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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. That was my thought. Gun unloaded and encased half hour after sunset. 6:45 seems pretty late to shoot yourself.
  2. How else are we suppoed to determine what goalie will bring the cup home this year if we don't let the goalies get a good workout?
  3. Thats the thing its too early to judge what two relatively unproven goaltenders are going to do long term. We have limited info on both guys accept for what we have seen. Thats all I am basing things on. When I watch Bernier play he looks like a better goalie than Reimer. Thats all. Who knows what 50 games will prove or not prove. My guess though is that if Bernier continues to play solid Riemer will be trade bait when the time comes.
  4. Reimer's problem is consistency. If he is on he is great if not he gets owned. The leafs defense needs a guy that will play solid game in and game out. Reimer has yet to prove that. I don't think anyone can say for certain who is better but to be honest as much as I like Reimer I would have to say Bernier is the better goalie.
  5. Thanks. Have some more camera toys coming tonite hoping to get some different shots with the new stuff.
  6. MM what exactly have the sens accomplished in the last 48 years? Since neither has won the cup in that time span I would say the only fair comparison between the two teams would be there playoff records against each other.
  7. If the Sens ever manage to win a cup do they even have the budget or fan base to have a parade? I guess they could walk down the hallway in front of there family. As for the leafs being hated around the league? Well I don't know about that. You would have a hard time not finding a slew of Leaf jersey's at EVERY single road game.
  8. Just thought I would post a few of the pictures I took. Been playing with a few new accessories.
  9. There only a small handful of teams that I really don't like and don't follow. Most of them are for the loser fans they seem to attract. Granted not all of the fans a losers, most are just a bit ignorant. Are the Sens still playing in the NHL or did they get traded to Moosefactory yet?
  10. Wow that sucks. Phanruf got dangled led to a goal, bernier got burned on a goal that was supposed to be a no touch icing. Reimer the knee to the head and goes out. Not a good game.
  11. I have used wood to start a fire several times. Altough this was under ideal circumstances doing it just for fun. Could I do it in an emergency? Yes. Would I want to? No. What do I carry? A pack of waterproof strike anywhere matches and a knife. No need to carry tinder in north america. There is tinder everywhere. Especially in Ontario. Cedar and birch trees are everywhere. When I hunt I have a piece of firesteel with me and I can light a fire no problem with that either in rain or snow.
  12. One would think that eventually MM would just give up and admit he was wrong. I guess not though.
  13. this thread has officially gotten boring. Once again hockey talk has been overshadowed by the juvenile delinquent sens fan. Its a shame people can't enjoy hockey and talk hockey. I would think that if a musky thread was as laiden with the insults and meaningless interjections from non musky fans the thread would be locked or posts deleted. I am all for joking around and good fun but is it not possible to have a thread where fans can interact with fans and not people whose sole intent is to try and cause fights? I guess not.
  14. Oh matt, how long has it been since the sens have won a cup oops yah I forgot. Better send a memo to you team and yell.them not to fall asleep after half a game if they want to have any chance of making the playoffs. Typical for you to blame the refs. You didn't like the slaying penalty for breaking someone's stick? Or the tripping call in ot that should have been a penalty shot in ot? What about the high stick that was missed against Kessel? Or the tripping call that was misses in ot that? I could see how you would be upset that the sens should have had more penalties.
