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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. I have done this loop and its a heavy duty one. Awesome but pack light. The luckless portage is a rough one. This coming from a guy that every year does a 10km on foot portage every spring for a one day brookie trip. Its not impossible lots of people do it. Are you going to go in clockwise or counter clockwise or are going to just go in and double back?
  2. I have paddled a canoe with a small portable scotty downrigger and it adds a lot of drag and makes things difficult. I don't think I would bother. A Dipsy diver, steel line, lead core, bottom bouncer all will give you similar results. And don't worry about hijacking, I am all for this thread being used for everyone to explore solo fishing ideas.
  3. They are saying on the report 200-300 feet. I am amazed at 300 feet. I recall at the indy a hotwheel truck jumper 300 feet. it was doing 90mph as in 145 km/h and used a 16 foot tall take off ramp. If it in fact did fly 300 feet that is just astounding.
  4. Sorry, I had to edit for some bad gramar and disjointed thoughts. Yes I plan on doing overnight trips from this craft. No major week long portages though. For that I would just rent a canoe.
  5. Looking for some real life, real world on the water opinions. I have done a fair bit of canoeing and some kayaking in the past and I am looking to do a fair bit of solo fishing this year for everything from lakers, walleye, bass, musky and pike. I was thinking of either getting a kevlar canoe, a kayak or one of those one person pontoon things. The ability to portage would be great however fishability is key, I don't mind renting an ultralight canoe for those few portage trips I make. I have done the boat thing but I think I want to spend this year being human powered on the water. Any thoughts? For a canoe I think I can figure that out without much difficulty, long and light. For kayaks though, sit in or Sit on, can I stand up? How difficult is it? I tend to stand in a canoe while I fish if its calm so I have decent balance. Rudder, no rudder How much gear can be stowed? Enough for a weekend or long weekend on an isand? I want to be able to mount a flasher or graph for when I am jigging oor fishing deepr water. Other than that my requirements aren't that plentiful. Rod holders would also be good, I guess I would need to be bale to anchor, store a cradle etc... if anyone has any models or makes to stay away from or ones they love that would be great. I am looking for something new or used under 1k ideally.
  6. Mmmmm vodka
  7. I agree with 15 games remaining and in second place its time to give credit where credit is due. They allow alot of shots, and the defense isn't all that consistent. The forwards aren't great at playing team defense. However, the goal tending has made up for this and that goaltending has primarily been Bernier. This isn't a knock against Riemer. This isn't ignorance of the weknesses, but the team makeup and play has a whole has kept this team in games and winning more games than they have not. How many of you at the begining of the year would have said no to leafs in third in the east with 15 games left even if they allow alot of shots and reimer is number 2. When the goal tending is weak they get bombed like lastnight. When its strong they win and we are left wondering how. haha. I am very happy as a leafs fan right now.
  8. Don Cherry knows the game, the extra weird parts of his personality are just that. Weird. I rarely disagree with the actual hockey opinions he has. As for Strombo being on HNIC. I don't like it at all. It doesn't fit imo. I could think of a dozen people off hand I would rather here and see on HNIC other than him. Actually if I started making a list I doubt he would even be on the list. No offense to him personally as I have met him a few times and some of my good friends are close to him. On HNIC though? No thanks.
  9. Great game last night and P.S. The leafs are currently the best team in Canada and 3rd in the eastern. A great way to wake up on a tueday morning.
  10. Funniest part is that if he took a quick picture, measure and weight and sent it down to the depths he could have applied for a catch and release record and looked like a hero. Instead he looks like a fool, probably get a fine, and will likely not get the fish back to be mounted anyway.
  11. Maybe Howie Mendel
  12. http://www.thepetitionsite.com/772/422/005/say-no-to-strombo/
  13. what the hell??? I don't like this at all. Who is his partner gonna be? Justin Trudaeu?
  14. BEST POST EVER!!!!!! This thread can be safely locked.
  15. I am no mathematician but I would take JVR with his 4.25 mil per year and 52 points over Vanek and his what 7.1 mil per year and 53 points.... Just saying.... However, Vanek isn't a bum. He is a good player, and MTL needs anyone that can score. Even if they have to pay them 3 times what they are worth.
  16. Tampa isn't a cup contender this or next year, and even if calahan walks, to get a first and second(could be a first if the Rangers make the eastern finals) is great for the bolts imo.
  17. Wow Tampa got a great return on st.luois. Apparently henskey to the sens
  18. Kessler in the ice for 20 minutes adds a lot of defense versus what they will need to give up. I think kulleman will need to go to make space. Who knows. It will be interesting to see if Nono makes any moves.
  19. How about. Kesler for say a kadri, Reimer and a pick?
  20. The problem the number of backyards like that are not as plentiful as they once were. How much deforestation is acceptable until it's too much? How many backyards need to give way to business?
  21. Wow luongo traded to Florida for markstrom and matthias
  22. Well I should have done this a while ago but I needed to put together a few shots in a video. Anyway, I hope you can stomach the guitar in the background. Don't be too harsh with me as it was me playing with the first time with a slide so I was just having fun. Worse comes to worse just turn your speakers off. haha Some fishing, hunting and camping shots from the last year. No dead mammals in the in the video don't worry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42qsDIFHfxU
  23. Oops, I missed it now for the second time after going for the last 20+ years. I guess I have a free 50 bucks I can spend at brass rail.
  24. It's all about the math. 500,000 dollar house, no repairs, all done. 300,000 dollar house, 50k in repairs, half finished, 40,000 dollars for divorce lawyer, half your pay for the next 20 years, listing all your fishing stuff in the classifieds, etc... Just suck it up, buy the one she wants and build a nice shed in the back yard.
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