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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. if I was a Great Lakes or simcoe troller, I would go for a fibreglass in the 22-24 foot range. Especially in the used market you can get a really solid boat as they are not too well sought after and would be more stable in big water than an 18 foot tin boat. Mind you they are a beast to trailer around.
  2. What they should have done was allow competition. Shaw, Rogers and others to all provide cable tv in the same areas instead of the segregated monopoly that they have now. If they did that and one of the offered individual channel subscription I would sign up. 5 bucks a channel pick and choose the ones you want. I would pay 25 dollars a month for my 5 channels. I don't really wanna pay 25 dollars for 88 channels I don't want. Haha
  3. Haven't had cable for many years now myself. Probably close to 6 years since I paid anything accept for Internet. Just was hoping that the extra channels would be available individually. Unfortunately they aren't.
  4. Yah you can, just a bit more of a pain though for live stuff.
  5. Well its day 1 of the new 25 dollar TV Packages. You get the basics for 25 dollars, but no sportsnet or TSN. Sportsnet is 18 dollars a month and TSN is 18 dollars a month. the Wild/WFN packae is 10 per month. For me all I really car about if WFN, WILD and AMC. so for me it would be 45 dollars per month.
  6. I was was mostly on the Fraser itself between chilliwack and maple ridge. On the main river pretty much everyone tosses the big stuff with like a 10-20 ounce weight and a spin n glow. The float fishing is mostly on the Tribs with a 12 foot float rod and a center pin. I was mostly bar fishing so tossing the big stuff. And yes I did say ten to twenty ounce weight. The power in the water in the Fraser is unreal. There is a really good guide in chilliwack They focus mainly on sturgeon but are great for salmon as well on the river. I can't really think of a guide specifically for salmon or steelhead though.
  7. I would get an 11'6 technium or similar lamiglass for salmon and an 8 foot technium sturgeon rod for sturgeon. get two big reels. You will be lobbing 2-4 ounce lead weights into the river so you need that big backbone. The techniums are near indestructible and very highly regarded among the hard core guys out there. Fenwick HMX also has a decent following. an Abu 7000 or Penn 320 for reels. However I would recommend hitting up a guide first before buying anything. See what they use and ask to fish the way you will fish. EG shore or boat. They are good guys and will accommodate for cash. Did I mention get a guide? Its really worth it. Especially if you haven't fished in BC for river fish before.
  8. Shoot me a line anytime. You don't need to be a resident to fish, you can fish anything as a non resident its just more expensive. I would highly recommend using a guide for each species once. Its not like fishing here. Very specific tactics and gear. If you fish the fraser (and you will) The sheer power of the water with even a bass could spool you and you won't be fishing for bass. Wait til you hook up with a fresh and horny ready to spawn 100 pound chinook. You will need every ounce of of a 12 foot shimano technium and 80 pound braid lashed to a Abu 7000 just to stand a chance. Musky have nothing on these fish in the river. I saw guys running down the bank for half a mile trying to keep the fish from spooling them only to come back with a reel still smoking from the heat with no line and shrugged shoulders. My first sturgeon was a small one at 8 feet and we chased it in the boat with a Penn 320 on max drag for 200 yards before I could turn its head. Do your research, dig in and hold on. You basically get yourself a non resident fishing license. As well as the conservation tags for each species you want to target. Salmon, Sturgeon, Steelhead, char, some types of rainbows all need species specific tags/licenses in addition to the annual license. You can basically get by with one big rod for salmon and one big rod for sturgeon. Sturgeon fishing is AWESOME!!! there is no feeling in the fishing world like having a 15 foot long 900 pound freshwater fish tear 300 yards of line out tailwaking 10 feet in the air. The ministry basically sends out a mass text message to everyone that has salmon licence and tells them the second it opens and the second it closes. There is no set time. The reason is they monitor closely when the fish move out of the ocean up the rivers to spawn and allow a few waves to pass through to spawn before opening the season. They get an idea of the total number of staging fish weigh that against the number of licensed anglers and allow enough through that people can catch there limits and not kill the fishery. Sockeye basically have a massive run every 4 years and is something you don't want to miss. I think the next one is slated for next year. Its easy to get frustrated and turned off to fishing if you don't know what to do, that's why I recommend hitting up a guide. You will have an awesome time. Just make sure you get all your paper works in order, get on top of the licenses and gather as much info. There are also lots of good forums out there for info.
  9. Don't forget most 15hp are a 9.9 with a bigger carb. 25 is usually a 20 with a bigger carb. You get the idea. Get as big a motor as you can afford. Honestly if cash is the concern I would sooner buy the rig, sell the motor and buy a bigger used one.
