Just back from a fishing trip to Haida Gwaii. Fishing was OK but not stellar by any means, and DFO slashed the possession limit on spring (Chinook) salmon from 2 per day/4 in possession, to 1 per day/2 in possession, just before our trip. We caught no lingcod, and only small halibuts, and the springs were not so big either. But the pinks were around in big numbers, so we brought home some pinks as part of our catch.
And so, I was making a batch of candied salmon, and a batch of smoked salmon with the pinks. Imagine my dismay when I found that my faithful Big Chief smoker has barely enough heat to make the smoke, and not enough to COOK the fish, even after six hours with thin fillets. 😲
So I finished the candied salmon in the oven, and canned the rest of it. I did not take final photos of the candied stuff, just one of the prepped fillets and one of the fillets before they went into the smoker. It's OK, but it's not nearly as good as coho, spring, or sockeye...........