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Everything posted by RobHall

  1. Didnt see this important info. Try holding you breath for 2 minutes and let me know who you make out. Why can't fish out of water survive? Among other things, it is because the fish gill tissues are thin membranes that allow oxygen-bearing water to move between the layers and enable oxygen to diffuse into the fish's bloodstream. When the fish is removed from water, the surface tension of water draws the layers into contact with each other. This greatly reduces the gill surface area accessible to oxygen bearing water -- under such circumstances, the gill tissue has only two sides. Thus, the fish suffocates because its breathing apparatus has been tremendously compromised by the adherence of the gill layers. This accounts for the practice of catch-and-release fishermen who (in preparation for the release) sometimes hold a fish in the water while moving it back and forth. The purpose of this procedure is to create a turbulent flow of water around the gills, thereby encouraging the gill layers to separate from each other and enable the traumatized fish to regain its ability to breathe. This combined with the lengthy fight killed your Bass IMHO FOTB
  2. How deep did you catch them? The only thing i can think of is rapid de-pressurizing. The most obvious effect of rapidly de-pressurizing bass is an expansion of their swim bladder and their inability to swim vertically and submerge. Fish use their bladder to provide the additional buoyancy necessary to remain neutral (not sinking or floating), by removing from or adding gas to this organ as they move shallower or deeper. If it was caught in shallow water, then your guess is a good as mine. FOTB
  3. Im in, Thanks T.J
  4. WOW!! Nice ski's there. I can only dream of that type of action when i hit L Buckhorn on Sunday. I'd be happy with just one nice ski. FOTB
  5. As i understand it....you do not need boat ins. in ontario. It is not mandatory for any watercraft. If things have changed...someone else can chime in and correct me. The 2 main reasons to have boat insurance are for liability and loss. (Such as damage or theft, similar to collision and comprehensive on a car). But, unlike a car, you will not be asked for proof of insurance if you get pulled over in the water. They will want to see your fishing license, boaters card, safety gear, check you are not over capacity, and that the vessel is in seaworthy shape, along with looking for any signs of alcohol consumption, etc. FOTB
  6. Nice bucket GoneFishin. I hear the North West corner (weedy areas) is the best for Bass. You might be talking about Rose Island, when you mention the red cottage. Cheers, FOTB
  7. Welcome to OFC Craig.O. I'm sure you will not get skunked so be sure to post some fish porn when you get back. Everyone loves Fish porn. Only 7 more sleeps. I will be arriving on July 4th at around 2 or 3PM (check-in time) and driving a red ford ranger 4x4. If ya see me let me know how you made out. I'm staying in the 1 bedroom cabin. Cheers, FOTB
  8. Nice ski's 2r's!! I'm Look'n forward to July 5th. Hopefully you can put my brother and I on a ski or two. No pressure though. FOTB
  9. Thanks again for the tips folks. It's looking like my brother and i will be getting a crash course on Musky and Bass fishing on Lower Buckhorn by a local guide and member of this forum. I'll be sure to take lots of pics and video. Rob
  10. Thanks for the info folks. I will be spending a fare bit of time on Buckhorn and Stoney. Deer bay looks interesting. Looking forward to this trip. It can't come soon enough. FOTB
  11. It's been several months since i last posted, so decided I was way overdue. I've been busy with work and other stuff, so i havent been spending as much time on the forums lately. A couple of weeks ago I wet my line for the first time in 2009. We fished at the locks near Manotick (south of Ottawa) and caught a couple of small perch. It was a great time with old friends. I will be heading up to Lovesick Lake for 1 week this summer with some family and friends. We are arriving July 4th and will be staying at Forest Hill Lodge on Lovesick lake. I will be spending a good amount of time on Stoney and Buckhorn as well. I'm almost all set for Musky gear (just need to get a 60" frabill cradle). I will be taking lots of pics and video. Only 59 more sleeps. I hope to boat a couple of toothy critters before i leave. The map below shows were i'm staying. I've never fished this part of the Trent Severn Waterway before and was wondering if some folks had any information/tips they could share on Lovesick, Stoney and Buckhorn Lakes or Forest Hill Lodge. I have a few spots i have already marked based on information obtained from the Navionics HM 2009 lake contour maps for this region, but i'm always open for any tidbit of information i can get. Thanks in advance for any help. FOTB
