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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi All, So way back in December last year Brian sent me some of his buggy type jigs to try out, after many excuses and missed opportunities I put them to the test today....WOW....the crappie loved them!!! The fish were being picky as hell and I had tried everything with no resultslts except window shoppers, then I remembered (at last) that I had Brian's creations in my jig box, I tied one on and window shoppers became repeat customers....the fish just smoked them! Thanks again Brian, very kind of you to gift me some of your jigs, I won't be hesitating or forgetting them again.
    1 point
  2. @CrowManYes, I recall that post, and the big smallies. I had NO idea that there were spring bass opportunities so this winter I started looking..
    1 point
  3. Part of the problem with the Hindenburg was what they used as a coating for the outside of the ship.
    1 point
  4. Something has been bugging the dickens out of me to go back up to the rocky mountain foot hills where my trail cam went missing, so I did first thing this morning. In my almost 70 years on this planet, one thing I have learnt is to go with my instincts. I knew there was a poacher prowling around in my stomping grounds from the tracks I'd previously found. Well this morning I found fresh tracks leading into the bush so I followed them and I caught him in the act, sneaking through the bush with a rifle. He didn't see me but I saw him. To try and make a long story short I beat it the Hell out of there as there is no phone service, once I had service I phoned the report a poacher no. about 40 minutes later a game warden showed up and I led him into the bush where the guy was and with the help of the game warden and my walkie talkies we caught him red handed gutting a white tail doe. We caught his buddy as well of course that was driving around so as not to create suspicion with a vehicle sitting on the side of the road. I told the warden about my camera gone missing and he asked me what brand it was and I told him, he reached into the back seat of the truck and brought out a trail cam and asked me, does this look familiar? Sure does I replied. So I got it back minus the SD card. The warden ran their ID. turned out the two guys had multiple warrants for poaching and fire arms offences, so the warden called the RCMP and they were cuffed and taken to the crow bar hotel where they belong. So all in all this was a very rewarding day, got my camera back and put two bad guys in jail. Thanks to those who took the time to read this, I know it's a long one, as usual Hahah.
    1 point
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