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Everything posted by fishergirl72

  1. Thanks for the very intresting thread and story holdfast! And he was right, our heros are like sleeping tigers and if they wake up, watch out! Thanks again!
  2. Well I was going to belt out a tune for your birthday, just like what you did for me but I changed my mind,LOL I will just have to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRL! I hope you have a good one!
  3. My thoughts and prayers are with their families, friends and comrades at this difficult and devastating time.
  4. CONGRATS Rick on a job well done!
  5. Welcome Aboard!
  6. Thank you very much for your help. The more I keep hearing about this job, the more I know I want to do this. I am very excited to be going back to school to earm my certificate. I will keep you in mind when I need questions answered and thank you again duber's wife.
  7. HAHAHA!!!! What about velcro????? one side is scratchy
  8. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! That's a good one tjsa! I am going to get sick from laughing so bloody hard.
  9. Thank you very much Caper! That is music to my ears!
  10. Thank you very much Doug and yes I did think about when you get attached to certain people, and when it is there time to go, I know that will be the hardest thing to go through. My problem is I get so attached to certain people, and when they go, I am heartbroken. But that is going to be part of my job, and I will have to deal with that. Alot of these people are SO lonely, and that is why I want this as a career, I want to fill that void and put a smile on their face and let them know that they are still a valueble member of this society and SOMEONE out there cares about them.
  11. Thanks bushman, yes it is even like that around here about people only hiring part-time , but from what I have been hearing that around Durham, it is very NEEDED here. Thank you very much for your input. Everybit helps me!
  12. LMFO@ Corey, Terry and TJ, you guys are killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO YOU!!!!!! Hope you have a great one Norm!
  14. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!!!!!!!!! Angelina and I hope that you have a great day, and got everything that you wanted! You are the GREATEST daddy, better half and FISHERMAN!
  15. LOL, Roy, how did I know that you would say something like that,LOL I didn't take the course yet.
  16. Thanks Outdoorguy61! My mind is set at starting at senior's homes. Thank you very much I will keep in mind on what you said. Thank you again
  17. Thank you very much UA!!!!! I would appreciate that very much!
  18. Thank you Terry, and yes I have thought about what was involved regarding this job. I have alot of patience when it comes to other people and I have had alot of experience working with the public. I have worked at a bar so I can put up with alot of crap.LOL. (no pun intended)LOL. Way to go for your wife! And that shows me there is alot of room for advancment. Thanks again Terry!
  19. Wow, thanks Loonietoon! Good for your daughter!!!!! And I agree, that it DOES take a better person to do the job for compassion and kindness and not just the paycheque! I do have alot of compassion, kindess, understanding and respect for others and I know that I would take my job VERY seriously. I don't care really about the pay, I care more about the people and the satisfaction on knowing that I am making a POSITIVE difference and bringing joy and putting a smile on people's faces. I have been told that I have a big heart for other people. Reading what you wrote to me, just makes it even more clear to me, that THIS is what I want to do with my life, and I would be very proud doing it! Thank you again Loonietoon!
  20. Thank you very much Maureen, and yes that does help me. I heard that it is a VERY rewarding job. And yes I know that there are even PSW positions in homes for the mentally challanged and the handicap, and even in hospitals. I know there is alot to learn through the course, it is to be expected. I think that the senior homes here in Durham you can start at 15.00 an hour. And I am that type of person, if there is extra training that can be done and it is offered, I go for it. Thanks again Maureen!
  21. LMFO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought I have seen everything, but this takes the cake.LOL
  22. Well Shawn and I have decided that coming this September, that I am going back to school. Our daughter will finally be in school full-time and now this is a perfect time to go back to school myself. I have made a decision to become a Personal Support Worker. I want to make a difference in people's lives and I really care about the elderly. I have always had dead-end minimum wage jobs that had no room for advancement. I wanted to know all there is to about this job, so I am asking anyone here for information of any kind relating to this job or advice that you have to offer me. I am really looking forward to going back to school and making something out of myself and making a positive difference in people's lives.
  23. Thanks to all of you for your well wishes! Shawn took me out to dinner last night and boy was it awesome! I picked Applebee's to eat at, and I could not have asked for a better dinner and we had a great time! I had the baby back rib dinner with a nice cold corona and Shawn had a steak dinner with a nice cold bud. Forget the fancy dinner and wine, that is MY kind of dinner.
  24. Well this is the best time of the year, We are FINALLY getting the boat out of storage tomorrow morning! That is a great sign that the winter is gone and another great fishing season is on it's way! Shawn is getting the boat first thing tomorrow morning at 7, LOL and he is heading to his buddies house to "pimp" the ride a little more! I cannot wait to get my butt into the brand new Lund, I am excited because I haven't been on it yet, and I cannot wait. I along with everyone else here, have cabin fever and I am stcratching at the door along with Shawn to get outside and fish. Angelina, our daughter is getting excited to get on the new boat too. SUMMER IS FINALLY COMING!!!!!
  25. LOL Bookoobeast! Carlton always killed me when he did his famous dance!
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