  10. Omg, do NOT buy that rig with a 15 are you crazy? I had a Lund with a deck in the front and floors and I had a 30hp 3cyl Yamaha. It hauled and got on plane great. A 3 cylinder minimum 30 hp. There is a big torque difference between the 2 cyl and 3 cyl outboards. A 15 may not even get on plane. That is very very very dangerous and will lead to long term reliability issues. Think about it. You say you wanna go slow, well a 15 plotting at full tilt will be slow every single time your in it. With a 30 you will jump on plane and then throttle back and cruise comfortably. It's not just safety and performance but longevity as wel. Outboards are expensive to replace. Jmho
  11. Also fishing is more expensive but hunting is a lot cheaper and way more plentiful. On one mountain on the right week you can hunt moose, elk, mule deer, white tail, black bear, grizzley, cougar, mountain goat, grouse, ptarmagan, turkey and maybe even mountain sheep. The hunting restrictions are very confusing but as I mentioned it's so much more plentiful, diverse and lest restricted than in Ontario. Hunting dream out there. One weekend, I had grouse and eggs for breakfast, rabbit for lunch and deer heart for dinner.
  12. When you move if you get confused drop me a line I went through the whole thing recently. Basically OHIP is called MSP and everyone pays for it. Its not free. So make sure your new employer will pay for MSP because its a bit costly. it will take time to get enrolled. Try and get them to waive the probationary period for the MSP coverage or that will extend your 6 months wait time to get a fishing license. Of course you can just get a non resident fishing license but you can only get a small game non resident hunting license if you hunt. Well you can get a non resident but you need a guide or something that has hunted big game for the last 2 years to sponsor you but you will still need to prove your 6 months residency. The health card and drivers license are combined into a BC Services card. You can get it and do both your MSP and your drivers license at the same office. Go to any ICBC location. Your car gets done privately through a broker but the prices are provincially regulated so there are no deals from one place to another. You also get your ownership and license plate at the insurance brokers. They are everywhere grocery stores malls etc... You will need to get an out of province inspection to transfer your cars. They check everything, basicaly a safety permit but there is no Emissions testing in BC so thats a plus. You can get the inspection done at any canadian tire. If I think of other things I will add it here. But I think thats the gist of it.
  13. Minimum of 6 months wait to get your resident card. As in 6 months from when you get your health card or switch your drivers licens over so do those asap. I missed a hunting draw date by two days from my 6 months. Also another thing to keep in mind is if you move out there I would do it as late in the year as possible and if moving back do it as early in the year as possible. The Taxes are less in BC so the later in the year you do it the bigger your tax refund will be. if you move back to ontario at the end of the year you will get screwed as I did. Keep all your reciepts for moving purposes for your tax. Also go to the Ontario ministry of transportation before you leave and get a certified drivers license history. NOT an abstract. Drivers license history. You need that to prove how long you have driven for so you don't have to go through graduated licensing. Also prepare a document from your insurance company. For each year of no claims you get a 5% discount on insurance. Everyone pays the exact same base rate for car insurance. and the only way to get lower is by years of driving with no claims. Make sure you letter states each year you have had continuous coverage with no claims. You can use your OHIP card for a few months but if you want to get your resident fishing card switch it over to BC services asap. An about the 6 months thing. a Lease or house purchase or proof from employer is not proof of residency for fishing and hunting. The 6 month clock starts the day your application gets recieved and put into the system. I think its a 2 month wait to get your health card switched over from what I recall. So basically get it done asap
  14. I moved to BC two years ago and just moved back. Its a huge difference in fishing out there compared to hear. To be honest I didn't really get into fishing too much. I mean I did go river fishing but unless you really get into it your going to the common sand bars for a couple weekends per year, getting a big boat for the ocean or sturgeon fishing. Yes there is bass fishing but its very underground and not very popular. There is some awesome fishing out there its just not my cup of tea. The seasons open and close daily for some species and you have to be ready to go at a moments notice as they send out text messages to update people on when the season opens and when it closes. Its very weird. The trick is to find the sand bars and hit it hard the second it opens if you are into salmon. The come in on mass and are gone just as quick. Very few resident fish in the fraiser outside of sturgeon. I should note that the hunting is FREAKING AMAZING!!!! The regulations for both are very complex but oddly much more leanent than in ontario... eg no hunter orange
  15. Anyone ever considered or ran Power pro hollow core for bass fishing? I know its a staples for deep sea fishing but that's with heavier setups.
  16. I just cut the cheeks out of all my walleye dab some crazy glue on and let them go... just kidding. awesome report
  17. A friend of mine got one.
  18. I don't think it would be a prop. I would say some sort of disease. I have personally seen prop scars in fish and the marks have always been perfectly parallel. The leading edge scar is at a pretty angle difference. plus there is some scaring healed up in between. Maybe an eagle but I dunno, I saw a few of those in BC as well they weren't scratches. Maybe a bull shark or gator attack. haha
  19. No coincidence I met my last girlfriend while ice fishing.. haha
  20. I just keep the propane tank in my pants on the walk out.
  21. Well just between you and me the prices here in canada after the conversion on alot of stuff s actually cheaper than buying south of the border. Alot of americans are buying from canada right now.
  22. A fishing yak you say?
  23. I dunno I took my kids today and they had a great time with the fish pond and climbin wall, I got a great deal on a couple cumulus rods and bumped into a few guys. I enjoyed my time.
  24. Anyone been to the show? Looking for a new shakey head rod, just wondering if its worth while going. Anyone see a deal on a loomis GLX or NRX or a St.Croix Elite
  25. I dunno, I saw a few fish with plastics in there mouths... snake oil... but pre order me a few.
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