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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Thanks Guys you are the best!
  2. LOL, GBAYGIANT, and I put my own cell number in.LOL That's a good one!
  3. Well, THAT is the first, the first time I have ever been called a d@#khead.LMFO!!!!! I guess there is a first for everything.
  4. LOL Maureen, thanks for the laugh, that was a great one!
  5. LOL, Wayne that's ok Shawn does not like sweets anyways so we have the cake all to ourselves.LOL Thanks Roy and Bill!!!
  6. Thank you for posting that awesome and wonderful story! Our Canadian Troops are the REAL heros and always will be. They will ALWAYS HAVE MY UPMOST RESPECT, LOYALTY AND SUPPORT!!! They deserve it.
  7. I wanted to wish Irishfield a great BIRTHDAY!!!!!!! It is great to share this day with you! I hope you have a great day buddy!
  8. HEY,,,,, I just checked your profile because you said something about stickers for your plate and it is your birthday too! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IRISHFIELD!!!!!!!!!! It is great to share this day with you! I will even share the nice cake that Cliff and Carol gave me with you!
  9. Thanks Bly, yeah you can say that again, they are NEVER easy, we have been to he** and back and I don't want to go back to visit ever again.LOL. But yes, I want to get out fishing so bad and I will catch a nice one for team 9!!!!!!!!!!
  10. THANK YOU VERY MUCH YOU GUYS AND GALS!!!!!! You are all the best! A special THANK YOU TO CLIFF AND CAROL for the greeting and cake, yummy, to bad I could not eat it.LOL And Caster, 35 spanking would be a bit too much for me.LOL, thanks Kennyman for the special posting and Jen, thanks for your tune of Happy Birthday.LOL All of you have made this day alot brighter for me, thank you again!
  11. Well Happy Anniversary Gerritt!!!! Hopefully I can say that one day.LOL
  12. Thanks everyone! Happy Birthday to anyone that is having a birthday this weekend.
  13. Welcome to the board! You will meet alot of GREAT fishermen and fisherwomen here!
  14. AUGH!!!!, figures either we get rain or snow, and I cannot stand both, I want the great weather to come soon!
  15. OF COURSE it is sexy! What do you think attracted me to Fishindevil besides his great charm?!
  16. Thanks for your concern Mike The Pike and others, we are doing ok and are looking forward to being back full force!
  17. Thanks Cliff! Tell Syd, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for us! I don't think we are doing much but at least the boat is most likely coming out. He has to do some follow-up work on it very soon. And then I want to get my butt on that boat.LOL
  18. Thanks Cliff and yes he is like a kid in a candy store right now.LOL. Plus we are trying to figure out what we can do for our birthday's this weekend, mine is tomorrow and Shawn's is on Sun.
  19. Well it is good to be back. Fishindevil and I had to leave for a couple of weeks, due to a family emergency. The last couple of weeks have been very hard but finally there is light at the end of the tunnel and things are getting back to normal. We are planning to get the boat out this weekend if things goes as planned. I hope that everyone is doing well and we are looking forward to reading and posting great threads. One last thing, I would like to thank K-Dawg, Fishergirl and OFC for the Extreme Fishergirl Contest, I received my prize pack last week and it is awesome! I cannot wait to use my new rod this spring!
  20. MY god, I am so sickend and ANGRY right now, I cannot find the words to how I feel! And what I want to say is no way apporiate to say here on the board!
  21. Way to go Lew! Congrats on your 5000 posts!
  22. Sorry to hear what you are going through Mo, Our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family.
  23. Hey there chicky, there you are, I have been looking for you.LOL. We seen never to be on the board at the same time anymore. I hope that I can catch up with you soon! Yes cplummer, it is good to see some of our troops home again and hopefully 2009 will be a great year for us when we will have them ALL home safe and sound!
  24. Hi Lew, from the ones that I have been in, they are excellent cars and they can really boot when they want to. I have heard alot of positive things about them. If I were to ever own a car of my own, that would be at the top of my list.
  25. Thanks for the posting John, I read the same thing today. We eat fish but not as often as we would like so I don't think I have alot to worry about, I guess it is like everything else...." too much of anything is not good for you"
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