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Another Re-introduction


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Hi Everybody


I used to post on the old board under the name Smitter, haven't posted in a while.


I've been pretty busy this summer, new job, new house, new city, but things have settled down now so I have time to post again.


Most of the reason I haven't been posting is my computer was stolen a few months ago. I lost almost the whole summers worth of pictures, pretty upsetting. :angry: Based primarily on my outrage over that incident I decided to stop renting from jerks and buy my own house. We bought a nice little home in Sault Ste Marie and we love it.


The new board looks great and it's nice to be back.


About Me


I'll fish for anything that's biting, up here I fish for pike, walleye, salmon in the fall, rainbows, lake trout, brook trout, whitefish and perch. I also fly fish for the above species. Right now I do all my fishing either in waders or from a canoe or kayak, and based on the fact that I'm house poor now, probably will be for a while. :D


I also like to do backpacking and canoe trips, camping, hiking and general outdoorsy things.


1 wife, 0 kids, 1/4 of a dog. :D


Now here's some pics :)



















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