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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/19/2024 in all areas

  1. Once upon a time there were triploids in Lake Huron. Back in the early 80's Bob Izumi and I were fishing the mouth of Colpoy Creek for early season rainbow and he told me that the ministry had taken Chinook eggs and raised the temperature to a certain degree for a certain length of time resulting in the fish having no desire to spawn, just eat and grow. They were expected to reach 90lbs. Unfortunately I never did hear of anyone catching one which really doesn't surprise me on such a large body of water, If someone had it would have been pure luck. Something else I found and still find very interesting also in the early 80s, I don't remember what division they were in but two guys with the ministry were flying in a Cessna over Lake Huron not far from shore about mid summer or a little later and reported a school of Chinook four miles long and two miles wide, they couldn't tell how deep the school was, it was heading north. My personal best is 40lbs caught off the mouth of Oxenden Creek on a trip back to visit my mom and dad. I can't find the pictures right now but Lew has seen them. Not bad I figure as the largest recorded Chinook from the Great Lakes (Michigan) is a little over 47lbs. My first cast I hooked a big chinook on a half wave, I set the hook and it came out of the water right away, of course I had my back into it and it threw the lure, with my help obviously it came flying back and broke six inches off the tip of my brand new Cabelas rod I had ordered special from the states for that trip. I lost 16 Chinook in 16 casts that evening. The following morning I finally started landing them. I caught several every day smallest being 16lbs, lots of 30 pounders and of course the 40 pounder my last morning there as I had to catch my flight back out west. I caught the 40 pounder on a spawn bag. There was a large school of Chinook cruising back and forth at the mouth of the creek as the water was too low for them to go up and spawn. Upon seeing this big guy in the school for the third time I tossed the spawn bag a little ahead of him and he just opened up and inhaled it. 10 minutes shy of an hour and 200 yards down the shore in waste deep water with no waders I was finally able to tail him, I thought my arms were going to fall off. I caught him on cheap 6lb test Northern Fine it was called. (all I could afford with the new rod and reel and air fare) You could actually see the nicks in the line as he, after I hooked him buried himself in the school with the line scraping the other salmon. I still can't believe the line held. He had five other hooks in it's mouth from other anglers he had broken free of and much bigger in diameter than 6lb test. More like butcher cord. For some time after that I would not spool my reels with any thing but LOL. Anyway I guess that's enough about that.
    1 point
  2. Ditto! However I think all Chinook stocking should be triploids, bring it on..... lol
    1 point
  3. Not a record. Show me a natural that big. It would be cool to catch though, just not a record.
    1 point
  4. I'm with Bill on this. You know, some biggest grizzly bear ever recorded was a zoo bear. No choice but to be lazy, fed to be a fat spectacle. But if someone shot that bear Boone & Crocket wouldn't be jumping up and down to change the record books. That to me is what these farmed triploids kind of are. Fat, fast growing fish cattle fed fat to be slaughtered. Even the Blue Mesa lake trout of last year, that thing is a bottom dweller maybe not even triploid but it just looks up at stocked salmon and trout schools and is given the luxury of feeding on highest fat content forage which in nature doesn't really occur too often or in the same kind of way. So, bigger than average lake is sprinkled with high amounts of excess bait food just prime for predatory fish growth. No, no, no! The world shouldn't reward the cheaters in the wild if it doesn't support human cheaters seeking records as well.
    1 point
  5. Even though I am still having an awful time losing my boy Trooper I got a puppy. Trooper and I did everything together. The only time we were separated is when I went to tend to my trail cams as a dogs scent can trigger a grizzly attack. I got this little guy a week ago. He is now 14 weeks old and incredibly intelligent. King Shepherd and Belgian Malinois cross - the best of both worlds. I found him on Kijiji and responded right away and the lady never back to me. A few days later she emailed me and asked me for my address which I sent her, a couple days later she asked me for it again, so I sent it again. A few days after that I was making supper and the door bell rang, I almost didn't answer it but I did and here is a lady and here husband holding puppy's in their arms. The lady had to let hers down as he was squirming around so much as soon as he seen me. He came straight to me and jumped up on me. It brought new meaning to the phrase, love at first sight. We love each other to death. He won't leave my side. If I do manage to sneak away from him my wife says he cries his head off and frantically looks for me. As of Sunday night both of his ears stood straight up. As usual my computer is acting up and I can't post the pictures I want, he has beautiful markings, I'll try again tomorrow. I call him Matty, it suits him and he likes it. There is no better friend than a dog.
    1 point
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