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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. Anyone sell cold steel in Canada? The two handed katana machete looks cool. Almost as good as a light sabre. Might also be good for quartering moose.
  2. Fiskars Brush Axe looks good.
  3. I like the style of the gerber machete's but I have heard from numerous people that the steel is very soft and cheaply made. Good for a zombie tv show but not so much in real life.
  4. I carry a chainsaw for the main trails and a small foldable buck saw but when clearing a path a little saw takes forever. I figure a machete of some sort would be faster. Just was hoping some people have tried a few different styles.
  5. This is not major clearing of brush, just for where we go hunting to clean up some trails, I am not gonna carry a gas anything way back there.
  6. Just wondering what kind of machete you guys would rec for clearing brush? Parang, Kukri or Bolo?
  7. Thanks will check it out and bring some smallie gear.
  8. Will be up camping with the kids this weekend on Lake of two rivers, just wondering if anyone has caught anything in that lake and if you have any tips or pointers would be great. Probably rent a canoe one afternoon and jig or troll a bit. No major plans.
  9. Yah it was a blazer or a jimmy. can't recall the specific model. Dodge caravans had that issue as well.
  10. I use a improved clinch knot. The key is to visually check it to make sure its perfectly clean with nothing overlapping.
  11. Saw a spare tire fall off an SUV on the 401 this morning... Narrowly missed a motorcycle and narrowly missed me. Do yourself a favor and crank your tire down and make sure the cable is ok and lubricate it and crank it back up. Almost every minivan, SUV and Truck will have a tire that comes out from the bottom with a thin steel cable. Pass this on. And yes, I call the opp to report the tire on the highway. This is the end of my public service announcement.
  12. I have been slowly convincing him to buy a boat and leave it moored at his cottage and drive and take the ferry.... He is slowly coming around. Glad I am not the only one that thinks he is crazy. I told him an equivalent would be picking a day with a thunderstorm and paddling a 14 foot canoe from Beaverton to barrie.
  13. He already bought the property.
  14. Just wondering what you guys would think about boating in Georgian Bay and Huron on a regular basis to get to a cottage property versus the ferry or driving around? Say from wasaga 200km's on the water to manatoulin? A friend of mine is considering this. I told him he is retarded and to just drive. Anyone spend time on huron and Georgian bay?
  15. Last Saturday was pretty good. Got a sunburn while fishing. But yah for the most part it's been really wet.
  16. Highways are not flooded but some ramps are flooded and lots of sink holes. 35k homes without power in West end of gta. Some subways are closed still
  17. Toronto is a mess. I will post back some details in a bit. At work the power out til 5am at Jane and st clair. Miss got power at 11pm.
  18. It's raining now but not hard. I am at 401 and 404. Pretty crazy right now. If anyone here has flooded family pm me. I can make some room and squeeze some people in if need be.
  19. Don river has broken the banks and is now overflowed onto the gardiner and surrounding roads. Water is 5 feet deep on some roads.
  20. Dvp Well her eis the scene at JB's
  21. honestly as far as grab goes I can see both sides. He was a good heart player. The problems lie with his lack of Defense and awful face off percentage. If the coach has a vision of x and o and you are playing Y expect to sit or get shipped out. He didn't fit the team mold the coach is trying to build. Plain and simple. Its that he was bad at times he was the best on the ice. Just didn't fit.
  22. What fa's? There isn't a whole lot out there. Certainly not a big center like we need. We missed one already.
  23. Yah heard the spill on the radio. It sure would be nice if the leafs could land one of these big guns.
  24. Dipetro is bought out.
  25. Would be nice to see him in Toronto. I like bolland as a third line center, Vinny and kadri as 1 and 2 centers.
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