  15. What happened to all of the sens fan? Went to sleep like the sens after Bernier showed up I guess.
  16. BlackBerry Bold and q10 is still by far the best productivity tool. I support about 500 handhelds in my company. Currently using a z10, was on an S3 as well iPhone. the few people here that went to iPhone all switched back after a few months and Android after no more than one month. IPhone has the most apps, lots of games, navionics etc.. intuitive for kids, very closed design.. EG you can't even use it as a thumb drive if you need to transfer files to it quickly. The calendar is barely tolerable and typing is very poor. Galaxy/android more powerful than the iPhone not as intuitive and still buggy even on the latest release if software. It is also prone to virus and lots of malware. Will need to be rebooted daily. BlackBerry, even the new os is very intuitive I find the touch typing screen far easier to type in the z than the galaxy or iPhone I had. The q gives you the comfortable feedback that many like. Not to mention blackberry is still a Canadian success story and most of the naysayers here have posted in the "Canadian made" thread wishing for more Canadian born business success. No doubt that we will be switching to something within the next few years and most likely it will be the iPhone because the presidents kids have iphones. Some will like it and most will just stop using it for email as they can't type on it. Even most iPhone users tout how much they love and will freely admit that they rarely type emails longer than "yep" Btw the z and q both support full flash in there browsers making the Web experience much better. Having said all that would I put my personal money into a blackberry. I don't think so. Not until it's been decided where the sale is going. I would wait or if needed one right now go on a month to month with a Kijiji phone or look elsewhere.
  17. I have a poulan, and have had it now for about 6 years and I use it every year when I go hunting to cut downed trees and clear lanes etc... I haven't ever had a problem with it. Its pretty light and as long as you have a sharp chain it cuts. My cousin has a Stihl and its a far better machine but I haven't seen anything his could cut through that mind couldn't. Just depends how much you want to spend. If you got the coin Stihl and you can't go wrong. the anti vibe is awesome. Far better than any Husq or Echo I have used. Mind you the echo's and Husq are better than poulan, but really, mine I prime it 5 squirts, pull the choke out all the way give it three yanks push the choke in half way and it starts every time. Even after sitting for a year waiting for hunting season.
  18. The reality of last night games is that bernier stole that win. The could have been down 4-0 after the first period. We have been waiting since cujo for a solid goalie that can steal 10 wins per year. Guess what. You just saw that goalie last night night. I am a Reimer fan but he is no where in the same league as bernier. I was hoping to keep scrivens as a a backup as I am not sure how much Reimer will want that role. None the less this is going to be a very good pairing. The defense is very suspect so far in the two game plus the pre season. If gardiner and rielly pan out they will make a huge difference on the blue line. Looks to me like the goaltending has been sorted. The offense with kadri, kessle, bolland and jvr has been sorted. Special teams is on the upswing. They just need to work on gaining control in there own end 5 on 5. Happy Leafs fan today.
  19. Why is it that someone that hates the legs so much comments so often about them? Anyway, was a good hard fought game on both sides. Both teams need work on the defensive end but the rough game really took a toll on the habs tonite. Hopefully the concussion isn't too bad and he is back on the ice soon. Same exact thing happen to Orr some years back.
  20. Predictions for tonite? Toronto 4-2 And I am hearing kessel getting an 8 year 64 mil
  21. Spezza for a bag of pucks... any takers?
  22. I think the league made it loud and clear with what went down how they view it. 1) Clarkson no brainer, don't leave the bench. 2) Buffalo should have never have had Scott on the ice by giving the coach a fine. 3) You don't break the Code of Goon fighters going after skilled guys. 4) Slap on the wrist for Kessel just because yah you don't do that but clearly no harm was done and clearly was done in self defense. See point 3. Having said that I would have been ok with Kessel getting a 1 or 2 game regular season suspension. That kind of slashing is just not cool. As for what would have happened to Scott. I can almost guarantee had Scott got hold of Kessel and pounded on him and Clarkson not jumped in off the boards Scott would be out for a long sit down re point 3.
  23. Leafs had minimal legs going, lupal played fairly sloppy. Lots of missed passes by the Leafs. 5 games in 8 days following the tilt against buffalo... Oh yah and it's preseason.. oh yah and musky matt if you are so excited about a preseason won the Leafs are 3-1-1 I am happy with that record thus far having lots of youngsters in the lineup.
  24. Great hands by jvr. Reimer playing great. Looks like a different goalie this year.
  25. Omw to the game tonight. Got some nice upper deck center ice seats. Hoping for a good game by the buds.
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