the boat launch in town is also free of ice. No dock in but people have launched as there are trailers in the lot.
  17. I am going to be in port perry tonight I'll scope out the ramps on scugog and post back... Anyone in the muskokas have an eye?
  18. Pens are strong, and I have always been a big fan of crosby. However I am not a jaded hockey fan. I see it for what it is. He looked like a leafer out there. poking at pucks from 6 feet away. Hopefully he listens to Cherry this time and keeps out of the mix or he is gonna be just begging for someone to run him through the boards. New York even looked like they were going easy on him throughout the game. A chop here and there, but noone seemed to want to rub him out. Big mistake letting him get back into the lineup this year, imo. Once the playoffs roll around if he is producing points people aren't going to go easy on him. Especially teams like Boston and New York.
  19. Well I went to the sportsman show wanting to replace my 6 to 1 Quantum Tour baitcaster that I use for crankbaits with a 5 to 1 reel. I held a few of the other reels and I figure I would go to the show buyig another curado. I came across the Ardent booth and I was pretty intrigued by this line tracking situation the reels have. Basically when the is being spooled out the guide tracks from left and right to prevent line from crossing up on the spool, this should help to add a bit more smoothness of the drag, something critical for crankbaits. Even more so for me as I like to use braided line on my crankbait rod. Yah yah I know, I should be using florocarbon or mon, but the rod I use is the softest compsoite crankbait rod I could find, so its some give and take. Back to the reel When I held the bare reel in my hand to be honest I wasn't too impressed. I dunno something didn't feel right. Then I felt one on a rod and it felt alot better. It sits I would say about halfway in size between a 200 curado DHSV and a 200 E7. I found the small frame nice on the E's but they did feel a bit small on some bigger rods. and the D's I find after fishing with for a long time my hand gets stiff. Anyway the size felt just right. About the size of a 100 D curado. As any fisherman would do when I got home I spooled it up and tied on a bell sinker and played around with it in the hallway. Well I am very happy with this purchase so far. I can hardly wait to get out and put it on the water. How long til bass season? What about pike? The reel I got was an Ardent Edge Pro. I did want to check them out with all the rave reviews from iCast and having been a long time Curado guy I am always skeptical of a baitcaster. This reel is really nice and worth checking out for yourself. I actully wanted to buy a the Fish O flauge version, but they don't come in a right handed 5 to 1 in fish o flauge. Made in the USA, has a 3 year warranty, 8+1 bearings. One of the other cool things it has that I didn't notice til I got home is the grooves in the bottom of the gear box that really give you an extra bit of grip on the reel. Anyway if your in the market and at the show go by the booth and check them out.
  20. I know a few locations of crown land that I would want to buy. Keep in mind that waterfront lots are still fairly reasonable... if you can find them. Once you get the permit and put a shovel in the ground thats when the price goes up.
  21. It just seemed like there was a talk before the game for the rangers not to touch crosby, on his assist he had two that that could have pasted him, he is still skating with his head down, its just a matter of time before he gets levelled and is out again. IMO, if he goes down again he is done for good. No use in eating from a straw to just to play hockey.
  22. Well from what I am seeing Crosby looks quick but very detatched from the game. not digging, not getting involved. I wish I had TSN2, I am watching it on a french stream. grrrr
  23. Cam, I feel for you, just fix it, take a picture of it, and go get a court date. Its not something that should happen but it does. Fight it. In fact I have never fought tickets, but now I think I always will.
  24. It was the first appearance, so The officer wasn't there, but I am pretty sure they dont attend first appearences. I am not sure if it was a justice of the peace or judge or clerk or what, I don't think i would know the difference. Everyone just waited in line, and got called into an office one at a time. She looked at the ticked, asked if I fixed it. I said yes, she said, ok I'll cancel the ticket, you can go. Now why this couldn't have been done the first time I went to arrange the first appearence is beyond me, but in the end it cost me 10 dollars in parking fees, and two half days pay, but noone really noticed at work so I think I may have snuck out on that one. In this case I knew it went out as I already had bought the lightbulb not 5 minutes before I got pulled over. Pretty frustrating, but what really can I do? It got dropped, and in the end I guess only cost me 10 dollars in parking donations and some time. Believe me, I have been raked over the coals a few times, and this one was minor, and I am very happy its not on my record. Minor offense or not. I didn't want it there.
  25. Yah, it was an experience, that's for sure. there was about at least a hundred people also there for a first appearence, from the sounds of it, 50 percent of these people were people that had multiple tickets, speeding/no insurance slip etc... I was the only one there for just a single infraction of a burnt out headlight. I still think I would have been fine being pulled over for a burnt out headlight if somethign else was missing, like a ran through stop light or a missing insurance or speeding or something, but really pulled over for a burnt out hedlight then get just the single charge. Such a waste of public funds. I blame it on the liberals. lol.... sorry just a jab. Thanks again for all the comments in here, if I hadn't have posted here I likely would have just paid it. I am glad I didn't.
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