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Everything posted by blaque

  1. there was a topic on this on a local radio show last week......one story involved a couple who discovered one of their pics on a "hot singles looking for you" banner on another website. I guess the husband was surfing, and their was one of these dating banners or pop ups that came up, and his wifes picture was on the banner. Just swiped it from facebook, threw her on their banner as a hot single looking for single guys in her area lol. The husband noticed it was one of her facebook pics, they figured it all out and were laughing about it. I dont know if it'd be that funny if the husband wasnt so trustworthy or figured out what had happened however.
  2. yupper
  3. This is a question i should have asked a year ago lol, but does anyone have anything cautionary to say about having my two trollling motor batteries under my rear seats without being in a battery box. I bought two new plastic enclosures for the batteries, but they wont fit as they are taller than the batteries and i wont be able to put the seat down. Ive been running them for a long time now without an issue. BUt i saw my boxes sitting in the garage yesterday and i keep asking myself if i should inquire if their is an issue that they arent in the boat.
  4. I thought this was gonna be another GCD style I.D. thread lol
  5. one of the most accurate statements ive ever layed my eyes on
  6. Has no-one ever scene Mr. Show?????? Think it ran from like 95-98 on HBO. Ive got it all on DVD and still go back to it for a laugh. Still some of the funniest TV i think ive ever watched. Its definitely one of those, ....you either think its side splitting hilarious , or you dont get it LOL
  7. hmmm, id never get any fishing done with that thing. To much fun.
  8. NOooOooOoOoOoOOOO!!!! Why Benson...........WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY did you have to eat the uncooked Nuts!?!?!?
  9. Thats all i use........gets me around great and i can go for quite a while with my 24V system. Havent pooped it out yet. Not ideal for windy conditions with a rough chop, but it suits me fine for pulling harnesses.
  10. Very interesting post Cudz...........its good to see something different now and again. Thanks for the effort in scannin and all that to show these
  11. yikes, this sounds either like alot of risky work for a do it yourselfer or alot of money to take it to a thief, i mean mechanic lol.
  12. frogg toggs are pretty popular down here in the states...............theyve even found there way onto the golf course.
  13. Awesome report.........i like the freestyle boat driving at the end, Nice Wheelie And a couple of your rods are missing reels lol
  14. sweet fish......Id'a guessed the fish in your avatar had a little bit of an edge on this one though.?
  15. Sooooooooo, the boat is taking on a bit of water............the bilge needs to be turned on quite a bit after a good half hour fish. My hunch is the rubber boot at the transom/lower unit (otherwise known as the bellows) Has anyone ever had this replaced, done it themselves.........any idea on what this will entail as far as cost with labor included vs. a do it yourself job. I know it will involve removing the lower unit , i am not thrilled with this news
  16. I thought you southern folk were supposed to have better Manners.........never chew with your mouth open Is it Mush-kie
  17. Good on you......i agree, i wouldnt throw mud on someones company name either when it could full well be some punk in the stores popping a pin thru some plastic bags. NOT a difficult thing to achieve, and PLENTY of idiots in this world that would do something like that. The staple in the chinese food.......it happens, i worked in a rest. for years.....theres lots of stuff that goes on in a kitchen that you dont know about. Do you know how many dishes/glasses break a nite. And shards of it go flying who knows where. It could happen that you get foreign particles in your food on any given night...........and it shouldnt be a surprise lol. If you dont get seriously hurt...........a free meal would suffice. And its usually what you recieve wthout question. My dad was at a banquet once and spooned a plateful of macaroni salad on his plate.....when he lifted the spoon, there was a full rubber glove in it LOL. Thats a tough one to figure out.......but he didnt threaten to take down the company, didnt boycott the establishment, he laughed about it and got a free meal and a sincere apology from the owner. Done and over.
  18. Have we talked you out of it yet Skud LOL! Dont forget garages and basements make for great sleeping quarters hehe
  19. This should be interesting...........i love your idea. I cant share anything that adventurous though. No experience in anything this spontaneous haha lol I would advise making it a one month venture...........living in a van with a friend for two months, youll likely be ready to push each other out at high speeds after just a couple weeks lol
  20. Yeah but the kids would probably appreciate time on the water much more than their own room lol My nephew would have a FIT if i ever got rid of the boat. lol
  21. Bunkbeds Skud..........Bunkbeds. You can have your cake and eat it too
  22. Welcome..............nice fish, and nice avatar (deftones)
  23. looks like a good "roughin it" trip. LOVE IT!! Is there even glass in the side window of the cabin lol, it looks like its open. Anyway, thats a trip id like to take one of these days.
  24. blaque


    i gotta try one of these things one of these days. lol
  25. blaque


    So which is better....the scottish whiskey or the crown....i dont relate to this analogy either LOL. I know one thing, im glad im not a whiskey or cigar connosouier. $ $ How many cigars you get in a box for $250 dollars. Ya better get 250 of them to be "downright great" in my books LOL
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