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Everything posted by jedimaster

  1. The only reason I bought this was for the fuel economy. Combined with the mileage and the cheaper insurance I save nearly 2/3rd of cost of the vehicle just from owning my old jeep outright. Being a hunter, an fisherman and outdoors guy, I don't think I can drive a car, so this truck has been awesome for me. Of course, many people have it in for Dodge so I know its not for everyone. I would say though if you are in the market it is worth looking at even if you are a bowtie or ford guy. Dodge did a lot to the RAM line, two years running truck of the year for a reason.
  2. On the highway I cruise about 110-115, What I do now is basically look for a speed given the wind and road conditions that keeps the truck in 8th gear on cruise control. If you get a bit heavy it won't get into 8th or will seek a lot. If I keep it down to 105 I will easily get about 7-8 l/100km's not towing. I have a 20 foot travel trailer I tow with it and when I did it was fine on the highway, I seem to recall it getting about 15 l/100 from London to Toronto. My jeep used to get that empty. haha. I sold my boat last year but with my 16 foot lund I didn't notice any real difference in towing fuel economy. When I towed a few peoples 20' bass boats I was down to about the 14-16 mark. Of course hills, traffic and how heavy you are with this truck makes a big difference. if you are light on the gas, accelerate slow, coast when its safe you will get great mileage. If you rip around with you foot down its gonna eat the gas like any heavy 300hp vehicle would.
  3. No, it has the new 300hp v6 with the 8 speed transmission and 4x4 Quad Cab, 6 passenger, 6.5foot bed. Truck has been excellent, bought new almost exactly 1 year ago, now have about 32k on it. No complaints at all. My cousin has a 2013 with the hemi with MDS and it is good on the highway but still bad on gas in the city. If you are strictly highway then the V8 with MDS would be good, otherwise the v6 with 8 speed works excellent in the city.
  4. My ram 1500 is currently averaging 9.5l/100km's that is about 80 percent city non highway. I have no complaints for the size of the vehicle. Dodge has done a wonderful job imo. I also have about 300 pounds of junk in the back I should empty out one of these days as well. As for the prices though, yah it sucks when you drop a 100 clams and you don't even fill the tank. haha
  5. I don't think you bring in a guy at the very top without the expectation that pieces below will remain the same. I would expect major organizational changes before the draft.
  6. Is that a new cat fish method? Me thinks you posted this in the wrong thread.
  7. Just drop a few daisy cutters in the banks of the notty and deepen it a bit...
  8. I was never on that bandwagon. I don't however support any commercial type development anywhere on any waterway in southern ontario. We have so much pristine water here. Why go the route of other countries and leave ourselves open to the potential of destroying even one piece. It just doesn't make sense. The potential is there for damage, to say otherwise is nieve and narrow. Besides we have bigger concerns like who is the next captain assuming its not phaneuf. haha
  9. The top line woul dbe great with an upgrade but yah the defense needs to be upgraded. That is a must have. A Bozak upgrade would be a nice to have, and figuring out what to do with the goalie situation. Noone wants a canucks problem. hahaha I am not really a cap guy but I do know that they are up against the wall. That means trades, salary dumps or some of the UFA's don't get resigned if they want to get better. Honestly I truly believe the leafs are two players away from being a much better team. if they can get an upgrade down the middle on the top line either in terms of skill or grit and an upgrade for Phaneuf they will have a much better run next year. Clearly one of the goalies is going and its pretty much written on the wall that Reimer goes. The leafs have alot of UFA's this year. Bolland, Kulemin, Mcclemant, Raymond, Bodie, Ashton(RFA), Franson(RFA), Ranger, Gardiner(RFA), Reimer(RFA), Macintyre(UFA) I think Armstrong and Tucker come off the book, freeing up 2 mil but I am not too sure how that works out. So with riemers 1.8 plus the 2 mil, maybe a mclemant gives them 6 mil to play with. of course they need to resign a few people, but gardiner resigns for a song and a dance given reily is in the pipe, Kulemin, bolland, ranger I would re-sign. I dunno. Lots of work to be done.
