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Any fish (aquarium) keeper? :)


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I frequent a few aquarium related forums, and 1 question that was posted was does pp also like to go fishing and do you see a "conflict" between keeping aquariums and fishing.


So now on the other side, does any of you fishermen/women keep and enjoy having aquariums? saltwater, freshwater or perhaps a native species tank?


I have aquariums for a few years now, started off becoz I saw an empty & free 20gallon tank in my gf's garage... so I was like cool free tank, I'm gona try keeping some fish. The next thing u know, u started dropping hundreds, and then thousands of $$ into the hobby lol. I guess it's the same with fishing... first started with a $10 el-cheapo wheel/rod combo & a doz of $2 live worm & fish at the closest water... then the next thing u know, u getting a better rod... or 2... lures... more lures... yet more lures... driving further & further for more fishing... then probably will want a small boat.. .then bigger boat , bigger motor ... lol



Anyway here'r some pics of my fish and tanks:


Saltwater reef tank




Planted freshwater tank




The one fish I had success breeding, there's male (bigger) and female (smaller) and the tiny babies all in the pic. The white dots are live food.




The female with a whole bunch of babies after a meal




A pair of different but related fish species as above, caught during spawning :whistling:




Yet antoher different but related species, in his aggressive mood


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I used to have a 65 tall with some soft corals, angels, hawks, tangs and clowns when I first started and some predator fish ( 2 triggers and a bumblebee grouper). I'm going to buy a 14g nanocube in the next week or two. Cheers Jeff

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I don't see a conflict at all. Infact I see a lot of similarity especially if you parctice C&R with species that need protection like the coaster brook trout. I have continuously run a display fish tank since the eary 60's. I also love to fish and keep a few walleye when the oportunity happens. I think it is a matter of respecting the resource.


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awesome apistogrammas!!!

i used to be into them, but that phase ended a while ago.


right now i have a 90 gallon Malawi male show tank and a 120 gallon long tank with a chili red arowana, black arowana, flagtail, various polypterus species and a synodontis ocellifer.

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Have had a few tanks over the years. Just have a twenty freshwater right now with pelvochromis pulchers. Had a couple different 100 and 110 gallon salt tanks before. Mixed corals and fish. Kept discus for about five years before that. Too busy with camping,fishing etc. right now to have to worry about about a big tank,especially salt. I was always very tentative about leaving the salt tank for any more than a couple days. I'll probably do one again someday though. I still miss it.

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I think being a fisherperson and an aquarium enthusiast go hand in hand. I frequent both message boards as well and find that fisning and keeping fish are kind of the same. The Rams in that picture are gorgeous. I have a 20 gal set up for my 4 year old son with cory cats in it a few danios and a pleco. It is a simple set up, but plan when the basement is fully removated to put in a 65 gal with smaller Cichlids (Neolamprologus) spp. and sheel dwellers if they can coexist.


I even at one point when I was a teenager had a few brown bullheads and a small group of largemouth in a tank at home (35 gal). They grew fast so I releeased them back and I lost the interest until a few years ago.


Good to hear that there are aquaruim hobbyists on this board too!! Count me in!!

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Nice tanks, beauty rams as well, I have in the past had up to 9 aquariums running at one point. Sadly only one 100 gal tank left going, my Oscar for about 11 years just died (actually killed by my step-father, near 70 yrs :( ) , in the midst of re-doing the tank with live plants (Amano style) and thinking of going with African Cichlids. Mind you those rams have me thinking too.


Like many others, I see no problem with being an angler and an aquarium hobbyist, definitely more linked than not.



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Great pic's. I don't see any conflict at all. I have fished for years and had aquariums on and off for the same period of time. I used to breed African Cyclids but now I have a 60 gal tank of mostly tetra's. It is really peaceful to kick back and relax and watch them.

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