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Everything posted by blaque

  1. Ive worked very hard toward this goal, alot of blood sweat and tears went into it, my mom told me if i put my mind to it,..... i can accomplish anything. And she was right.....ive finally made it to 1,000 posts. Wheres my iron on patch??
  2. Theres a small lake in my area south of Buffalo with MANY cottages and each one has like 2 pontoon boats and 2 jetskis. Its amazing there isnt more accidents. I dont know how people trust throwing their kid on a tube behind the boat on this lake lol. They dump the kid and hes gotta be fearing for his life bobbing there till his boat comes back around to get him. But closer to the point of this thread........if you go to launch a boat there on weekends, they will charge you 25 dollars to launch to deter you from wanting to do so and increasing boat traffic. Unless you are a fishing vessel. They dont mind the guys going to float around and wet a line...........they just dont want anymore pleasure crafts zipping around the lake, its THAT BUSY! Im not sure who determines what is a fishing vessel and what isnt.
  3. I'd take a wack of walleyes jigging and feeling the take..... over draggin them around anyday
  4. I got a pair of breathables that look just like that LOL Aquaseal scabs all over the place
  5. One of the goofier steelhead threads lol
  6. those jacks are such a handsome fish.......no way around it
  7. Extra salt for me,..... to mask the taste of rusty saw blades and M-60 lead. I'd call these tasty little treats: Horsedouvres de' Lockjaw
  8. You do know thats the industry standard token answer for "how long will a replacement take". Its written in the sales rep./ customer service handbook as the default answer to any question involving time lol. Actually let me know how you make out..............i have an IM8 14' with a missing tip that i never got sent in over the summer (procrastination can be my weakness at times, more like just plain busy)
  9. absolutely!!
  10. Only in Lancaster Billy Bob. Doesnt she know it will eventually rain, and after that the water will evaporate.......sun and wind will speed that process up a bit.
  11. Finding any property near water (assuming camp is on a lake) that isnt an arm and a leg these days is rare . Getting it at half price? WOW. Your in that guys debt forever. Your right, a fishing rod or two a year is peanuts. Good way to look at it
  12. and BillyBob.........leafblowers are the worlds greatest invention for cleaning off the concrete after cutting the lawn, and even some leaves off of concrete/decks. But for cleaning up the main autumn leaf drop, off of the lawn. They are just plain useless. Ive also seen the rake beat the blower in that situation by embarrasing proportions.
  13. That is truly awesome.
  14. Could have been a knick/crack/fissure in the rod when you bought it that just snapped at that weak spot. May not be a manufacturing issue. I dunno man, alot of people handle those rods in the store, and also in the process of being shipped if it was bought thru a catalogue.......so even though its a brand new rod to you, its been handled. Probably not very well handled if you bought if from a retail location where lots of customers touch and feel and put down.
  15. People get ticked, i think at some point..........ya just get fed up with it and investing all that time and money into a junk product. At some point ya gotta throw your hands up. I know im a die hard Bills fan........but i find myself finding better things to do with my sundays than watch a team that refuses to try and get better. Theres a difference between being a bandwagoner and being a die hard that is so passionate about it that they get so frustrated and furious , that they make comments like "im not a fan anymore" Sounds like thats the issue up there, is that theres too many that suport ticket sales that just dont care if they are winning, they just want to take the clients to the games. You need MORE people saying, this team stinks and i refuse to pay for a ticket anymore. You need more people throwing their hands up and saying this is enough. Im stepping down from being a leafs fan. I wouldnt calll that bandwagon. Id call it fed up and not going to take it anymore. And i can relate with my football team who ive invested many sundays of my time and many dollars, and countless emotions on over the years and an owner who refuses to recognize that something needs to change
  16. I posted this directly after the game friday night in another thread, only BillM recognized the compliment "So what happened to your guys team? DIdnt look like the leafs everyone always rips on to me? lol They put the heat on my sabres for sure in the third. Miller stole the game from you guys. But hey, ya gotta admit your leafs worked it tonite Go Sabres " Sabres let their guard down to the wrong team.......unfortunately, they let it down even more severely the following night with a 5-0 loss to the Islanders and a Ryan Miller Yankin
  17. So what happened to your guys team? DIdnt look like the leafs everyone always rips on to me? lol They put the heat on my sabres for sure in the third. Miller stole the game from you guys. But hey, ya gotta admit your leafs worked it tonite Go Sabres
  18. i think youll see tim hortons vending machines before you see beer
  19. Got it, i was just curious if you guys up there were Hip to the Scene
  20. Someone mentioned Wax Worms for steelhead and it reminded me that we can get them down in the states in a vending machine lol........Hence the question Y'all got bait machines up there?
  21. Right on
  22. Yup
  23. From south of the border (Buffalo area) Soooooo, Back to the original question. Im feeling less than fiine lately........like that feeling you get when you know your gonna get a cold. But its holding off for now My neice was diagnosed with the swine last week.........she went to school feeling a little congested, the nurse took her to her office and masked her and sent her home immediately. She went to the Doc.....got the swab, and 4 days later the test results were positive for swine. She was never really bed ridden...........symptoms werent really terrible at all. Shes better and cleared to go back to school. Another neice now has it, and said she went to the doctor and they didnt even test her..........they said H1N1.........go home and rest and stay home from school. i find that strange, Id like to know if i have swine flu or regular flu if i go in for a check up. I dont have numbers down here but ive only known these 2 family members that have been diagnosed with it. Heard thru the grapevine that lots are out of school though. I dunno......havent had any issues at work yet
  24. Then theres the days that your trailing your fishing buddies float.......almost bumpin his float in the drift cuz his rods bent all morning long and you cant touch a thing. Ya check his shot pattern......ok, ya check his float depth, ok, ya check his leader diameter, ok........ya check how he finished the head on his fly lol............all matches. But ya just cant buy a fish. Sometimes its all about being in the zone mentally and you can throw all the posts youve read here out the window. Ya might as well go home that day LOL. Ive been on both sides of the fence, had days where i cant go wrong fishing the same drifts as my friend who isnt moving a single fish.
  25. I just showed the pics to a guy in the office and started with the white tiger with the brown one nudging up against it and he said "thats a picture you idiot" lol. He stared at it and still wont believe that its not
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