  10. Centers by payroll that are UFA's this years Stastny, Paul » C COL 28 $6,600,000 2014 (UFA) Jokinen, Olli » C WPG 35 $4,500,000 2014 (UFA) Legwand, David » C DET 33 $4,500,000 2014 (UFA) Roy, Derek » C STL 30 $4,000,000 2014 (UFA) Koivu, Saku » C ANA 39 $3,500,000 2014 (UFA) Bolland, Dave » C TOR 27 $3,375,000 2014 (UFA) Grabovski, Mikhail » C WAS 30 $3,000,000 2014 (UFA) Ott, Steve » C STL 31 $2,950,000 2014 (UFA Defenseman Boyle, Dan » D SJS 37 $6,666,667 2014 (UFA) Timonen, Kimmo » D PHI 39 $6,000,000 2014 (UFA) Markov, Andrei » D MTL 35 $5,750,000 2014 (UFA) Pitkanen, Joni » D CAR 30 $4,500,000 2014 (UFA) Zidlicky, Marek » D NJD 37 $4,000,000 2014 (UFA) Meszaros, Andrej » D BOS 28 $4,000,000 2014 (UFA) Quincey, Kyle » D DET 28 $3,775,000 2014 (UFA) Salo, Sami » D TBL 39 $3,750,000 2014 (UFA) Orpik, Brooks » D PIT 33 $3,750,000 2014 (UFA
  11. Toronto needs a Captain that canboth play well enough to silence the media, speak in the media and be a leader in the dressing room. If not Phaneuf who would be a better captain? I don't really see one. Pretty much has to be a top pair D man or a first line player. Bozak? JVR? Kessle? No I don't see any of those guys. Perhaps they can make some trades this summer. They still could use a top 2 defenseman or at least a tough stay at home grinder that can play with phaneuf ad well as the obvious of course is the top line center that they need so badly.
  12. Did I or anyone say that it will destroy the lake? I don't recall reading that or saying that. Will it have some effect on it? Yah I would think it would. What would the affect be? Who really knows. There are lots of pieces of land for sale that aren't adjacent to a well used waterway where the effect would most certainly be nothing. Put it there. There are lots of properties for sale. No need for it to go in that specific place. You can't possibly think that you know or understand ever single fragment of the information with regards to waterways, fisheries and preservation do you? Personally I think you are taking something way too personally about a location that apparently you care nothing about. I would think the reaction locally would be exactly the same if any large corp wanted to buy up 1700 acres on ANY lake in ontario. As for it being a "Not in my bvackyard" thing. Well yes that is exactly what it is. Noone locally wants it. Even the owner of the property doesn't want to sell it to someone that is going to potentially destroy the property.
  13. I don't think the 8 speed hits the north american wrangler til 2017. Its in the current year euro diesle wrangler. I have the 8 speed in my truck. It works very well but I do find the Dial shifter thing is very awkward to get used to. It does seek a bit on the highwayin the 100-110 range. It would be nice if there was a cruise in 8th lockout. Even if you use the manual shifters it will still down shift.
  14. I used to live close enough to the notty to ride my bike to so I know it fairly well. You have made my point exactly. You are the one that compared a river to a lake, and an army base built many many years ago to a testing ground built now. Apples and oranges is my point exactly. You are saying that the fishing wasn't affected but I can pretty near guarantee you it has been affected since before the base was there. The two situations are not comperable that is the point of my statement. Your comparision of Notty and Borden lacks merit.
  15. First year turkey hunting for me. I will be out scouting next weekend. I don't even know if there are any turkeys where I am going but I will go out regardless. Great excuse to walk around the bush for a weekend.
  16. I don't think its laughable at all... What was the fishing like 100 years ago compared to now on the notty? Really? You can say for sure its better or no impact? I mean 100 percent you can say for certain there is no impact at all? Your statement lacks merit and is very close minded. There is really no economic benefit to the area. The owners have pulled the deal becasue they decided its best to sell the land to someone that will preserve it's natural condition and not destroy it. As a fisherman, hunter and outdoorsman I applaud them for this decision.
  17. Algonquin ice out watch is saying they are down to 34 cm's of snow as of yesterday. This is the same snow level as last year two weeks later. Ice out was April 30th last year... If we are 2 weeks late that would push it into the second week of may. May 5th in '05, May 10th in '96, May 12th in '02, May 15th in '72 is the record for lat ice out. Its going to be an interesting spring.
  18. My Ram 1500 gets better mileage than any jeep I have ever owned, and I have had several Jeeps. Wranglers are great fun to drive and awesome in the summer. They are pretty crap in the winter though. If you arn't going to be doing any offroading you may want to consider a cherokee. I have had a few Grands, liberty a couple of TJ's and a CJ. The new wranglers are much better but still are not very refined as far as driveabliity.
  19. That's Misty's isn't it?
  20. Yah, its a pretty lame list imo. I figured some of you would get a kick ot of it.
  21. I think its more currently active players. A 50 most dominant of all time? I owuld think I woul dhave to put Mike Tyson in the mix somewhere, Ali, Jack Nicholos, Palmer, Tiger, Gretzkey, Orr, Montana, Marino, Bo Jackson... lots of supremely dominant athletes, and if they are including race car drivers, Schumacher would be hard ot leave off the list.
  22. Ok so normally I don't go through these things... but I was a bit surprised to see malkin and ovechkin on the list and Crosby not on the list. I am not a huge Crosby fan by any stretch but... anyway take a look. http://sports.ca.msn.com/photos/the-50-most-dominant-athletes-alive-in-2014-1#image=51
  23. What the heck... Where did this thread come from.
  24. Haha, of course. Any girl that orders and drinks a stout without flinching is good in my books.
  25. With the Sens here for the last game of the regular season I guess you're right.
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