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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/2023 in all areas

  1. I have really gone away from quality of fish the past couple of years. I am more interested in having fun with my ties and seeing how they work. Always fun and gratifying when it comes together. I was up way to early to head out,so finished up a egg pattern order,then headed down to the lake for a wander and fly fish. Lots of small fish were hitting the surface all along the shore line. Put on my new foam bug and gave it a go. MAN,they eat that up like nothing. I even had to move on from a gill spot,as they were just gulping them down. I have no idea how they get that fly down so deep for such a small fish.
    5 points
  2. Had a chance to fish Nipissing with my son and my brother last weekend. This would have been the traditional opener 8-9 years ago so other than a few wary fish we figured we’d find lots of fish. Just about all were caught on topwater lures including my brother’s pike. Had a number of double headers and one legit triple all with different styles of topwater lures.
    4 points
  3. I know this is off topic but upon the request of some of my fellow anglers here are a few pics from the past month. The ones of the pair of Sand Hill Cranes and the Whistling Swan are not not very clear as I was using my hand held camera forgot my tripod
    2 points
  4. 1 point
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