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About tributaryhunter

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  1. basically if the rivers become low and very clear and you can see them stacked in pools the chances are they wont, because they can see u and the chances are they have seen everything thrown at them, after a good rain when the water starts to clear is a better bet, or even try later at night in clear water when its quitier u mite get a few to strike.
  2. condit,bader,50/50between leben and silva, i think cruz will win but i wont faber to get it back, eathier way its a good card to watch.
  3. the emerald shinners, black shad, shaky shad and smelts are excellent producers, caught pretty much everything on them, great for steelheading most days aswell, u can fish them anywhich way u want, personally it's all about your presentation.
  4. lets hope so, i doubt it though, it should be good this year, being their coming up later, and it hasn't been warm enough yet
  5. very nice pictures joey, it was a great event, nice to meet a bunch of ofners in person, congrats on the laker, good laughs with everyone aswell, look forward to the event next year
  6. chase steelies in open water and fish the niagara, ice fish quinte and deep water on simcoe for whities and lakers
  7. sometimes fluro makes a huge difference, niagara i usually use anywhere from 6 to 10lb fluoro depending on clarity, whirlpool in the spring i use 5 to 8lb, small tribs 3 to 6lb, medium to large rivers 5.6lb to 8lb, in darker water u can get away with 6lb green maxima for a leader.
  8. sweet work bud, nicely done, u forgot about the trolling spoons and, marshmellows and trebs to call it bronte lol, ya we call them flots now, bobbers are piece of crappy plastic with springs and hooks
  9. hey chad i lost my cell phone 2 weeks after talking to you, send me a pm i'll give you my home num bud
  10. dont forget about the grocery stores finest large marshallow bags
  11. remember chase the girls not the guys, i know u get confused sometimes ha ha lol jsk bud talk to u soon
  12. i agree it was a really good opener this year, landed 25 or more steelies this opener including small ones and a couple bonus browns
  13. hello i'm from the brantford area, and pretty much chase steelies year round

  14. brought them on the trout opener last year, and lets just say they were excellent, exspecially when three crazy guys eat them and later the sound of music begins for awhile
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