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I have just booked at Charlton lake lodge for this wkend

Does anyone have any advice on fishing this lake? Seems that it's mostly pike and bass

Just wondering the best places to start looking

We have a pontoon boat while we r there for the kiddies, not sure who more excited. Me or them

Thx Steve


Good Morning Steve


I have fished the area around Charlton lake Lodge a few times, but I'm no expert in the area. I found it productive for bass, pike and panfish.


If you go south from the lodge through the narrows and then head east the the narrows entering Frood lake, I have done very well in this area for Smallmouth Bass. Drifted tube jigs and drifted worm harnesses worked very well. Evening bite was the best for me.


If you head north from the Lodge through the narrows to the mouth of the West River, that bay is loaded with lilies and other cover. This area held largemouth and panfish in the shallows. Pike were also quite plentiful in this area. Morning topwater was a lot of fun.


Hope you have a place to start and that you and the kids have a blast.





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