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brookie report


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well after my sucsess last time at this creek i decided to hit it agian after the rain we got. i got down to the creek and i didnt see any fish taking bugs off the surface, but i tryed anways, last time i was there the brookies were taking crickets and damsel flies off the surface, but today when i got there thre was a small mayfly hatch going on perfect! the mayflys seemed to be the Mahogany Duns, so i first not seeing anyfish surfaceing i tossed out a weightless worm and didnt get any hit for 3 diffrent drifts. so this time i decided to bring along the fly rod, good thing i did! i havent flyfished in about 1 1/2 years, and i havent tied anyflys for quite a while. but i put on a extended body mayfly dun and cast it out to the slack water, first cast was crap i got to get used to it agian, right away a brookie takes it but misses, and another misses agian on the next cast and then another. so a am starting to get the hang of casting agian and am fairly accurate, so i cast to the current break and right when it hits the water a nice brokkie takes it, i wait a second the set the hook, and fish on! then the brookie jumps about 2 feet out of the water and pulls me into a log jam but i worked him out of it and got my first one on shore, a nice 14 incher! after releasing all of my brookies for the last 5 trips out i decided i could use a nice feed of brookies. soory for the bad quality of picture. i had to take a picture with my phone and then my phone wouldnot send the picture. so i took a picture of the fish off of my phone screen lol.



next cast i get another hit, fly goes down i set the hook and a nice 12"er comes out of the water and gave me a really nice fight. boy do these fish fight for there size, the sure know how to use the current to help them out.



ten i got a nice 10''er she gave me nice fight as well and she goes in the with the keepers aswell so ive got 3 fish in the pile. that shold be enough for a nice feed.


i catch a few other in the 12 inch range and let them go. as i was walking the stream i met up with another angler who told me of a spot where the brookies hold real good in a bend in the river, so as i got there i didnt see any fish but soon enough as the fish calmed down they started coming out. i saw 4 fish theat were over 14" eazy one looked closer to 16 inches. and a whole olt in the 10-12 inch range but when i hooked one of the 14"ers all the fish took off, and i also ended up loseing that fish as well :wallbash: . so today i didnt catch as many as i did 2 days ago but the size was a lot better, avrage size was 12''!!!. i went 6/12, not the greatest odds but all fish hit on a size 10 extended body mayfly, and a size 10 parachute style mayfly. not one fish was caught on worms today :thumbsup_anim: .


here is the infamous kill shot lol


the 10'' is on top

the 14'' is in the middle

and the 12" is on the bottom


i think ive found my own little honey hole :thumbsup_anim: o and it looks like today was my last day of free fishing, as i turn 18 tomarrow lol o well time to buy a licence :lol:

Edited by pikeie
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