  12. A few years ago i caught my first musky, near the West Arm "Musky Island". I decent mid 40's ski. When i got back from my trip, i typed "ontario musky" into google, clicked "search images" and came across this pic of some dude holding what looked to be a 50" + musky... I noticed that the pick came from this site... http://www.fishingontario.net/ Then i clicked on the message board link at the bottom of the page and started searching for and reading all of Lew's musky posts. I lurked for several months, then finally decided to join. The rest is history as they say. Thanks Lew!! Cheers, FOTB
  13. voted 3 times...still in 8th. Keep those votes coming folks. Cheers, FOTB
  14. A $250 gift certificate would be nice for anyone to win, but i've got my eye on the big prize. If i don't win, then i hope another deserving and truly deprived member of this board wins. Cheers, FOTB
  15. I know a few in the top 7 are using facebook and kijiji to get more votes. I hope Joey makes the top 3 as well. I'm sure she could put a $250 gift certificate to good use. Cheers, FOTB
  16. Nice buckets Evan...thanks for sharing. One quick question....is this you in the following video? http://www.wfn.tv/adopt/x6p2269g-1 It sure looks like you and your boat and your wife. The above entry is the one i picked to win the boat this year in the WFN Adopt an Angler contest. I've watched all the video entries and yours was the best so far. Good Luck Evan! Cheers, FOTB
  17. Like i said in my previous post (that was deleted). I'm entered into this contest as well. Winning the boat has nothing to do with how many online votes you get. WFN will choose 10 semi-finalists amongst all the entrants and a panel of 4 WFN judges will choose the winner from those 10 semi-finalists. The only thing online voting is good for, is the 3 secondary prizes ($250 Gift Certificate) to the top 3 online vote getters. Good Luck getting to the top 3 vote getters Joey....i've been tossing a few votes your way as well. You'll be able to buy even more fishing stuff with the gift certificate...if you make top 3. Please don't delete this post, like you did the other. I have not posted anything derogatory, disparaging or defametory. I'm merely stating a fact. Cheers, FOTB
  18. 7 pounds 14 ounces
  19. Constance Lake is considered one of the best self producing lakes in all of Ontario. At only 15 feet in depth it is abundant with Pike, Perch, Bass, Crappie and Catfish. It is about 30-45 minutes from downtown Ottawa. Contance Lake lodge (at the end of Contance Lake Rd) rents motor boats , row boats and canoes. Constance Lake is easy to find as well. Cheers, FOTB
  20. No new boat here, but i'm trying to win one. If i win, i will bring it to lakeair in Sept and let you "put it through it's paces". Cheers, FOTB
  21. Tough Break on the toothy creeter. I've been there before. Right now i'm on my 9,999th cast. I can't wait to get out again. Cheers, FOTB
  22. Has anyone read the rules and regulations for this contest? It sure doesnt look like it. Winning the boat has nothing to do with how many online votes you get. WFN will choose 10 semi-finalists amongst all the entrants and a panel of 4 WFN judges will choose the winner from those 10 semi-finalists. The only thing online voting is good for, is the 3 secondary prizes to the top 3 online vote getters. Cheers, FOTB
  23. Hey WFN Gang, <br> <br> I'm about to submit a video entry into this years WFN Adopt an Angler contest. I have posted it below to get some feedback and/or suggestions before i send it in. <br> <br> <br> <br> <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i128.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid128.photobucket.com/albums/p177/SammyStaxx/MySadDadStoryVideo.flv"> <br> <br> <br> <br> Thanks in advance. <br> <br> Cheers, <br> <br> FOTB <br>
  24. FYI, You can no longer upload videos longer than ten minutes regardless of what type of account you have. Users who had previously been allowed to upload longer content still retain this ability, so you may occasionally see videos that are longer than ten minutes. The ten minute limit was introduced in March 2006 after YouTube realized that the majority of videos over this length were from television shows and films. Cheers, FOTB
  25. I used KONK Insect Repellant last year on a mosquito infested camping trip. DWO was good, but not quite as good as KONK IMO.
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